I'm 6'1" 175 18% body fat I'm on a deca 300 test 250 blend how long should it be before I start seeing results and is this a good blend for me? I work out every day and have for 10 years.
I'm 6'1" 175 18% body fat I'm on a deca 300 test 250 blend how long should it be before I start seeing results and is this a good blend for me? I work out every day and have for 10 years.
Welcome to the forum.
How old are you and how is your diet? Is this your first cycle? More questions than answers at this point....
Terrible first cycle, you have an ai? Hcg? Pct?
I don't what do you suggest
You need to forget this cycle and fix your diet. Your stats after 10 years of training indicate a poor grasp in this respect.
Start a new thread in the diet section with your diet outlined and your goals.
Start investigating a good PCT protocol because unfortunately deca shuts you down from the 1st pin. It is a harsh compound to recover from.
What do I do differently
Read the Successful First Cycle thread at the top of this forum. What we are all referring to is that you don't seem to grasp the consequences of running AAS without sufficient knowledge.
Are you running HCG?
An AI?
Have pct in hand?
Pre cycle blood work?
Besides all that you will never make gains eating 2-3 times per day. Make it 6 times per day. Eating is step one, way before steroids. If you can't eat, you won't gain. It's that simple.
Don't just start eating right and then jump on. You'll be amazed at what eating correctly (and enough) can and will do for you. Do it for a year and you'll gain 15 lbs easy. What you need to remember is this. Right now you're 175 lbs and eating like a 175 lb-er. If you want to be 200 lbs then you have to eat like a 200 lb-er and continue to do so or you'll simply go back to your default weight. The weight / muscle does not just magically stay. You have to maintain it. Eating is hard but once you master what works for you the sky's the limit.
BIB above mentioned visiting the Nutrition Forum and speaking about your diet. It would be smart to do. Pretty much free Nutritionists there willing to help.
When the time does come just read the thread I mentioned above. It nails everything down for you perfectly.
Last edited by kelkel; 04-03-2018 at 09:03 PM.
If you are looking to add weight, yes that's a good compound.
I need a ai and hcg my source sucks I think the product I'm getting is crap I also think It would b smart to b running more test with the deca 300 test 250
I gained 33 pounds of muscle the first time I ran test, dosage was only 300mg a week. so 250mg of test with 300mg of deca in there too is more then sufficient for a first cycle.
how do you know you need an AI , having you gotten blood work and have super high estrogen ? you may not need one at all. having said that having an AI at least on hand is a good idea.
Keep in mind, your "steroids" require food to work. lots and lots of food. if your not training super intense and pounding down lots of food, the gear isn't going to be doing much for you and you'll likely assume its fake
I'm having high amounts of estrogen and im eating like crazy and work out a lot . thats y I think my product is junk ive been running it for 5 weeks and barely notice any gain . mu source isnt the best or the most dependable
Not so much as my stuff is junk its more like the guy only gets me what he wants to get me i asked for hcgs ais and recieved none. I actually requested a complete different stack than what I got so im just working with the only thing to work with.
I'm getting gyno
Both? And I got to find somewhere to get that. Is there anything I can order or get otc that will help until I find a source?
what are some good peptides to run with this
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