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Thread: Low libido on test e?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    Low libido on test e?

    Been using 500mg / week for 3 weeks now (0.25 arimidex eod) and have actually felt really horny up to today. Today i don't feel horny, even looking at porn doesn't get me off?? What is going on, is it maybe just today? Im really freaking out over this cause im used to jack of 5-6 times a day and today I feel like something is wrong.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Likely most folks here will ask for current blood work. That would be very helpful when looking for problems. You may have low... or high... estrogen. Your gear may, or may not, be giving you what you want. Others may be able to guess better than I, but bloodwork will tell you, rather than make you guess

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    AZ Side
    BW is #1

    Then - well, I been there & done that. Ran one gram of test a week & felt nothing. No sex drive increase, no nothing - it happens

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    What should i ask my doctor for then, if i ask him to take blood samples and he says, 'for what'?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Maybe you are still frightened from the blood that came out of the injection spot.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by gangen View Post
    Been using 500mg / week for 3 weeks now (0.25 arimidex eod) and have actually felt really horny up to today. Today i don't feel horny, even looking at porn doesn't get me off?? What is going on, is it maybe just today? Im really freaking out over this cause im used to jack of 5-6 times a day and today I feel like something is wrong.
    If its just today I wouldn't worry much, everyone has an 'OFF' day here and there.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2017
    Give it a bit. No idea why but i always get a week or so when i feel like crap, no motivation, no sex drive, around wk 4 or 5. Just the way it is for me. Then it passes, i go back to normal. Bodies and minda are weird things

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by gangen View Post
    Been using 500mg / week for 3 weeks now (0.25 arimidex eod) and have actually felt really horny up to today. Today i don't feel horny, even looking at porn doesn't get me off?? What is going on, is it maybe just today? Im really freaking out over this cause im used to jack of 5-6 times a day and today I feel like something is wrong.
    Your body's going through a change in internal chemistry. Things are changing in there. If you don't have libido for a day, it's no big deal. You have to look at the long term results. Don't panic, you're fine.

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