If you are deferred from donation, your Dr. won't write you a script for a therapeutic draw,and you aren't capable of self-phelobotomy, your options are limited.
If you decide to cycle, monitor your hematocrit. Stating.hydrated will only help a little, it isn't a substitute for getting rid of excess RBC, nor is aspirin therapy, although aspirin therapy is a good practice.
Probably your best option would be to make friends with a phlebotomist and dispose of the blood in a safe manner. Personally, I throw my blood on a brush pile, light it, and pretend it's a Viking funeral.
FWIW, a whole blood donation (1 pint) gets me ~ a 1-1.5% reduction, a double red gets me closer to a 3% reduction.
I have always had naturally rich blood (pre -TRT and off cycle for years I was around 52%). My Dr. doesn't get overly excited until she starts seeing values in the 54%+ range, and then strongly encourages me to go donate blood. I do donate at every opportunity, but also I pull a total iron panel several times/year to include TIBC, serum iron, and ferritin.
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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