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Thread: Telling your doctor about steroid use?

  1. #1

    Telling your doctor about steroid use?

    Just finished my first test cycle and didn't get any bloods done since i cant request my own in my state so i was thinking of telling my doctor, or at least telling him that i was thinking of using them and see his opinion.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    This is an individual specific thing.
    I don't work for anyone as I am self employed and I ain't trying to climb a corporate ladder. I am the ladder therefore I really don't give a fuck who knows what. Its obvious anyway and everyone around me knows it anyway.

    That being said wait till you are standing in court with a dumbass accusing you of it. What do you do? Do you see yourself taking any jobs that require you be a "shit don't stink" pantywaist? Do you see yourself taking any government or deep security level jobs that it might effect?

    Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you are gonna get if other people run the show for you.

    Imo 99% of people could tell everyone in their life and the authorities too and it wouldn't change a thing. Its just like weed except less common therfore more people stereotype it.

  3. #3
    Are you trolling?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by KCMann View Post
    Just finished my first test cycle and didn't get any bloods done since i cant request my own in my state so i was thinking of telling my doctor, or at least telling him that i was thinking of using them and see his opinion.
    It would be best not to tell, it can have consequences you don't know of right now. If your healthcare is through insurance it would be a very bad idea.

  5. #5
    my biggest fear is having it put on my record and effecting my career since im in the military but i also want to be able to do this safely and get blood work done without driving 5+ hours to go out of state.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Just go to the doc and request a hormone panel. Say you feel tired lately and just want to check things out. Make sure you finish pct and wait long enough so your bloods dont look crazy. NEVER tell anyone about your gear usage. Not even a doctor. FUCK that

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    I agree with Octane.

    Weird how it seems to have changed so much. My last duty station (91-92) about 20-30 guys were using at any given time in my company. Back then, no one seemed to care.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by KCMann View Post
    my biggest fear is having it put on my record and effecting my career since im in the military but i also want to be able to do this safely and get blood work done without driving 5+ hours to go out of state.
    Shiiit no then.
    You are government property. Tell no one especially not a doctor.

  9. #9
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    This may be the other side of the coin but what about physician - patient privilege? Doc cant use your statements against you in a civil /criminal proceeding, so wouldnt a private doc (ie - non corporate) at least be able to give you medical advice without having to write an Rx? Seems both you and the doc would be covered.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scrumhalf View Post
    This may be the other side of the coin but what about physician - patient privilege? Doc cant use your statements against you in a civil /criminal proceeding, so wouldnt a private doc (ie - non corporate) at least be able to give you medical advice without having to write an Rx? Seems both you and the doc would be covered.
    A breach of confidentiality occurs when a patient's private information is disclosed to a third party without his or her consent. There are limited exceptions to this, including disclosures to state health officials and court orders requiring medical records to be produced. -from

    Certain jobs require you give consent to health records.

    Attachment 172299
    Last edited by Obs; 04-09-2018 at 09:31 PM.

  11. #11
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    Apr 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    A breach of confidentiality occurs when a patient's private information is disclosed to a third party without his or her consent. There are limited exceptions to this, including disclosures to state health officials and court orders requiring medical records to be produced. -from

    Certain jobs require you give consent to health records.

    Attachment 172299
    Thanks for looking up that info, Obs. CDL holders would certainly need to disclose otherwise protected healthcare information as a matter of public policy, due to the nature of their work. I was wondering for all the non-corporate / private docs, couldn't advice and analysis be given? I bet many would feel much more comfortable on a cycle knowing it wasnt sanctioned by a doctor but rather monitored.

  12. #12
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    Mention tiredness, lethargy, see if your doc is willing to do a hormone panel. Some absolutely will not, but might refer you to an endo.

    A lot of docs don't know much at all about AAS because med schools don't teach about AAS except that they're bad and the state medical board frowns on anyone who proscribes 'em.

  13. #13
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    Dec 2008
    I'm 42 yr old and had been blasting and cruising for 2 years. At 40 yr old before regular steroid use when I had my last physical everything was perfect I except a hormone panel was not done so I don't know what those levels were. I asked why and the doctor said I didn't need it and that I couldn't be more healthy. Fast forward 29 months of blasting and cruising to my next physical. That's another story why all of sudden I started anabolics after 40 but anyway. So I wasn't feeling good at all and had just finished 8 weeks of winny at 70mg ed. I had blood work done 5 weeks after winny. I can see my report as I can log in and print it out. So I did and had my blood work report prior to my office visit minus a hormone panel as this doc hadn't called for it either. Bloods were a mess!!! You name it and it was way high especially my liver values like very scary high, everything was jacked. Blood pressure in the 150's, I had BPH, cholesterol sky high, list goes on. What am I going to say to the doctor " Idk " doc!! No, I told him the truth as he is my doctor and I as in a bad way health wise. I'll shorten this up. I discontinued everything except 150mg Test every 7 days and got blood work done again and this time with a hormone panel. I changed my diet I might mention, gluten free, dairy free and meat free except I do still eat fish. It's like magic!! Another 8 weeks after original blood work my body had almost healed its self. My total Testosterone is 1178ng/dl which is that of a healthy 19yr old specimen and the doc said at my age it should be between 400-500 ng/dl but as we all know that is a little low for what most of us are trying to do out here. So I felt like I had to tell my doc and I'm confident as he told me it stays in his office and is between me and him. I'm not an overly paranoid person so I don't dwell on things much or dissect them further than necessary.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by KCMann View Post
    Just finished my first test cycle and didn't get any bloods done since i cant request my own in my state so i was thinking of telling my doctor, or at least telling him that i was thinking of using them and see his opinion.
    If your Doc knows about the AAS use, he has to record it to avoid liability. Once recorded, your insurance has access to your medical records. In the US, since the government controls health care, the government will know of your AAS use. Do you really want the government and your health care insurance to know of your AAS use? If yes, go tell your doc.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    upper midwest
    Would you tell your doctor you were using cocaine or some other illegal drug? Its no different with steroids.

  16. #16
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    aka m.hornbuckle
    Quote Originally Posted by diesel101 View Post
    Would you tell your doctor you were using cocaine or some other illegal drug? Its no different with steroids.
    actually yes you would. and you get rewarded with prescribed addiction treatment meds like suboxone, methadone, or in rare cases titration prescription of strong opiates like oxycodone.

    buy you loose healthcare for roids.

    fuck this whole system

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    If your Doc knows about the AAS use, he has to record it to avoid liability. Once recorded, your insurance has access to your medical records. In the US, since the government controls health care, the government will know of your AAS use. Do you really want the government and your health care insurance to know of your AAS use? If yes, go tell your doc.
    That is not entirely true...
    Does AAS cause immediate harm to someone or oneself? (ie homicidal/suicidal ideation?)
    Insurance does have access to your records for the reference to pay for visits and treatments. They cannot deny treatment that is deemed appropiate by your physician (even if initially denied, then your doc can call and fight to get it approved... called a prior authorization... aka pain in the ass), your physician will have to call the insurance companies 'physician' and discuss treatment options, but in no way can they deny treatment or withdraw your insurance/treatment due to your AAS usage.

    Also the Gov doesnt control health care ( unless ur pure medicare/medicaid) and usually that is outsourced/supplemented with a 3rd party insurance supplier so not directly with the gov.

    You dont lose healthcare with steroids. Period. (in the USA, dont know for other countries). It is viewed the same as other rec drugs, sorry. However, in good news, most of AAS users are typically healthier than the rec drug users and abusers and are willing to accept and follow thru with treatment plans that doctors lay out for them.

    The hard part is though, is to find a doctor who actually understands AAS usage, and sees past the stigma of "juicers'.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    I would avoid telling people. Say you want a blood test Liver Panel because you have had friends have liver problems due to drinking, who wouldn't sign off on that. Make up a story. Once I went to a psychiatrist and made up a bullshit story to get an adderall prescription lol, they believe you.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lemonada8 View Post

    The hard part is though, is to find a doctor who actually understands AAS usage, and sees past the stigma of "juicers'.
    Agreed. My overall concern is IF you need to disclose use to a doctor and IF it wont effect your job / insurance / etc., will the doctor be able to give sound advice?

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