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Thread: First cycle - test prop. AI advice needed.!

  1. #1
    tomfoolery is offline New Member
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    First cycle - test prop. AI advice needed.!


    Im 32, 6'2 and 220 pounds. Ive been lifting weights on and off for 12 years and have always done more cardio. Love running & cycling. Never touched anything besides protein powder.

    Planning on doing an 8 week cycle of test prop, 110mg eod. No alcohol, clean diet, plenty of weights and cardio.

    There is so much information our there around AI's its making my head spin.!! I have Letrozole tablets available.

    My question is should i use Letrozole from the first day and at what dose, eod or ed.? Or should I look for another AI that is more 'user friendly'.?


  2. #2
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    You'll be taking about 400mg/wk of Test. That is about 4 or 5 times the amount a normal healthy male will produce in a week. There is good likelihood that you will experience sides due to the Test amortizing into estrogen. One of these sides is gyno (moobs). Gyno is pre-cancerous so it's nothing to mess with. There seems to be two thoughts regarding AI. Wait until you get symptoms and then treat the symptoms and preventive measures by taking AI to prevent the occurrence of gyno. I am on the side that prevention is better than treatment. If you want to run an AI throughout your cycle. Take .25mg/oed or every 3rd day to prevent gyno.

  3. #3
    tomfoolery is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the quick response - also an option I had on the table.

    How long into the cycle would you recommend getting bloods taken?

  4. #4
    kelkel's Avatar
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  5. #5
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    You'll be taking about 400mg/wk of Test. That is about 4 or 5 times the amount a normal healthy male will produce in a week. There is good likelihood that you will experience sides due to the Test amortizing into estrogen. One of these sides is gyno (moobs). Gyno is pre-cancerous so it's nothing to mess with. There seems to be two thoughts regarding AI. Wait until you get symptoms and then treat the symptoms and preventive measures by taking AI to prevent the occurrence of gyno. I am on the side that prevention is better than treatment. If you want to run an AI throughout your cycle. Take .25mg/oed or every 3rd day to prevent gyno.
    Scotch.. I like that me and you can have totally different approaches to things and not feel the need to argue
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  6. #6
    tomfoolery is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    You'll be taking about 400mg/wk of Test. That is about 4 or 5 times the amount a normal healthy male will produce in a week. There is good likelihood that you will experience sides due to the Test amortizing into estrogen. One of these sides is gyno (moobs). Gyno is pre-cancerous so it's nothing to mess with. There seems to be two thoughts regarding AI. Wait until you get symptoms and then treat the symptoms and preventive measures by taking AI to prevent the occurrence of gyno. I am on the side that prevention is better than treatment. If you want to run an AI throughout your cycle. Take .25mg/oed or every 3rd day to prevent gyno.
    I would prefer to err on the side of caution.!

    So .25mg of Letrozole eod.? Other threads ive read put doseage around .5mg eod, is it still effective at .25mg?

    Going to be tough work splitting there 2.5mg pills.!!

  7. #7
    cousinmuscles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    You'll be taking about 400mg/wk of Test. That is about 4 or 5 times the amount a normal healthy male will produce in a week. There is good likelihood that you will experience sides due to the Test amortizing into estrogen. One of these sides is gyno (moobs). Gyno is pre-cancerous so it's nothing to mess with. There seems to be two thoughts regarding AI. Wait until you get symptoms and then treat the symptoms and preventive measures by taking AI to prevent the occurrence of gyno. I am on the side that prevention is better than treatment. If you want to run an AI throughout your cycle. Take .25mg/oed or every 3rd day to prevent gyno.
    Agreed, on top of that estrogen rises to above normal levels when you're already above normal test levels, most likely with just 200mg test that will be enough for most people.

    Gyno is not the only concern. Higher estrogen is bad for your cardiovascular health, leads to BPH (enlarged prostate), and will compete with testosterone for binding to the androgen receptor, thus hindering gains.
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  8. #8
    guitarzan's Avatar
    guitarzan is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Why prop? I wouldn't recommend that to a virgin mucle, you probably gonna get some bad pip from that. I would go with test e or c. I never take a AI, even on heavy cycles, but I've never had issues.
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  9. #9
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by guitarzan View Post
    Why prop? I wouldn't recommend that to a virgin mucle, you probably gonna get some bad pip from that. I would go with test e or c. I never take a AI, even on heavy cycles, but I've never had issues.
    well thats why your big as fk brother.. AI's were originally used for contest prep only, not for bulking or off season. but now you have 150 pound newbs wanting to run an AI on their first cycle !! they'll never get big that way
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  10. #10
    guitarzan's Avatar
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    I've been prescribed trt by a couple different doctors, neither one recommended I take a AI. Of course, I have taken more than they prescribed...
    I never take more than 200-300 mgs now days, I just add tren or deca when I wanna grow
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  11. #11
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    You cannot argue that high doses doesn't work, there's some freaks out there! Not saying they're safe, but they definitely work. I don't get bogged down with science, I figure out what works for me, good enough. Because of stomach issues I don't handle orals well, but I can run 600-800 mgs of tren a week and not have bp issues
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  12. #12
    Octaneforce's Avatar
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    The op’s head must really be spinning now! Lol

    Ive never used letro but ive heard its very hard to manage. Dont toss the letro, but i would say get your hands on some aromasin or arimidex . You dont want to crash your estrogen with letro either.

    Read the my first cycle sticky. Also read up on HCG use on cycle. Theres more than one way to skin a cat. Sure we have some cookie cutter articles you could follow by the book, but juicing is a complex and long road. You’ll never master it in one cycle no matter what you read because nobody knows your exact body! Not even you do yet! Stay active on the forum and youll most likely see some awesome gains and few sides.

  13. #13
    tomfoolery is offline New Member
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    Thanks for all the info.! No straight answer obviously

    I'm leaning towards using an AI as I'm not just chasing massive gains so dont mind sacrificing muscle growth. Its my first time so want to see how my body reacts and how i feel, want to trim up a bit also.

    Will try and get my hands on aromasin / arimidex and put the letrozole aside for now.

  14. #14
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    You'll be taking about 400mg/wk of Test. That is about 4 or 5 times the amount a normal healthy male will produce in a week. There is good likelihood that you will experience sides due to the Test amortizing into estrogen. One of these sides is gyno (moobs). Gyno is pre-cancerous so it's nothing to mess with. There seems to be two thoughts regarding AI. Wait until you get symptoms and then treat the symptoms and preventive measures by taking AI to prevent the occurrence of gyno. I am on the side that prevention is better than treatment. If you want to run an AI throughout your cycle. Take .25mg/oed or every 3rd day to prevent gyno.

    I agree with the above, I'm in the same camp

    In my experience I would use an AI on cycle, ive tried both ways many times over the years and without doubt using an AI is a lot better option than not doing. That's not just from my experience that's from many guys who I have trained and also some good friends who were on the pro scene. Once you start using Testosterone above a normal mans range it aromatase in most cases and using an AI will help balance your Estrogen into the normal levels. I am in the camp of prevention rather than trying to cure something. The added weight usually water weight can be beneficial if you know how to use it but the sides aren't worth that extra bit of weight of the scales. I wouldn't say use a lot its all about balance for me to suit you individually. Start low and adjust accordingly to how you look, feel and respond prevention is better than the cure IMHO. Ask anyone with any experience who has been there and done something with this sport and you will see in most cases ( not all) the best advice when raising your T level is to balance your E via an AI. They are also extremely cheap for pharm grade its just not worth chancing the sides IMHO.
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  15. #15
    clarky. is offline MONITOR
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    I got gyno when i started my TRT years back. Never mind a cycle.
    As already said i would not wait till i had lumps before i controled mt E2.
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  16. #16
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by clarky. View Post
    I got gyno when i started my TRT years back. Never mind a cycle.
    As already said i would not wait till i had lumps before i controled mt E2.
    Agreed, many even on TRT use an AI because their E is out of range. Prevention is better than a cure

    ( Should I slot in here some English slang?)
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  17. #17
    hollowedzeus is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by clarky. View Post
    I got gyno when i started my TRT years back. Never mind a cycle.
    As already said i would not wait till i had lumps before i controled mt E2.
    I had gyno before trt. Then it came back during. Ill also be running ai on cycles
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  18. #18
    guitarzan's Avatar
    guitarzan is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Bottom line, whether or not you choose to run a AI, do blood work at six weeks and adjust. It would be a good idea to do blood work before also, if you haven't already
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  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by hollowedzeus View Post
    I had gyno before trt. Then it came back during. Ill also be running ai on cycles
    You got gyno before trt?

  20. #20
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by guitarzan View Post
    Bottom line, whether or not you choose to run a AI, do blood work at six weeks and adjust. It would be a good idea to do blood work before also, if you haven't already
    Agreed ^^ blood work mid cycle or I would say a bit sooner but yes BW is key especially if you suffer high E sides whether on or off an AI.

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