I am very new here according to my registration, but I have been reading the posts since a few months.
I am 50 years old, male. 187 cm/ 6 feet, 1.62 inches tall, 114 kg/ 251.33 Pounds. My body/fat percentage is around 25%. I am going great with my diet!

In the last years I have attended more inquiries, everything is okay with me, I am healthy, but I have a little bit high blood pressure (130-140/80), but manageable with sport, I don’t need to take medicine. My blood test is “perfect” and my testosterone level is low.
In the last years I have started again to do sports systematically and I want to improve my composition and I would like to use my possibilities. The forum posts of the last months I have made the following plan for me. I would like to ask you what do you agree with and with what don’t you. In the usage of AAS I am inexperienced, this is my first cycle…
I have planned the following 16 week cycle:
morning: 1000mcg hGH frag 176-191; 100 mcg T4
4500mcg hGH frag
30’ - 45’ fasted cardio (rowing machine), 45’ weights
300mcg of T4
before lunch: 500mcg hGH frag 176-191
12iu of HGH
before bed: 3-4IU hGH 191aa
Tuesday - Thursday
morning: 3-4IU hGH 191aa; 100mcg T4
8iu of HGH
before lunch: 500mcg hGH frag 176-191
200mcg T4
afternoon: 60’ weights
2000mcg hGH Frag
before bed: 500mcg hGH frag 176-191
Weekend rest…
morning: 3-4IU hGH 191aa; 100mcg T4
8iu HGH
before lunch: 500mcg hGH frag 176-191
200mcg T4
before bed: 500mcg hGH frag 176-191
2000mcg hGH frag
Per week Total:
Per week Total:
8500mcg hGH frag
700mcg T4
28iu HGH
I would like to add these additional supplements to the above mentioned
1-8 weeks
Monday - Wednesday- Friday 75mg testosterone enanthate (225mg perweek)
Tuesday - Thursday - Saturday 0.25 or 0.5 Arimidex (0.75-1.5 per week)
Tuesday - Friday 250IU HCG (500IU per week)
9-16 weeks
Monday - Wednesday- Friday 75mg testosterone enanthate (225mg perweek)
Tuesday - Thursday - Saturday 0.25 or. 0.5 Arimidex (0.75-1.5 per week)
Tuesday - Thursday - Saturday 50mg Masteron (150mg per week)
Tuesday - Friday 250IU HCG (500IU per week)
My goal with the above cycle is to get myself in better physical condition, give away 20 kilograms and then get more muscle and live a more enjoyable and energetic life. I am patient, I don’t want to go with huge steps, I believe that small steps can also do a lot, when followed each other.
I don’t know, if I will need to rest myself after the above cycle, but after it I would run a harder cycle…
I would be very glad if you could write your opinions, advice's. If I wrote something silly than please excuse me.