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Thread: cycles

  1. #1


    Hello every1.. I'm new to this site and new to INJ so I'm wondering if someone could please help me with a schedule for cycles. I'm a bit over weight my BMI is 29.8 I have all my gear Clean, Test, Dbol, and Clomid. My question is how should I run them; Clean first, Then Test/ Dbol & Clomid? I'm not trying to get huge just toned and cut any feedback will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
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    taking test and Dbol right now is just going to increase you BMI , not get you toned and cut.

    you need proper diet and training to get you toned and cut.. and if your set on going the drug route, the proper drugs (not test and dbol cycle)

  3. #3
    Thank you very much for your feedback.. I will be getting on a proper diet with training, as far as INJ what would you suggest?
    Last edited by SleepMob; 04-21-2018 at 07:05 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Bragging to someone
    Clen, T3, 150-200mg of test, 40mg Var (no Dbol)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by SleepMob View Post
    Hello every1.. I'm new to this site and new to INJ so I'm wondering if someone could please help me with a schedule for cycles. I'm a bit over weight my BMI is 29.8 I have all my gear Clean, Test, Dbol, and Clomid. My question is how should I run them; Clean first, Then Test/ Dbol & Clomid? I'm not trying to get huge just toned and cut any feedback will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance
    Hit the diet section, learn proper nutrition it will get you to learn how to be lean and stay lean. The compounds you mention have side effects and will do nothing unless your diet is in check.

  6. #6
    Right on cousinmuscles, I definitely need proper diet info I appreciate your help

  7. #7
    Gearheaded you are the man, so once I have a proper diet in play then should I start PCT. And when and how do I run cycles? Thanks again in advance

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