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Thread: Winstrol - why its used for cutting and contest prep

  1. #1
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Winstrol - why its used for cutting and contest prep

    Winstrol is one of the best cutting and contest prep steroids . Now why is that ?

    it dries you out and hardens you up making you more defined and less watery. PLUS one other big benefit that no other steroid offers.

    its going to bind to and inhibit aromatize enzyme, thus lowering estrogen, which in turn will allow you to begin losing water weight.
    its 3x more anabolic then test and though it will not put a lot of mass on, the muscle will get stronger and harder.
    it has a strong affinity to SHBG, and will thus lower it and free up more free testoerone to help build muscle

    BUT its unique ability. instead of just inhibit cortisone at the receptor sites to a certain degree like some steroids are able to do, it completely blocks all cortisone production at the adrenal glands themselves. Cortisol is an anti inflammatory stress hormone, thats also catabolic. When your in a calorie deficit and cutting, your Cortisol levels will elevate and you will begin catabolizing muscle tissue for fuel. So Winstrol helps you keep a ton more muscle while dieting. Why do guys joints hurt while running Winny, its not just the loss of water and getting shredded, its not just the low estrogen (estrogen is partially responsible for joint health) , its the complete blocking of cortisol that causes this aching, your joints are inflamed from training and there is no natural anti inflammatory to ease the inflammation. but this causes you to hold less water, less estrogen, and hold onto a ton of muscle.
    thus making it a great cutting compound and contest prep drug

    note: winstrol is not a fat burner. its not great for cutting because of any fat burning properties.
    being it dries you out and makes you lose water, it does however really help you gauge your fat loss while on a diet being theres not a film of water between the fat and the skin, so you'll know and use the mirror to more easily gauge fat loss
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 04-22-2018 at 03:00 PM.
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  2. #2
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    Great info, thanks.
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  3. #3
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    I did not realize it totally blocked cortisol. Interesting stuff.
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  4. #4
    clarky. is offline MONITOR
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    Good info GH.

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    hammerheart's Avatar
    hammerheart is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    You should provide sources. Can you link any scientific article about how stanozolol inhibit cortisol?

  6. #6
    Medic 1's Avatar
    Medic 1 is offline Junior Member
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    That’s some great info thank you sir

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    AlphaMindz's Avatar
    AlphaMindz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    That makes sense as to why my joints ache when lifting heavy while on Winny.

    So based on this information when people run Nandrolone with Winny to counteract the drying out of their joints, they're actually not counteracting that side at all because it has to do with cortisol and not actual dry joints.

    Why is it then that Deca really does tend to keep my shoulder and elbow joints nice and smooth while on Winny...?
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  8. #8
    RoxRunner's Avatar
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    If I understand this correctly, say I have a bum joint that gets an occasional cortisone shot, if I'm on winny, it will inhibit the cortisone from doing it job in alleviating the pain? Or does it block the natural production only and what is introduced exogenous will remain and provide relief?
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  9. #9
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMindz View Post
    That makes sense as to why my joints ache when lifting heavy while on Winny.

    So based on this information when people run Nandrolone with Winny to counteract the drying out of their joints, they're actually not counteracting that side at all because it has to do with cortisol and not actual dry joints.

    Why is it then that Deca really does tend to keep my shoulder and elbow joints nice and smooth while on Winny...?
    Deca is great to run at a small dose with Winstrol . because Deca has its own anti inflammatory properties, it also helps promote synovial fluid in the joints, which will help ease the pain even though no corstisol is available
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  10. #10
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoxRunner View Post
    If I understand this correctly, say I have a bum joint that gets an occasional cortisone shot, if I'm on winny, it will inhibit the cortisone from doing it job in alleviating the pain? Or does it block the natural production only and what is introduced exogenous will remain and provide relief?
    Winstrol blocks Cortisol at the adrenal gland itself (stops the production of cortisol) and thats it.. so if you got an exogenous shot of cortisone the cortisone will still do its thing
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    Deca is great to run at a small dose with Winstrol. because Deca has its own anti inflammatory properties, it also helps promote synovial fluid in the joints, which will help ease the pain even though no corstisol is available
    I gotcha, so the synovial fluid increase in the joints will have a lubricating effect and keep inflammation down so the lack of cortisol presents less of a problem.....?

  12. #12
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMindz View Post
    I gotcha, so the synovial fluid increase in the joints will have a lubricating effect and keep inflammation down so the lack of cortisol presents less of a problem.....?
    exactly . and the lack of Cortisol will keep from going catabolic and breaking down muscle tissue while in a calorie deficit.

  13. #13
    RoxRunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    Winstrol blocks Cortisol at the adrenal gland itself (stops the production of cortisol) and thats it.. so if you got an exogenous shot of cortisone the cortisone will still do its thing
    Awesome info as always! Thanks, GH.

  14. #14
    cousinmuscles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    Winstrol is one of the best cutting and contest prep steroids . Now why is that ?

    it dries you out and hardens you up making you more defined and less watery. PLUS one other big benefit that no other steroid offers.

    its going to bind to and inhibit aromatize enzyme, thus lowering estrogen, which in turn will allow you to begin losing water weight.
    its 3x more anabolic then test and though it will not put a lot of mass on, the muscle will get stronger and harder.
    it has a strong affinity to SHBG, and will thus lower it and free up more free testoerone to help build muscle

    BUT its unique ability. instead of just inhibit cortisone at the receptor sites to a certain degree like some steroids are able to do, it completely blocks all cortisone production at the adrenal glands themselves. Cortisol is an anti inflammatory stress hormone, thats also catabolic. When your in a calorie deficit and cutting, your Cortisol levels will elevate and you will begin catabolizing muscle tissue for fuel. So Winstrol helps you keep a ton more muscle while dieting. Why do guys joints hurt while running Winny, its not just the loss of water and getting shredded, its not just the low estrogen (estrogen is partially responsible for joint health) , its the complete blocking of cortisol that causes this aching, your joints are inflamed from training and there is no natural anti inflammatory to ease the inflammation. but this causes you to hold less water, less estrogen, and hold onto a ton of muscle.
    thus making it a great cutting compound and contest prep drug

    note: winstrol is not a fat burner. its not great for cutting because of any fat burning properties.
    being it dries you out and makes you lose water, it does however really help you gauge your fat loss while on a diet being theres not a film of water between the fat and the skin, so you'll know and use the mirror to more easily gauge fat loss
    I'm confused. You use the words cortisol and cortisone interchangeably as if they're the same.

    Winstrol (stanozolol ) lowers serum cortisol just a little bit, in experiments from 16 micrograms/dL to 14 micrograms/dL (, page 237 in the journal, page 6 of the article in the discussion section).
    Last edited by cousinmuscles; 04-24-2018 at 05:05 PM.

  15. #15
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by cousinmuscles View Post
    I'm confused..
    yeah I know.
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  16. #16
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by bizzarro View Post
    You should provide sources. Can you link any scientific article about how stanozolol inhibit cortisol?
    I generally do the research and just give the basics that effect guys use of the compound. most want to know how and why to use something more then the science behind it. so I give practical application.
    but if you want look into the science of it then look into how Winny is derived from DHT and what modifications are altered in chemical structure. its here that enables Winny to block Cortisol at the gland itself rather then merely blunt the receptor. it has a unique alteration (I can't recall off the top of my had at one point or ketone group) compared to other DHT derived steroids that enable it to be able to block cortisol

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I generally do the research and just give the basics that effect guys use of the compound. most want to know how and why to use something more then the science behind it. so I give practical application.
    but if you want look into the science of it then look into how Winny is derived from DHT and what modifications are altered in chemical structure. its here that enables Winny to block Cortisol at the gland itself rather then merely blunt the receptor. it has a unique alteration (I can't recall off the top of my had at one point or ketone group) compared to other DHT derived steroids that enable it to be able to block cortisol
    So you are assuming a total blunting of cortisol production, and humiliate me when I provide you a scientific source that tested stanozolol 's effects on serum cortisol?

  18. #18
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by cousinmuscles View Post
    I'm confused. .
    take 100mg of Winstrol a day for 5 weeks and get your blood work done. have cortisol levels checked before you start and then again after.
    you will no longer be confused.

  19. #19
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by cousinmuscles View Post
    So you are assuming a total blunting of cortisol production, and humiliate me when I provide you a scientific source that tested stanozolol's effects on serum cortisol?
    I'm not getting into this again with you (someone who has never even ran Winstrol anyways). go do what I said and come back in 5 weeks

  20. #20
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    On the other hand you don't have to take it personally, everything is a learning experience, we all see things through our own mental lenses, but with getting to know facts we can reshape the lens and see more clearly...

  21. #21
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by cousinmuscles View Post
    Winstrol (stanozolol ) lowers serum cortisol just a little bit, in experiments from 16 micrograms/dL to 14 micrograms/dL (, page 237 in the journal, page 6 of the article in the discussion section).
    a medical dose of 5mg per day is much different then a body builder contest prep dose of 100-200mg per day. the former will effect cortisol only a "little bit" like you suggest, the bodybuilder dose on the other hand will blunt it all together .

    99% of the studies you like to link are using way way way lower dosages of things then bodybuilders use. thats why most the studies are 99% of the time irrelevant, and while hands on personal experience is the most relevant and accurate.
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  22. #22
    guitarzan's Avatar
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    I do not tolerate winny very well, especially while on tren . Stomach issues. I probably don't need to take it anyway with my herniated discs

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    Is finastride affective against stopping dht conversion while using winny? I was always under the impression that fina has no use against dht derived compounds because the dht is just being directly introduced, rather than being converted. However from the reading ive done in the passed week i learned that fina can in fact reduce dht while on winny and mast. Maybe anavar too?

    Atleast this is what ive gathered lately
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    a medical dose of 5mg per day is much different then a body builder contest prep dose of 100-200mg per day. the former will effect cortisol only a "little bit" like you suggest, the bodybuilder dose on the other hand will blunt it all together .

    99% of the studies you like to link are using way way way lower dosages of things then bodybuilders use. thats why most the studies are 99% of the time irrelevant, and while hands on personal experience is the most relevant and accurate.
    Thank you for replying constructively, however you have to check the source, they didn't use 5mg. Also, I didn't use that source to negate that it can lower cortisol. You claimed it blocks the production of cortisol totally, as in zero production, not lowering.

    If you would go to a doctor and told him of (hypothetical) you using some harsh drug, like methamphetamine, and the doctor told you it is dangerous and could kill you, would you ask them if they have ever done it themself and died?

    Or even worse, do you refute studies just because of your personal experience with something?

  25. #25
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by Octaneforce View Post
    Is finastride affective against stopping dht conversion while using winny? I was always under the impression that fina has no use against dht derived compounds because the dht is just being directly introduced, rather than being converted. However from the reading ive done in the passed week i learned that fina can in fact reduce dht while on winny and mast. Maybe anavar too?

    Atleast this is what ive gathered lately
    being these compounds are actually derived from DHT, they themselves do not convert to DHT in the body. the reason guys get DHT issues, like hair loss, prostate flare up, is likely because these drugs have a strong affinity to SHBG and will thus drastically raise free testosterone levels , which in turn means you have more test to convert to DHT . so they indirectly raise DHT. just lower your dose of test, or use a DHT blocker like fina or dutest
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  26. #26
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by cousinmuscles View Post
    Thank you for replying constructively, however you have to check the source, they didn't use 5mg. Also, I didn't use that source to negate that it can lower cortisol. You claimed it blocks the production of cortisol totally, as in zero production, not lowering.

    If you would go to a doctor and told him of (hypothetical) you using some harsh drug, like methamphetamine, and the doctor told you it is dangerous and could kill you, would you ask them if they have ever done it themself and died?

    Or even worse, do you refute studies just because of your personal experience with something?
    studies are all fine and dandy. but we got to take them in context. bodybuilders on high dosages of these compounds are a different class of people . show me a study done on 5000 bodybuilders using a ton of AAS. when they start doing that I'll start paying more attention to them rather then relying mainly on practical experience .

    you may or may not get this point.
    - arsenic is NOT poisonous/lethal . unless you take enough of it to be poisonous to you (its dose to toxicity level is very low though, meaning it don't take much)
    - Water is NOT poisinous/lethal . unless you take enough of it to be poisonous to you, yes you can die from drinking too much water (its dose to toxicity level is very high, meaning it takes a whole lot of it to kill you).

    a lot of these studies are really really dose dependent. one dose of a drug could have one effect and one dose of the same drug could have a totally different effect.

    and as my post on this thread is about, bodybuilders using a bodybuilder dosage of Winstrol (which will block cortisol)
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I generally do the research and just give the basics that effect guys use of the compound. most want to know how and why to use something more then the science behind it. so I give practical application.
    but if you want look into the science of it then look into how Winny is derived from DHT and what modifications are altered in chemical structure. its here that enables Winny to block Cortisol at the gland itself rather then merely blunt the receptor. it has a unique alteration (I can't recall off the top of my had at one point or ketone group) compared to other DHT derived steroids that enable it to be able to block cortisol
    If there's blocking at the adrenal gland levels that means the very metabolic pathways leading to cortisol synth have been inhibited.

    Which one of the enzymes is being inhibited? If there's near total cortisol blockage, then I'd also expect gross accumulation of steroid precursors, especially the pregnanes. Is this consistent with your experience?

    Or you say it's the signaling (CRH->ACTH) from hypothalamus-pituitary that gets inhibited?

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    studies are all fine and dandy. but we got to take them in context. bodybuilders on high dosages of these compounds are a different class of people . show me a study done on 5000 bodybuilders using a ton of AAS. when they start doing that I'll start paying more attention to them rather then relying mainly on practical experience .

    you may or may not get this point.
    - arsenic is NOT poisonous/lethal . unless you take enough of it to be poisonous to you (its dose to toxicity level is very low though, meaning it don't take much)
    - Water is NOT poisinous/lethal . unless you take enough of it to be poisonous to you, yes you can die from drinking too much water (its dose to toxicity level is very high, meaning it takes a whole lot of it to kill you).

    a lot of these studies are really really dose dependent. one dose of a drug could have one effect and one dose of the same drug could have a totally different effect.

    and as my post on this thread is about, bodybuilders using a bodybuilder dosage of Winstrol (which will block cortisol)
    You changed stance though because you explicitly state it blocks cortisol production completely.

    Not all drugs work dose dependently either. For example stanozolol 's effects on lipids are not dose dependent.

    So there is times when you pay attention to the studies before claiming facts, and times where you pay attention to studies, see that you are using it in a different way, and then claim that you assume it works in a particular way when you use it.

    Not saying I don't believe your experience of 100-200mg winstrol , but you claimed something else, when you do so, why is nobody allowed to ask a question and provide a source that opposes what you say? Also why do you have to change stance?
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    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    not changing stance. my original post has in its title "Winstrol - Contest prep" -- the whole thing assumes body building dosages to begin with. period.
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    I'm also not disagreeing with you . the study you posted did conclude that Winstrol lowers Cortisol . . however the study is not that important because bodybuilders know this, and that study did not use bodybuilder dosage of Winstrol, which would have shown Cortisol levels to be practically completely diminished
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    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    again, like I suggested before . go run 100+ mg of Winstrol a day for 5 weeks until your joints hurt like hell. then get blood work. you'll see your cortisol levels are tanked, thus why your joints hurt
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  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    yeah I know.
    GH, we have strict NO FLAME POLICY, this kind of posts do not show respect for the fellow user who reply to your thread. Debating ideas, and posting our opinion is fine and do not needs to be inflammatory.

    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I generally do the research and just give the basics that effect guys use of the compound. most want to know how and why to use something more then the science behind it. so I give practical application.
    but if you want look into the science of it then look into how Winny is derived from DHT and what modifications are altered in chemical structure. its here that enables Winny to block Cortisol at the gland itself rather then merely blunt the receptor. it has a unique alteration (I can't recall off the top of my had at one point or ketone group) compared to other DHT derived steroids that enable it to be able to block cortisol
    If you are posting you own opinion, or your own anedoctal experiences, please state so. Members here like to debate ideas and there is a great amount of knowledge please respect that by explaining your fundaments and reasons, also providing medical studies or bw that will help prove your point.

    Also, in my opinion you should put a disclaimer that the dosages you are suggesting are not for novices, and are only for professional or semi-pro athletes that are followed by medical doctors. 200mgs per day of winstrol can wreck someones health!

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    again, like I suggested before . go run 100+ mg of Winstrol a day for 5 weeks until your joints hurt like hell. then get blood work. you'll see your cortisol levels are tanked, thus why your joints hurt
    Can you show your own bloodwork proving this? It would help if the bloodwork had uric acid values?
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    Mr. bb, I disagree a little. Gearheaded has a vast knowledge of aas, and luckily he is sharing his experience with us. Whether you agree with him or not, that's what this forum is for. If you gonna scold him for being a smart ass, return the favor to the ones that's been flaming him. Truth of the matter is, NONE of this shit is safe! None of it
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  35. #35
    boricuarage78's Avatar
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    Ah Winny. My first steroid when I knew nothing about AAS and thinking it was a fat burner..
    Winstrol is great for Comp and cutting; however it has an impact on lipids and will increase LDL. Add that with adex and lipids can increase dramatically.
    I wouldn't go past 4 weeks with it. Plus it ain't no good for the joints unless you add a low dose Deca to keep them lube.
    Should also take fish oils when running such compounds. Well fish oil should be a daily regimen.

    I prefer winnie over Var. Cost effective as well

    Great info. Thanks for sharing

    Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk
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    Quote Originally Posted by guitarzan View Post
    Mr. bb, I disagree a little. Gearheaded has a vast knowledge of aas, and luckily he is sharing his experience with us. Whether you agree with him or not, that's what this forum is for. If you gonna scold him for being a smart ass, return the favor to the ones that's been flaming him. Truth of the matter is, NONE of this shit is safe! None of it
    No problem disagreeing man. Not trying to scold him at all, and not calling him a smart ass, if it come out that way I'm sorry, I dont have Kel's english skills . Just trying for threads not to side track, it has happened a little and all we want is ppl to discuss subjects in the most civil way possible (exception for the lounge lol).

    Subjects can be discussed without flaming, not everyone is right or wrong 100% of times, discussing can be healthy, but the flaming rule exists for a reason, and sometimes we need to remember users about it. Hopefully not inflamed discussion continue here

    Please let me know, or anyone from the staff (better yet is to open thread in One On One With The Staff) about other threads you think this has happened to GearHeaded. In this thread I can only talk about what happens here, otherwise it will be mess.
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  37. #37
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    there are 100s of posts in the anabolics section of this forum. yet somehow i'm the only person thats ever been asked to back up what i say with medical studies and personal blood work. lol. come on. you've never asked that of anyone else have you.

    am i the only person who has been asked by "staff" to back up everything i say with medical studies, personal blood work AND to send the staff a confirmation picture of myself holding a piece of paper with the date and the name of the staff on it.. if this is what i have to do to be here, then so should everyone else .

    you know what, unlike other pussies that are on this board, that are afraid to run gear as an experiment , I will go get blood work now, take 100+ winstrol per day, and get blood work again 5 weeks later just to prove my cortisol levels have pretty much totally shut down.
    theres tons of evidence out there confirming all of what i say. and i posted it simply to help you guys out!!
    but fine, i have to prove every little word i say for some reason . so privatemdlabs is getting my $ yet again. sure i was planning on running inectible Dbol my next coming blast, but guess its going to be oil based winny instead.
    oh yeah, and the confirmation pics of myself that the staff asked me to send, i'll post those up as well (being thats the new policy around here, in order to chat on this board they need confirmation pics, they need to see your personal blood work , and they need everything you say to be backed up by medical studies)
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 04-25-2018 at 08:09 AM.
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    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by guitarzan View Post
    Mr. bb, I disagree a little. Gearheaded has a vast knowledge of aas, and luckily he is sharing his experience with us. Whether you agree with him or not
    thank you GZ..
    but seems as though i'm not allowed by the mods to share my knowledge or experience with you guys anymore unless i back everything i say up with medical studies, blood work, and a confirmation photo of myself

  39. #39
    MuscleScience's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    there are 100s of posts in the anabolics section of this forum. yet somehow i'm the only person thats ever been asked to back up what i say with medical studies and personal blood work. lol. come on. you've never asked that of anyone else have you.

    am i the only person who has been asked by "staff" to back up everything i say with medical studies, personal blood work AND to send the staff a confirmation picture of myself holding a piece of paper with the date and the name of the staff on it.. if this is what i have to do to be here, then so should everyone else .

    you know what, unlike other pussies that are on this board, that are afraid to run gear as an experiment , I will go get blood work now, take 100+ winstrol per day, and get blood work again 5 weeks later just to prove my cortisol levels have pretty much totally shut down.
    theres tons of evidence out there confirming all of what i say. and i posted it simply to help you guys out!!
    but fine, i have to prove every little word i say for some reason . so privatemdlabs is getting my $ yet again. sure i was planning on running inectible Dbol my next coming blast, but guess its going to be oil based winny instead.
    oh yeah, ans the confirmation pics of myself that the staff asked me to send, i'll post those up as well (being thats the new policy around here, in order to chat on this board they need confirmation pics, they need to see your personal blood work , and they need everything you say to be backed up by medical studies)
    I hate to burst anyone’s bubble, and I’ve said this on here before. We are not going to find peer reviewed double blind placebo RAndom control studies on non-medical use of AAS compounds. No university IRB board would ever approve such a study. Most of the none-medical use studies are retrospective and are typically based on surveys and self reporting by users. Sometimes there’s a case study here or there but nothing that’s on the order or what say Merck would do for say a male contraceptive study. Almost all out knowledge is anecdotal and second or third order evidence EXTRAPOLATED from legitimate medical studies when said compounds were developed for medical uses.

    GH cannot completely prove his point with high power empirical evidence. But neither can anyone else disprove him out of hand with evidence either.
    And Yes, the burden of proof lays on the claim holder so scrutiny is good. The best we can do is debate each other based on what evidence we do have and live with the consequences good or bad knowing there is never going to be a complete answer.

    Well not until China and Russia release thier State Sponsored doping data
    Last edited by MuscleScience; 04-25-2018 at 08:32 AM.
    “If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein

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    "In a world full of pussies, being a redneck is not a bad thing."

    Body building is a way of life..........but can not get in the way of your life.

    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

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  40. #40
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    there are 100s of posts in the anabolics section of this forum. yet somehow i'm the only person thats ever been asked to back up what i say with medical studies and personal blood work. lol. come on. you've never asked that of anyone else have you.

    am i the only person who has been asked by "staff" to back up everything i say with medical studies, personal blood work AND to send the staff a confirmation picture of myself holding a piece of paper with the date and the name of the staff on it.. if this is what i have to do to be here, then so should everyone else .

    you know what, unlike other pussies that are on this board, that are afraid to run gear as an experiment , I will go get blood work now, take 100+ winstrol per day, and get blood work again 5 weeks later just to prove my cortisol levels have pretty much totally shut down.
    theres tons of evidence out there confirming all of what i say. and i posted it simply to help you guys out!!
    but fine, i have to prove every little word i say for some reason . so privatemdlabs is getting my $ yet again. sure i was planning on running inectible Dbol my next coming blast, but guess its going to be oil based winny instead.
    oh yeah, and the confirmation pics of myself that the staff asked me to send, i'll post those up as well (being thats the new policy around here, in order to chat on this board they need confirmation pics, they need to see your personal blood work , and they need everything you say to be backed up by medical studies)
    Come on man dont over react, first nobody is talking about how you look, I couldnt care less. Second, on the subject you started about cortisol dont think about me as some staff, just a regular user discussing something you brought up. Its an interesting subject for me and I am not going to take your word on it without some sort of discussion, come on...

    And yes many here ask for medical studies and bw, so you want us to believe in what every gym bro spews, come on, get back on topic and dont be offended by everything. You would be surprised with many discussions we have had here over the years lol... check the TRT forum a few years back.

    If its only your experience, just say so, say that you dont have proof to back it up but its your opinion, its fine.

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