I always put the cover back on the needle and just thow them away in the trash. Since I live in a high rise, I just throw them down the hamper.
Throw it in your own trash and "hope for the best"
Dispose of it public dumpsters when no one is around
Give it to someone you know who works at a hospital to get rid of properly
Other (Please Post)
I always put the cover back on the needle and just thow them away in the trash. Since I live in a high rise, I just throw them down the hamper.
Yeah Def. Dispose of them in a safe and humane manner. I know a garbage guy who got pricked. he had to go thru a whole years worth of blood tests to insure the needles didnt come from someone with AIDs, The emotional stress on him and his family was unreal. Please Dispose of them in the best manner you can.
I use the old ones to play darts on old winos passed out in the park... yeah right... but seriously folks...
Properly labeled protein jar here (biomedical hazard sticker on it), and when it's full it goes to the hazardous wastes collection site the city runs.
Dispose if your pinz properly bros... the "hope for the best" method is irresponsable.
If you are man enough to take steroids, then you should be man enough to dispose of them properly-
I put them in my pillowcase.
I don't see why you need to dispose of so many I have been using the same syringe for my past 15 injections....
uh oh, i hope you aren't serious
Is that a joke????????![]()
yeah... lol.. sorry i thought it would be good to throw out there... I haven't injected yet but when I do I will at the very least dispose of them via a protein jug if not take them to the pharmacy... I think that we all have a responsibility to the bodybuilding community to do atleast that much... as if AS wasn't already frowned upon..
all i have to do is reread a few replies and i have my daily ab work done...LMFAO!!!!
toss that shit in the genovese dumpester....there ain't no way anything that has to do with the sauce is coming back to my house or leaving for that matter!!
closest garbage to me when i'm done injecting
I stick them in my roomates bed and then laugh when I hear hime scream...haha oh god that is terriable,... I just stick them in a dumpster honestly I throw them in any garbage of course i cap them first and I usually put them in an old toothpaste box.
I put my "medical waste" in a an empty protein container.
Put em' all in a big plastic milk jug and then when its full, goto some mark's house and dump it on his doorstep.
i think using an old bleach container is perfect, not only because it s thick plastic but because its also sanitary on the inside.
play darts![]()
Mail them to our governor-elect Arnold S.
Part of his campaign was enviornmental safety. He would be "proud" to properly dispose of the syringes for me.
You guys keep saying pins, i have been on my cycle for 7 weeks and haven't had to use a new needle yet. These damn things stay sharp forever. Just so I don't get flamed, I do wash them after use.Seriously, I fill up a spaggetti sauce jar, wrap it in duct tape and toss it in the trash. After reading all the replies though, I am starting to feel guilty so I think I am going to go throw mine out at the beach.SG1
Good post, Bermich now thats funny, windcimes. I take them to work where we have biohazard containers
Actually Shopper Drug Mart in Ontario will give you a sharps container for free. Fill it up and bring it back and they give you another one no questions.
Heck, they have Heroin/crack Safe Injection sites in Toronto now and they supply the needles, go figure.
i think i might just start marketing them as cock pumps, after all my school is 40% asian.
Just came up with a better way. Finished with my morning injection went upstairs and the kid smelled like piss. Changed his diaper and put the syringe and stuff in there. No one will look in a dirty diaper. Well I hope not.
I put them in a plastic container full of bleach (to remove my prints and dna), then I take a shit in the container (in case someone opens it to take a peak).
Just kidding on some or all of that...![]()
Good thread!
I ride around in the ghetto and throw the needle & syringe at the local crack chickens. They collect that sort of stuff. I guess they use it. I nailed on in the fore head once going 50 mphSame asshole that tried to rip off my girlfriend when she was at a stop light.
Funny Groverman1 I started my cycle this week and was trying to come up with a way to get rid of my pins. I have a 6 month old son, and is wet diapers are great to get rid of them. Wife doesn't know that I am juicing.Originally Posted by groverman1
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