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Thread: Blast and Cruise protocol

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    aka m.hornbuckle

    Blast and Cruise protocol

    if one wanted to trt or cruise on low dose test between high dose blasts. how long should the low dose portion be and how long should the high dose portion of blast be?

    like to get most bang for your buck, without being terribly unhealthy or seriously detrimental to your health?

  2. #2
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    clients of mine that are serious about bodybuilding , I generally have them "blast and cruise" (as its more optimal for building muscle and stability in life then is doing PCT), but also have them doing compound rotation, rather then running a single cycle. so 6 weeks of this stack, then rotate compounds and 6 weeks of that then rotate compounds, then 6 weeks this stack, then 6 weeks of just cruising low dose.

    its really going to be dependent on blood work. if you do three 6 week rotations and do 6 weeks low dose, then get blood work , it will be those results that tell you if and when you should get back on another blasting phase

    its also going to depend on what compounds you run.
    you can be on Primo nearly year round at high dose. however only 6 weeks of Anadrol and Tren, you may need a break sooner then later

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    aka m.hornbuckle
    I plan on sticking with three compounds Primo test and masteron

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by m.hornbuckle View Post
    I plan on sticking with three compounds Primo test and masteron
    you can stay on those compounds nearly year round. you won't even need an AI, keep the test low and the primo and mast will work as an AI. then have periods where you blast with higher dosages of test, or adding in things like Anadrol, Var, Winstrol, etc.. then go back to crusing on primo.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    its also going to depend on what compounds you run.
    you can be on Primo nearly year round at high dose.
    What do you consider a high dose of Primo GH?
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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    you can stay on those compounds nearly year round. you won't even need an AI, keep the test low and the primo and mast will work as an AI. then have periods where you blast with higher dosages of test, or adding in things like Anadrol, Var, Winstrol, etc.. then go back to crusing on primo.
    I won't touch a 19 nor or anadrol.

    I may try halo at some point and winny

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    What do you consider a high dose of Primo GH?
    you can cruise on 400mg for quite a long time.. a high dose blast for 12+ weeks is going to be 800-1000mg , <-- same dosage for contest prep (unless your on a ton of other stuff for prep, then you can get by with like 600mg, but at that stage your not putting on muscle, your just using it for its nutrient partition effects and ability to keep your muscles full even in a calorie deficit)

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by m.hornbuckle View Post
    I won't touch a 19 nor or anadrol.

    I may try halo at some point and winny
    I'm curious as to why ? have prolactin sensitivity ?

    something like NPP at 350mg per week is pretty tolerable with little negative sides and lots of upside

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I'm curious as to why ? have prolactin sensitivity ?

    something like NPP at 350mg per week is pretty tolerable with little negative sides and lots of upside
    I'm,extremely estrogen sensitive. big time.

    I can only imagine the side of breasts I'd have on deca or tren or anadrol.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by m.hornbuckle View Post
    I'm,extremely estrogen sensitive. big time.

    I can only imagine the side of breasts I'd have on deca or tren or anadrol.
    think there are ways you could do it and get good results.
    may sound unorthodox, but I don't give a f_k
    no test, 400 deca, 400 mast, 500hcg, 10mg nolva per day, and a testosterone estrogen support supplement . you'll get just enough natty test production to support sex hormones and nothing more (the hcg and the nolva will trick your brain into continuing to tell the testes to produce test, the support supplement will aide in this as well as blunt aromatization). the mast will blunt both estrogen and prolactin receptors. the deca is anabolic as fuck and will build muscle

  11. #11
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    aka m.hornbuckle
    actually that's sounds good. I'm starting to dislike test.

    my 5 weeks of suspension fucked me up.

    I got a nice very hard painful,lump just above my right nipple (its right at top,edge of areola)

    it fucking hurts . I been taking 20mg nolva daily for 10 days so far. it just became noticeable today with pain.

  12. #12
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    you sound like a perfect candidate for low to no test cycles . don't believe the hype "test is best" or "test is the foundation of every cycle" .. its BS. most drugs were built to replace test as a better hormone with more powerful properties and less side effects.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    you sound like a perfect candidate for low to no test cycles . don't believe the hype "test is best" or "test is the foundation of every cycle" .. its BS. most drugs were built to replace test as a better hormone with more powerful properties and less side effects.
    I agree.since I started mast at 500 a week and dropped test back to 300. I feel way better than test at 500 alone,

    what do you recommend for this gyno ball I got?

    I can get all needed serms or AI's

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by m.hornbuckle View Post
    I agree.since I started mast at 500 a week and dropped test back to 300. I feel way better than test at 500 alone,

    what do you recommend for this gyno ball I got?

    I can get all needed serms or AI's
    Ralox works better for me for gyno prevention/releif. 120mg a day for a week then 60mg a day after that until the lump is gone. Are you using any sort of ai? I know its not always neccesary to use an ai but if your estro sensitive a low dose of aromasin might help. 12.5mg daily

    Sorry if you knew all this already. I know your a pretty knowlegdable guy

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by m.hornbuckle View Post
    I agree.since I started mast at 500 a week and dropped test back to 300. I feel way better than test at 500 alone,

    what do you recommend for this gyno ball I got?

    I can get all needed serms or AI's
    surgery if you got the $.

    or , drop the test all together. 20mg of Nolva per day, 3mg of Letro per week. if your on cycle and trying to build muscle fill in the drop of test with something like 400mg of EQ or some other class 1 anabolic similar to test . if you need a slight boost of androgens because you dropped the test, then simply add in a micro dose of a super strong androgen like tren, 10-20mg per day is all you would need

  16. #16
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    I routinely get a knot in my right nipple.
    20mg day of nolva for two week and it gradually softens and goes away.

    I have the knot now and nolva on the way.

    Tiny bit of caber and alittle nolva pretty much takes care of my estrogen issues and prolactin issues.
    No cure for the mental issues.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    clients of mine that are serious about bodybuilding , I generally have them "blast and cruise" (as its more optimal for building muscle and stability in life then is doing PCT), but also have them doing compound rotation, rather then running a single cycle. so 6 weeks of this stack, then rotate compounds and 6 weeks of that then rotate compounds, then 6 weeks this stack, then 6 weeks of just cruising low dose.

    its really going to be dependent on blood work. if you do three 6 week rotations and do 6 weeks low dose, then get blood work , it will be those results that tell you if and when you should get back on another blasting phase

    its also going to depend on what compounds you run.
    you can be on Primo nearly year round at high dose. however only 6 weeks of Anadrol and Tren, you may need a break sooner then later
    This sounds like fun, is this same protocol used for both long and short esters?

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