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Thread: First cycle Test E

  1. #1

    First cycle Test E

    Okaay, hello there everybody, this is my first thread and the main reason i registered to the website...

    I've decided to go for my first ever AAS cycle with a friend of mine, and i've ofc wanted to make sure its as close to perfect as possible.

    So i've obviously been reading around the internet for suggestions and so on, and it has led to the following plan for the cycle.

    First some stats on me:

    Age: 22 years
    height: 184cm -> approx 6 feet 0.5 inch.
    weight now 77.5kg
    bf approx 10%
    weight at start of cycle approx 74kg
    bf at start <10%.
    Years of weight training: 7 years.
    more serious weight training: 4 years.

    I can post 1rm if suggested.

    Goals: I wanna get bigger, gain lean body mass, i like to set my goals high because you learn more from failures.
    8kg lean mass
    -1kg fat

    The cycle:

    12 week TEST E only

    week 1-12 500mg test E a week 250g injected twice a week(monday - friday)
    week 1-12 Anastrozole every other day 0.5g
    PCT starting at week 14, going for 250mg clomid + 60mg nolvadex on day 1
    following 10 days 100mg clomid + 40mg nolvadex
    next 10 days 50mg clomid + 20mg nolvadex
    thinking of using creatine starting with pct as well.

    Questions: How does the cycle sound for a first timer? what did i miss, what can be improved?

    At this point, with a weight of 77.5kg my daily caloric intake for not gaining weight with my daily activity is around 2600 calories a day. at 74 it should be lower, im thinking around 2400 or 2500 since i am gonna use some more time in gym.

    So im thinking at least 4000 calories, with atleast 2lb protein pr pound of bodyweight spread over 6 or 7 meals.

    Supplements: Multivitamin, fish oil, maca root, ginseng, magnesium & zinc, aloevera.

    Questions: Is it enough? i've read that for a normal bulk you could go for +500 calories, but when on steroids you should probably go for +1500 calories or thereabouts.


    Right now i like going to the gym once a day, even twice if i have the time and it fits the routine.

    So i really wanna stick to at least training once a day as well when on the cycle.

    Since the cycle is over a period of 3 months, i was thinking of mixing up my routine after approx 1.5 months, just to get some variation in the gainz & the strength.

    I haven't fully decided exactly which exercises to go for yet, but im thinking of going with these muscle groups.

    day 1: chest triceps & abs
    day 2: back & biceps
    day 3: legs & shoulders
    day 4: arms
    day 5: cardio & abs
    day 6: chest & shoulders
    day 7: back & legs

    Questions: I really enjoy going to the gym, and really enjoy lifting heavy weights. The biggest of my questions here is, that im going for back on day 7, and then again hitting back and biceps with only 1 day of rest? I know recovering while on test E should be improved, but how much?

    I know it was a large thread, thank you for reading i appreciate it. I just want to get it right, the first time so i'm looking forward for your comments.

    Anything i left out or you find missing, please say so!

    Have a great day:-)

  2. #2
    Welcome to the forum. It looks like you've really thought this through. Before you start your cycle, you should know that an average male's brain doesn't fully develop until mid 20's. Let's say that's 25 years old. There are 9 glands in your system that produce over 100 different hormones. The ones we really care about are Testosterone and Growth Hormone since they're the ones that build muscles. When a young man injects Testosterone the body slows down or stops the production of his own natural Testosterone and/or Growth Hormone. You are shutting down the glands that control the production of your natural hormones. When you are done with your cycle, you do PCT to try and jump start your testes to product Testosterone. Honestly, most guys have no problem starting back up. However, some poor guys never get back to normal. They have side effects that can plague them for a long time. Soft erection or no erection, loss of libido, hairloss, just name a few. Can you imagine a young man with a beautiful girlfriend that can't maintain an erection? That's hell on earth. I'm not trying to discourage you from running a cycle. I am just giving you information so you can go into this cycle knowing what you're getting into.***.html

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    Please listen to Scotch, He is only thinking of your best interest. You have all the time in the world to start this later in life when you might really need it. I'm 58 and just getting ready to start my first test cycle.

    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    Welcome to the forum. It looks like you've really thought this through. Before you start your cycle, you should know that an average male's brain doesn't fully develop until mid 20's. Let's say that's 25 years old. There are 9 glands in your system that produce over 100 different hormones. The ones we really care about are Testosterone and Growth Hormone since they're the ones that build muscles. When a young man injects Testosterone the body slows down or stops the production of his own natural Testosterone and/or Growth Hormone. You are shutting down the glands that control the production of your natural hormones. When you are done with your cycle, you do PCT to try and jump start your testes to product Testosterone. Honestly, most guys have no problem starting back up. However, some poor guys never get back to normal. They have side effects that can plague them for a long time. Soft erection or no erection, loss of libido, hairloss, just name a few. Can you imagine a young man with a beautiful girlfriend that can't maintain an erection? That's hell on earth. I'm not trying to discourage you from running a cycle. I am just giving you information so you can go into this cycle knowing what you're getting into.***.html

  4. #4
    At 22 years old; that’s kinda young. Nobody can stop you but face the consequences if you run into them. At 22 I was more worried about smashing every girl in college and around town. Suggest you do that lol. But cycle looks good for just a test e cycle. I’m sure you already know it takes weeks before test e will kick in.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Think that at your height and weight you still got some space left to grow naturally without compromising your natural hormones, might not be the answer you want to hear but believe me that taking steroids is many times a life commitment , is that serious.

  6. #6
    Thanks for your answers! i am aware of the risk im taking for sure! but thanks anyway for reminding me!
    Anybody who could help out with the other questions i had in my thread?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    In my opinion if you're the first time steroid user with good training experience 8 week cycle with T enanth with good pct would be more than enough.

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