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Thread: Sperm count on cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Sperm count on cycle

    Ok. Ive been off cycle maybe 2 yrs, if i do a 4 month cycle 1000 mg week test e, how long before my sperm count goes normal again. My girl wants to get preg probably in a yr.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Your profile shows youve been around a while. Dont you know about hcg? Lol just breakin ur shoes.
    1000mg/week for 4 months is a hell of a cycle. If you use hcg on cycle it will increase your odds of maintaining fertility while on. Pct further increases your chance for fertility. Its very hard to sterilize a male. Shit some guys have even concieved while on some pretty hard cycles. However this is the chance we take. You may concieve on cycle with no issues, or you may ruin your chances to ever reproduce all together.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    aka m.hornbuckle
    Quote Originally Posted by poppz View Post
    Ok. Ive been off cycle maybe 2 yrs, if i do a 4 month cycle 1000 mg week test e, how long before my sperm count goes normal again. My girl wants to get preg probably in a yr.
    buy some sterile vials, pop the tops, fill up 3 30ml vials with seamen and freeze for later.

    a 16,000 mg cycle of test is not by any means a easy or even full recovery scenario.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Lol. Ive been around, ive been off cycle for a while, got my girl preg, and shecwants another 1 after.. i want to cycle but not mentioning to her test lowers your soerm count so i was just tryin to see if any1 had knowledge on how long the body has to restore sperm, an yea hcg does help

  5. #5
    If you run HCG during your 12 week cycle and run a good PCT it will take you 18 weeks to complete your cycle. One year is 52 weeks so you'll have 34 weeks to recover before the end of a year to try for a baby. Plenty of time.

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