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Thread: Experienced cyclers help!

  1. #1

    Experienced cyclers help!

    Hello boys and girls.
    Quick introduction

    Im 23 years old. Been working out pretty well for 2-3 years (do love food though)
    Im doing 250 mg of test e 2 times a week for 12 weeks.

    Now heres the thing.
    Im fat... im 28% bodyfat. I’ve always been a pretty man. Not too fat, but i had 4-5 months of depression, where i went from 83kgs to 97kgs. I started my cycle, and kinda cutted at the same time (1800 kcal. didnt hold it too well, but still not eating like a crazy man) now ofcourse it was lots of protein and working out for 1-2 hours 5-6 times a week. I got a fair bit of muscle anyway, no doubt. Om strong and i can feel im tight. But there is so much fat.. (im done in 3 weeks). I gained 6kgs. I possibly lost fat, gained muscle and water weight. Heres the thing

    I’ve got an upcoming event in about 1 month and i really wanna look good.
    If i workout and do lots og cardio, can i look good or get to 20%bf in one month? I do lots of cardio (icehockey and sports bike). When my cycle is done, how much water will i lose? Can i ridd the fat easier since i got alot of muscle?... i know it sounds dumb, but what are ur experiences? Can i look great i one month?
    Also i have some clenbuterol on hand

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Welcome to the forum (edit) didn't mean to be rude.. that being said..

    There is alot wrong with this post bud.

    Imo you should not cycle with that high of bf.. maybe others feel different..

    I'm not trying to roast you but if your hovering around 30% you should be focusing on training and diet B4 cycling..

    Just seems off to me to run a test cycle and run your Cal's low with a high bf.. is this your first cycle?
    Last edited by dcycles; 05-02-2018 at 12:14 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by dcycles View Post
    Holy moly there is alot wrong with this post bud.

    Imo you should not cycle with that high of bf.. maybe others feel different..

    I'm not trying to roast you but if your hovering around 30% you should be focusing on training and diet B4 cycling..

    Just seems off to me to run a test cycle and run your Cal's low with a high bf.. is this your first cycle?
    Agreed. At that bf I think you'll be converting test to E. Not a good thing for losing bf.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Welcome to the forum.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    East Coast beach town

  6. #6
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  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Getthemladys View Post
    Hello boys and girls.
    Quick introduction

    Im 23 years old. Been working out pretty well for 2-3 years (do love food though)
    Im doing 250 mg of test e 2 times a week for 12 weeks.

    Now heres the thing.
    Im fat... im 28% bodyfat. I’ve always been a pretty man. Not too fat, but i had 4-5 months of depression, where i went from 83kgs to 97kgs. I started my cycle, and kinda cutted at the same time (1800 kcal. didnt hold it too well, but still not eating like a crazy man) now ofcourse it was lots of protein and working out for 1-2 hours 5-6 times a week. I got a fair bit of muscle anyway, no doubt. Om strong and i can feel im tight. But there is so much fat.. (im done in 3 weeks). I gained 6kgs. I possibly lost fat, gained muscle and water weight. Heres the thing

    I’ve got an upcoming event in about 1 month and i really wanna look good.
    If i workout and do lots og cardio, can i look good or get to 20%bf in one month? I do lots of cardio (icehockey and sports bike). When my cycle is done, how much water will i lose? Can i ridd the fat easier since i got alot of muscle?... i know it sounds dumb, but what are ur experiences? Can i look great i one month?
    Also i have some clenbuterol on hand
    Scrap the drugs completely, your high level of body fat can contribute to estrogen issues when using steroids. Finish what you've started then run your PCT, what have you planned for this?

    Focus on your diet and training both are clearly lacking based on your stats and what you've written... The steroids/ancillaries will not help you at this point. Spend some time on the training and nutrition section on this forum...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Yeah, have to agree with above.

    Doesnt sound like you have a well thought out plan.

    AI, HCG, any PCT? Steroids dont really burn fat.

  9. #9
    Hypothetically speaking if one was at 20-28 % BF, would they want to run higher qty of Adex to combat estrogen?

    I have read a million posts about people above 20% BF wanting to run AAS, and always followed by heavy discouragement from the forums.
    Surely many people have gone ahead and cycled regardless, I am fascinated to hear the results of these experiences.

    Anyone seen a comprehensive thread on this? With great discipline and consistency in diet, resistance training and lots of cardio, AAS would seemingly increase your metabolism and SOME good results MIGHT be possible? I am speaking with total hearsay, correct me if I'm wrong.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by UncleCurley View Post
    Hypothetically speaking if one was at 20-28 % BF, would they want to run higher qty of Adex to combat estrogen?

    I have read a million posts about people above 20% BF wanting to run AAS, and always followed by heavy discouragement from the forums.
    Surely many people have gone ahead and cycled regardless, I am fascinated to hear the results of these experiences.

    Anyone seen a comprehensive thread on this? With great discipline and consistency in diet, resistance training and lots of cardio, AAS would seemingly increase your metabolism and SOME good results MIGHT be possible? I am speaking with total hearsay, correct me if I'm wrong.
    Yes, possibly... It will vary from one 28% BF man to another.. but yes, being that bit higher in body fat will make you more estrogenic which means more drugs to combat, which isn't ideal.

    And to your second question, Yes if your sitting at 28% body fat and everything is perfect, training, CV, nutrition, sleep, gear etc.... You will get some results, but you may face more side effects due to the higher level of BF, which is why its not recommended.

    Plus if you cant look good and relatively lean without drugs, you arent going to look any better with them. The fact you sit at this level of body fat means you arent doing things right.. You can build a well rounded physique without the drugs, the drugs are there to bring you to that next level when your ready. They arent a short cut, far from it.

    Also 20-28% bf is a BIG difference.

  11. #11
    Would love to hear some user experiences both good and bad.

    I always figure when anyone says their BF % to add a few to that number. Many people a 16%, probably more like 20. Who knows??! just curious... the question comes up frequently on the forums.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    aka m.hornbuckle
    Quote Originally Posted by UncleCurley View Post
    Would love to hear some user experiences both good and bad.

    I always figure when anyone says their BF % to add a few to that number. Many people a 16%, probably more like 20. Who knows??! just curious... the question comes up frequently on the forums.
    yes anything can be controlled with more drugs, like adex. but is that amount needed on top of the cholesterol issues steroids bring, coupled with the cholesterol issues from adex, on top of 28% body fat cardio vascular issues really worth the squeeze?

    I think not

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by UncleCurley View Post
    Would love to hear some user experiences both good and bad.

    I always figure when anyone says their BF % to add a few to that number. Many people a 16%, probably more like 20. Who knows??! just curious... the question comes up frequently on the forums.
    My first cycle was in 2004-2005 timeframe. I had just switched jobs after being laid off a high tech job and had been unemployed for 19 months. I was going through a divorce and was working really hard to get back into the shape I was when I left the Army in 1992. At my heaviest I was 265+, when I cycled, I was closer to 220-225. What did it do for me???? Absolutely nothing aside from gaining a little bit of strength that I would have gotten anyways. ===== BAD EXPERIENCE.

    Fast forward to 2008-2010. I get put on TRT for life due to autoimmune issue from chemical exposure while in the Army and I start working out almost every day and racing in endurance sports (triathlon and eventually ultra marathons with lifting only 1 day a week). At the time my bf% was ~20% but I didn't care since I could sustain an 8 min/mile for 20+ miles... Somewhere between 2010 and a few years ago, I cleaned my diet up and started eating healthy (not perfect but conscious of everything I eat) and my bf% dropped another 5-7% but that took a few years (not months as the OP wants). Then and ONLY then did I consider cycling again and since I was already on TRT, it was a better and easier decision to make. However, unfortunately for me I carry all my bf in my stomach/love handles and upper thighs. So for me to get the 6 pack look or a small looking waist, I need to work super hard (whether on cycle or not) and be super diligent with my food choices. My scale whether it's accurate or not say's I'm averaging 13% bf. I think I'll need to be a solid 10% bf before I see any ab lines whatsoever. And frankly, I'd rather put in the hard work to get there slowly with gear than be higher fat and think gear would get me there without the sacrifice... ===== GOOD EXPERIENCE

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