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Thread: Late 90's early 2000's PCT/Cruising

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2017

    Late 90's early 2000's PCT/Cruising


    I have just watched the interview below:

    Now around the 23min min mark, They where discussing cruising/TRT/PCT, Ameen said that back in the early 2000's all the guys would come of the gear completely and there was no such thing as cruising/TRT.

    My thoughts, i find this hard to believe. A lot of the guys where monsters back then way past genetic potential, based on their size i would have thought staying on a low-med dose of test to help maintain their size during a "break" would be the approach that they would have to take as competitive bodybuilders rather than running a PCT and taking a 3 month break and possibly sacrificing some size and condition.

    Once your past your natural genetic potential and you come off gear, you will loose size period. And coming off for three months after a 8 or 9 month blast defeats the object of coming off, after PCT + your body coming down to a normal level (if it does) by the time this happens your right back on again.

    Interested to hear all your thoughts? I honestly think he is talking about the rare individual that does this.
    Last edited by Eduke93; 05-03-2018 at 07:39 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2017
    and to add, I know you wont loose much if any size at all coming off for 3 months but thees guys are looking at this from a health perspective.. seems pointless to me, 3 months is not long enough.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Didnt see the video.

    But many stopped for 1 (one) month, some more but they would stay out of public and well covered with clothes.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Destination Peaksville
    You're up way too late worrying about this shit lol.

    I haven't watched the vid yet cause YouTube is blocked in my office but I know Ameen def knows his shit, but I'm not sure he's on point with this one bro. It's entirely possible that he's talking some bullshit cause as far as I know, guys weren't coming off back then either. Especially in the 90's lol guys were going crazy with gear in the 90's dropping dead left and right I doubt they were taking 3 month breaks. I don't know but IMO it makes no sense to come of for 3 months. It's much better to cruise on TRT and then blast cycles and rotate compounds.

    Personally, I'll take a break from compounds that are really harsh on my lipids and use orals sparingly. Everything else can be run year round IMO as long as bloods are being done. I don't like waiting too long between Tren cycles because if I wait too long then I'll get the sides all over again. I took a 2 month break from Tren and hopped back on and didn't experience any sleep sides this time, only the usual aggression although it was completely manageable.

    The trick is to keep dosages moderate IMO because a lot of the long term sides are relevant to how much you're taking, so although I like to stay on, I'll rotate compounds and keep dosages moderate so I'll have longevity in this game. I'm not trying to get taken out by a heart attack at age 50 lol.. My bloods look pretty decent and I've been on gear since July/August of last year..

  5. #5
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    Oct 2017
    Yeah Ameen is the one who would know. Ive seen interviews with answers both ways. Some guys say their "coming off" was just doing test. Alot of other guys came off completely. Listen to dave palumbo talk- he says same thing, when it was time to come off, it was completely off. I would have to guess when you get that big, the little bit you lose while your off probably comes back pretty quickly on've u are back on

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    doesnt fffffff matter
    A week ago or so Rxmuscle made a video on this topic where Dave , Lee and Romano talk about bridging or coming off.
    Lee priest says he always used to come off and maintain some decent size by getting fat as f and eating all that kfc and donuts..
    I guess for 3 months cleaning, test levels are still elevated from PCT and just about when test starts coming back to normal levels they jumped back on..IMO
    I mean we've seen only videos of them during their best and preparing for competition, there arent videos out there that show how they used to look the whole year and Guru Ameen acts surprised when Bostin Loyd mentions mega doses but what did he actually give to his clients back in the day, King Kamali , Craig Titus and the other guy when he mentioned "we're going nuclear".. the 90s guys most come across a little phony, everyones got a bit of a lie in their stories except for Dorian Yates he always speaks the truth doesnt give a f .. just my 0.02c

  7. #7
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    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by gj0n3yb View Post
    A week ago or so Rxmuscle made a video on this topic where Dave , Lee and Romano talk about bridging or coming off.
    Lee priest says he always used to come off and maintain some decent size by getting fat as f and eating all that kfc and donuts..
    I guess for 3 months cleaning, test levels are still elevated from PCT and just about when test starts coming back to normal levels they jumped back on..IMO
    I mean we've seen only videos of them during their best and preparing for competition, there arent videos out there that show how they used to look the whole year and Guru Ameen acts surprised when Bostin Loyd mentions mega doses but what did he actually give to his clients back in the day, King Kamali , Craig Titus and the other guy when he mentioned "we're going nuclear".. the 90s guys most come across a little phony, everyones got a bit of a lie in their stories except for Dorian Yates he always speaks the truth doesnt give a f .. just my 0.02c
    They did not have any PCT meds back then

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2017
    Thanks for the responses guys…

    Yeah, that’s what I thought. I mean you can come off, as in off EVERYTHING for a few months when your 250lbs maybe drop 15lbs and to be honest you would still look the same to most people anyway. I am sure guys detox once a year for a couple of months, but coming off a few times per year as a professional bodybuilder seems completely counterproductive based on the length of time they “break!

    My OP, why come off when you can use a TRT dose, an actual TRT dose not cruise dose, give your body a break without the ups and downs, even though they will still lose weight.

    Anyway cheers for your input all, always interesting to see other people’s opinions!

  9. #9
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    Nov 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Eduke93 View Post
    Thanks for the responses guys…

    Yeah, that’s what I thought. I mean you can come off, as in off EVERYTHING for a few months when your 250lbs maybe drop 15lbs and to be honest you would still look the same to most people anyway. I am sure guys detox once a year for a couple of months, but coming off a few times per year as a professional bodybuilder seems completely counterproductive based on the length of time they “break!

    My OP, why come off when you can use a TRT dose, an actual TRT dose not cruise dose, give your body a break without the ups and downs, even though they will still lose weight.

    Anyway cheers for your input all, always interesting to see other people’s opinions!
    Low test is not healthy. I agree just drop down to a TRT dose like 100mg per week. For the stuff that we can measure easily through blood work, everything should improve faster if you drop to TRT versus quitting cold turkey, with the exception of hemoglobin/hematocrit etc which will drop anyway just a little slower with TRT, low test fan make you anemic not sure why you'd want to feel like crap and lose gains just to make blood counts drop a little faster lol

  10. #10
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    May 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by cousinmuscles View Post
    Low test is not healthy. I agree just drop down to a TRT dose like 100mg per week. For the stuff that we can measure easily through blood work, everything should improve faster if you drop to TRT versus quitting cold turkey, with the exception of hemoglobin/hematocrit etc which will drop anyway just a little slower with TRT, low test fan make you anemic not sure why you'd want to feel like crap and lose gains just to make blood counts drop a little faster lol
    Exactly, it doesn't make sense... that's why i wanted to put it past you guys because he is a reputable coach and I thought i was missing something, but maybe not!

    Think it was a bit of talk for the camera!

  11. #11
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    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by cousinmuscles View Post
    Low test is not healthy. I agree just drop down to a TRT dose like 100mg per week. For the stuff that we can measure easily through blood work, everything should improve faster if you drop to TRT versus quitting cold turkey, with the exception of hemoglobin/hematocrit etc which will drop anyway just a little slower with TRT, low test fan make you anemic not sure why you'd want to feel like crap and lose gains just to make blood counts drop a little faster lol
    Could you tell my endo that? She said the risk of TRT was not worth the benefits. I asked what the solution was then..... silence. Stupid bitch has no idea of the feeling of low test or the issues related. Liberal SoCal Dr’s!
    Sorry for the rant, I am self prescribing TRT because my total test levels were 169 and I just turned 50 and the free test levels dropped and I just hit the minimum with my age change. 2 days earlier and I would have been out of range.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  12. #12
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    May 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    Could you tell my endo that? She said the risk of TRT was not worth the benefits. I asked what the solution was then..... silence. Stupid bitch has no idea of the feeling of low test or the issues related. Liberal SoCal Dr’s!
    Sorry for the rant, I am self prescribing TRT because my total test levels were 169 and I just turned 50 and the free test levels dropped and I just hit the minimum with my age change. 2 days earlier and I would have been out of range.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    What the F!!!!!

    That's horrific.

    She needs to get a new job, to be honest man i steer away from doctors as much as possible. Thank god for forums like this one aye... I use NHS purely for free blood work and that's it. Everything else i do privately, they are all clueless.

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