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Thread: Oral Only Cycle Help: Tren and Winny

  1. #1
    robpoppa is offline New Member
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    May 2018

    Oral Only Cycle Help: Tren and Winny

    I'm looking to do an oral cycle of Tren and Winny. I want to keep the cycle at 8-10 weeks total and use the Tren for 4 weeks max. I'm looking for advice on how you would formulate this cycle. Start them both at the same time and drop the Tren after 4 weeks? Or, start with Winny and add the Tren for the last 4 weeks? I was even considering 10 weeks of Winny with 2 weeks of Tren at the beginning and end of the cycle. I'm looking to shed fat and harden up. My diet and cardio are on point. I have Liver protection and am fully aware of the toxic nature of oral Tren. I also have PCT in hand. I also have Test-E I will inject should the sides require it, but I'm looking to avoid injections this time around.

    Not a newbie....just new to this site.
    Previous cycles include: 1. DBol /Sustanon 2. DBol/EQ/Test-E 3. DBol/Sustanon/Test-E
    I'm 32, 5'11, 190 lbs, 13-16% BF. Been working out for seriously for 12 years.

    Thanks in advance for any advice/experiences you might share.

  2. #2
    Obs's Avatar
    Obs is offline Changed Man
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    No advice for a bad cycle other than don't do it.
    Grow balls, inject.

    Dont screw with tren until you have cycled several times. Test is all you need for a first. If you want to toss in some winny toward the end go ahead

  3. #3
    robpoppa is offline New Member
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    Must not have rad my entire post. This will be my 4th cycle, not 1st. Also, I mentioned that I have Test E available to inject. I'm looking for advice on how to schedule the orals.

  4. #4
    almostgone's Avatar
    almostgone is offline AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    I'm afraid you won't get much advice on an oral cycle of only an oral DHT and an oral 19-nor. In general, most people prefer to include some amount of testosterone as a base.
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  5. #5
    Ernst's Avatar
    Ernst is offline Borderline Personality
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    Pretending for a moment that you were including a test base... I still don't like it. Not that you ever mentioned dosages, but mixing what is probably the most toxic oral out there with another c17 oral just seems a really bad idea. Now let's add in that you have no experience with either compound as well...

    Honestly, I wouldn't use MT if it was free. So if anyone wants to claim I'm talking out my ass because I have no firsthand experience, so be it.

    If you want to get shredded riding the tren /dht train there are other, well-proven ways to do it *cough*needles*cough*-- and your liver will thank you.
    cousinmuscles and almostgone like this.

  6. #6
    MACKATTACK's Avatar
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    Never mind.........
    Last edited by MACKATTACK; 05-04-2018 at 09:25 AM.
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  7. #7
    shaunjohn242002's Avatar
    shaunjohn242002 is offline Associate Member
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    No experience with oral tren but i had a boss who cycled it off and on for a while. He stopped after his doctor told him he had a tumor in his liver. Maybe coincidence maybe not

  8. #8
    MACKATTACK's Avatar
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    Don’t understand with all the side effects and possible health concerns from running tren long term and short term and crazy stories I have read that anyone would run Tren and especially in liquid form where the liver gets hit twice by it.....
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  9. #9
    Obs's Avatar
    Obs is offline Changed Man
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    Quote Originally Posted by MACKATTACK1 View Post
    Don’t understand with all the side effects and possible health concerns from running tren long term and short term and crazy stories I have read that anyone would run Tren and especially in liquid form where the liver gets hit twice by it.....
    I agree.
    I am a crazy guy but the cost doesent match the benefit in my opinion.

    Op if you run it just use it as a finisher for a few weeks. I don't know why you need two orals but I am not that big of a fan of orals anyway.

    I did not mean to come off rude btw I thought you were running an oral only cycle without a test base.
    robpoppa and MACKATTACK1 like this.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by robpoppa View Post
    I'm looking to do an oral cycle of Tren and Winny. I want to keep the cycle at 8-10 weeks total and use the Tren for 4 weeks max. I'm looking for advice on how you would formulate this cycle. Start them both at the same time and drop the Tren after 4 weeks? Or, start with Winny and add the Tren for the last 4 weeks? I was even considering 10 weeks of Winny with 2 weeks of Tren at the beginning and end of the cycle. I'm looking to shed fat and harden up. My diet and cardio are on point. I have Liver protection and am fully aware of the toxic nature of oral Tren. I also have PCT in hand. I also have Test-E I will inject should the sides require it, but I'm looking to avoid injections this time around.

    Not a newbie....just new to this site.
    Previous cycles include: 1. DBol /Sustanon 2. DBol/EQ/Test-E 3. DBol/Sustanon/Test-E
    I'm 32, 5'11, 190 lbs, 13-16% BF. Been working out for seriously for 12 years.

    Thanks in advance for any advice/experiences you might share.
    Normally, derivatives don't pass the liver very well. In other words, the liver destroys the integrity of the steroid so it becomes ineffective or at best, less effective, once in the system. This is why carbon molecules are altered to help make the liver pass. In order for Tren to be effective once it makes the liver pass a lot of Tren has to be processes. This is very liver hepatic. If you combine that with a DHT based oral like Winstrol , they stress on the liver is very high.

    The Tren + Winny combo is going to shut your HPTA down but you're not taking exogenous Test to replace the Test that's needed in your system. There are two areas that bring up red flags in a cycle.

    Just about any recommendation I would give to you on how to run oral Tren with Winny would not be good.
    almostgone likes this.

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