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Thread: Hcg

  1. #1


    Is Gonadotropina Corionica by Loeffler the same stuff as HCG. If so, how much does everyone pay for it? It says 10,000 U.I. on the


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Yes its HCG

    10,000 ius is the total dose it contains

    20 bux would be reasonable for it

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Billy_Bathgate
    Yes its HCG

    10,000 ius is the total dose it contains

    20 bux would be reasonable for it
    Yeah, $20 would be a good price but for those who buy online from a legit pharmacy and get a legit script you can pay up to $80 for it.
    Regardless of cost ($80 limit) I think it is definately worth it to add to every cycle at like 500-1000iu's per week for the whole cycle.

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