Hi guys first post.
Never used any gear before and was thinking of a course of anavar.
I'm 5'7 95kg. At 18 was clinically obese at 110kg and very fat. Lost a lot of weight when I started working. At 23 was down to 84kg and then started training. Been training 13 months now.
220kg deadlift
140kg bench
190kg squat.
I'm happy with my progression strength wise.
My problem is I still have a lot of belly fat and can't seem to shift it at all. And it's starting to get a bit depressing. I don't know my body fat percentage. I train 4-5 times a week with 10 minute cardio in every session and play 5 a side football twice a week and a 2k park run with my son every Sunday.
I seem to be stuck at 95-97kg I can eat like a pig or eat better and it doesn't seem to make a difference. My friend has used anavar before and looks exactly how I want to look. Was hoping it could assist me. Along with the right diet and exercise of course. If anyone can help it would be appreciated. Thanks