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Thread: I need help getting back into Anavar after having a baby

  1. #1

    Question I need help getting back into Anavar after having a baby

    I had a baby (after 25 hours of labor they finally did a c section) 8 months ago.

    Before I got pregnant, I was super active, did lots of cardio and 2 Ironman 70.3 races, lifted weights daily, did 2 cycles of var, I was in great shape. Looked and felt like a million bucks. I quit lifting pretty early into pregnancy bc I was super weak and tired and nauseous, and I quit running when I was around 5 months pregnant. As previously mentioned, my son is currently 8 months old, so that time plus 4 months means I haven’t really run in about a year, and haven’t really lifted in a couple months longer than that.

    The time off a super strict regimen plus all those hormones plus pregnancy cravings, and I plumped up. I’m super unhappy about it. I look and feel gross and having a baby and no time to pretty myself up makes it worse. lol. Baby’s daddy is a Marine and is deployed so I have been mostly a full time stay at home mom until now, but I’m back in a job and have just started working out. I started slowly jogging last week. 3 miles, 4 days. I’m slow as hell but at least I’m doing it. I know the speed will come back if I keep putting in the miles.

    My body is so soft right now and really want to get back into lifting. I have worked out a few days but am discouraged by how weak I am these days. I still have muscles and they are begging me to get big again. I miss being big and strong and muscular. I miss how it all feels, not just the way I looked. I am going through withdrawals of the feeling of a good steroidy muscle pump. The kind Arnold was talking about when he said pumping is like cumming.

    So my question is how long do I have to wait before I can do another cycle of var? I’m 32 years old, healthy, no longer breastfeeding, and I’m on Birth Control. I know there are no shortcuts and it took me a year to get here and it’s going to take time to get me back, but I just feel so gross. I have heard that the general rule is one year of hardcore training and good diet before you start an anabolic steroid, but I have done 2 cycles in the not that distant past if that makes a difference. I just wanna get back on var NOW! 😂

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Southern California
    Quote Originally Posted by BlondeMomma1121 View Post
    I had a baby (after 25 hours of labor they finally did a c section) 8 months ago.

    Before I got pregnant, I was super active, did lots of cardio and 2 Ironman 70.3 races, lifted weights daily, did 2 cycles of var, I was in great shape. Looked and felt like a million bucks. I quit lifting pretty early into pregnancy bc I was super weak and tired and nauseous, and I quit running when I was around 5 months pregnant. As previously mentioned, my son is currently 8 months old, so that time plus 4 months means I haven’t really run in about a year, and haven’t really lifted in a couple months longer than that.

    The time off a super strict regimen plus all those hormones plus pregnancy cravings, and I plumped up. I’m super unhappy about it. I look and feel gross and having a baby and no time to pretty myself up makes it worse. lol. Baby’s daddy is a Marine and is deployed so I have been mostly a full time stay at home mom until now, but I’m back in a job and have just started working out. I started slowly jogging last week. 3 miles, 4 days. I’m slow as hell but at least I’m doing it. I know the speed will come back if I keep putting in the miles.

    My body is so soft right now and really want to get back into lifting. I have worked out a few days but am discouraged by how weak I am these days. I still have muscles and they are begging me to get big again. I miss being big and strong and muscular. I miss how it all feels, not just the way I looked. I am going through withdrawals of the feeling of a good steroidy muscle pump. The kind Arnold was talking about when he said pumping is like cumming.

    So my question is how long do I have to wait before I can do another cycle of var? I’m 32 years old, healthy, no longer breastfeeding, and I’m on Birth Control. I know there are no shortcuts and it took me a year to get here and it’s going to take time to get me back, but I just feel so gross. I have heard that the general rule is one year of hardcore training and good diet before you start an anabolic steroid, but I have done 2 cycles in the not that distant past if that makes a difference. I just wanna get back on var NOW! ��
    Congratulations on your new baby!
    As a mom, I know how hard it is to get shape and to make time for yourself. I applaud your drive. Trust it gets easier.
    Sorry, no advice on when to start var again. Just really wanted to welcome you to the forum. Yay! Another woman!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    aka m.hornbuckle
    Quote Originally Posted by PeanutbutterDC View Post
    Congratulations on your new baby!
    As a mom, I know how hard it is to get shape and to make time for yourself. I applaud your drive. Trust it gets easier.
    Sorry, no advice on when to start var again. Just really wanted to welcome you to the forum. Yay! Another woman!
    id drop the birth control before var.

    its just a weird mix in my opinion. but just opinion

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Sorry, the correct advice is to regain your base before doing another cycle

    You will feel a lot better in a new cycle if regain some of your conditioning and strength, not to mention much less possibilities of injuries and even more gainz

  5. #5
    Woohoo, a new baby! Congratulations to you and your husband. 25 hours of labor? Whoa, you're tough. If a man had to go through 25 hours of labor, there'd be a population deficit in every country in the world. I'm sooooooo glad my wife has a short memory and a high tolerance to pain as we have a litter of kids. Kids are soooooo wonderful.

    BB's totally correct. When you have a baby and gain weight, that may change your body chemistry to throw off your hormone levels from when you were in shape. Women have a more complex hormonal system then men. You feed us and pet us and we're happy. The chemical change in your system can cause moodiness and in some women, even depression. Hang in there. Get a good workout regiment together with a good diet and get back to the gym. It won't take you long to get back into your exercise rhythm. When you've got a good regiment going for a few months, let's say 6 months, you can take a look at an Anavar cycle. Adding more chemicals to a body that's making hormonal adjustments may not be the best thing for you right now.

    Go give your baby a kiss, put on your shoes, and get to the gym.

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