Only taking 50mg eod and its gonna cost me a marriage. Think I'm gonna discontinue it. I'm in a constant pissed otf mood
Only taking 50mg eod and its gonna cost me a marriage. Think I'm gonna discontinue it. I'm in a constant pissed otf mood
Got you that twisted Lutt? I have never run tren. Just liked other stuff too much. But was just considering giving it a run coming up soon. What kind of gains are you seeing at 50mg?
I think tren "rage" is overblown and guys think thats the cause when really they are just cranky assholes like me.
I just realized I left my chainsaws on my truck and now I gotta get outta bed and go get them in.
Now I am pissed.
No relation to tren...
Maybe some people just have great lives and happy happy hippy mindsets but my life is a bitch quite often and the idiots in my way have made me furious my entire life.
Tren just made me look good which makes me happy!
run Proviron with it. Seems to lower your irritability.
Currently running tren.. tren makes my stupid tolerance go way down.. my thought process and shit that bothers me stays the same but the point at which I respond to irritation is alot sooner.. best way I can put it
Obs, while I tend to agree and will be the 1st to admit to being an asshole myself, I'm ready to snap fucking spines in half now. Its much much worse and quicker to become pissed. I'm also more inclined to say what I'm thinking to the wife where I'm usually good at just saying yes dear.
Burkawitz, I'm running proviron with this cycle along with cyp e4d (400mg), anavar ED (50mg), tren 50mg EOD, and just added Deca (150mg) E7D for joint and tendon relief.
well said! I'm starting very low dose tren.. from last Sunday .25 then .50 then .75.....
My stupid tolerance is dropping precipitously..
Friday at work I smashed my wireless mouse into little pieces because it accidentally malfunction and close out a website I've been working on for over an hour!!
But I hve a short fuse anyway so I don't know how much the Tren had to do with it and maybe a little.
ALIN, I'm gonna cut back on my dose before I give up on it. Like the results (body) just not the ill demeanor that I've developed since taking it
I'm surprised not more bros use cannabis to help with a variety of sides from doing anabolics
I take Edibles before bed... all aches and pains meltaway rock-solid sleep..
Cannabis has been shown to lower testosterone while High ....but levels return to normal after.. and being on anabolics natural testosterone is irrelevant during your cycle...
Tren makes you irritable for sure.
But it’s like alcohol, if you’re an angry/aggressive person it will enhance that side of you if you’re not then you will be able to control yourself.
If it’s affecting your relationship then cut it, your relationships are more important that the drugs
Last edited by Obs; 05-14-2018 at 12:37 PM.
i find it doesn't really cause problems but things you wouldn't lash out on before suddenly feel much worse.
I never understood why people run Tren with all the terrible downsides of it
Got my old name back, ill be responding from here now lol
Wow dude 50mg eod of Tren is too much for you to control yourself..??? I'm going to honestly say that you should probably just stay away from gear altogether or just stick to low dose test cycles you'll be better off cause steroids should not cause problems in your marriage.
I'm in the 1st week on tren ace... very strange mental feelings... for example, a few hours ago I had an argument with a person in the office...I had a great calm and self-control at the moment , but at the same time I felt very offended,,,,too offended...and I felt so much anger growing inside...
but that's okay because the scale scores about 4.4 pounds more and I feel more density in the chest and shoulders and I see myself better in the mirror![]()
Does anyone know the science behind the claims of anger and aggression? I always thought that it was caused by the increased prolactin or reduced dopamine? After doing some more reading most just say it amplifies your already predetermined behavior. If you are normally irritated some what easily then on tren you would be irritated even easier. From my 15 minutes of quick research before replying, it appears there really isn't any science behind it just observations from studies.
One of the ways is through increased epinephrine.
If a guy is lethargic with increased epinephrine (fight or flight like adrenaline) I can easily see someone confusing it with anger.
I have seen no AAS that caused anywhere near the anger low test caused in me. There is agitated which is pretty normal for people lime me. Then there is actual anger and depression from low test. This is why I chose trt. I got so pissed off I was wrecking my relationships and ready to shoot myself outta spite.
A member of this board donated two vials of test to me because I was waiting on an order for months. That guy has no idea the shitstorm he saved me from. I felt so much better so quickly I made the decision that I was never going natty again.
Nope it has probably much more to do with serotonin depletion, can be caused from high T alone in combination with either low or high E2, but there's a special case with progestins, let E2 be high while also high on Tren, and then you are in for a fun ride, if your already prone ofc.
I’m currently on my 3rd week Tren A 400mg a week. I definitely find myself getting frustrated with things that normally wouldn’t frustrate me. Before starting this cycle I told my wife I’d be testy af so luckily she’s been pretty cool about it. When I find myself about to burst I tell myself “it’s just the Tren” lol. But yeah it’s definitely not losing a wife over.
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