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Thread: How much is too much?

  1. #1

    How much is too much?

    How much gear a week would you class as too much?

    the point to this question is, can you overdose on gear?

    I know we're all about harm reduction and steroids abuse, but can you die from runnning too much? would the causes be strokes because of High blood pressure etc? what if you had them under control?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    My educated opinion, for milder (in comparison to other AAS) stuff, how thick is your blood getting (can you even keep up with it with bloodletting?), how is your blood pressure, can you control your estrogen with AIs, are your bloods wrecked for too long after the cycle? for more harsh compounds, how much of a beating is your liver getting, your stomach/GI, how crappy do you feel?

    But what I'd wonder is are you even getting any more gains trying this?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Pharmaa View Post
    How much gear a week would you class as too much?

    the point to this question is, can you overdose on gear?

    I know we're all about harm reduction and steroids abuse, but can you die from runnning too much? would the causes be strokes because of High blood pressure etc? what if you had them under control?
    Dont know how much is too much, will just say that IMO you need to grow in the dosages. What I mean is that some guys take a lot thinking they will grow more, and that is not the case, too much can even be counterproductive on the gainz dept. cause some side effects will hinder gains.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    I think with decent genetics there would never be a reason to go much over 2gram total of gear a week. That’s at the top level.

    Noobs/intermediates like us should all see great results on a gram of gear or something is off with diet training or gear quality imo.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Too much is when the scale pan moves to the side effects compared to the gains ... you can not die from steroid overdose directly, but you can have long-term problems if you do not keep your blood values ​​under control (lipids, liver , blood pressure, etc.) and if you do not do "off" periods between cyckes

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    AZ Side
    I went into the 3 gram a week range(test, tren & mast)

    Worth it - well, I won't do it again

    Now I run under 1g a week total max

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    I went into the 3 gram a week range(test, tren & mast)

    Worth it - well, I won't do it again

    Now I run under 1g a week total max
    i'm currently almost in the 2gram most i've ever ran don't really see any significant change apart from more aggression (and gains!)

    people in my gym are running nearly 2g's of test alone. makes a guy think yano.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Depends, I can run higher amounts of deca vs tren, higher amounts of dbol vs drol, and so on

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    AZ Side
    One guy I knew ran 5cc's total a day, primo, test, mast +

    This is the most I have heard of in person

    He was in the shape I wish I was in - but, not at that cost

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    One guy I knew ran 5cc's total a day, primo, test, mast +

    This is the most I have heard of in person

    He was in the shape I wish I was in - but, not at that cost
    Whew, that's a lot!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Dont know how much is too much, will just say that IMO you need to grow in the dosages. What I mean is that some guys take a lot thinking they will grow more, and that is not the case, too much can even be counterproductive on the gainz dept. cause some side effects will hinder gains.
    Agree here.

    It should also match your diet and training. If yoy arent eating that much over maitenance and using a gram of tren you are wasting money and making yourself feel like shit for no good reason.

    I would wager 99% never need more than 400mg of tren or deca and 750mg of test.

    Bearing in mind you may not be ready for tren at all.

    Too much of any will make you sluggish and out of breath. I recently went overboard with tren and adrol. It was a stupid waste of money to make myself feel exhausted and not really gain anything.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Pharmaa View Post
    How much gear a week would you class as too much?

    the point to this question is, can you overdose on gear?

    I know we're all about harm reduction and steroids abuse, but can you die from runnning too much? would the causes be strokes because of High blood pressure etc? what if you had them under control?
    My opinion… (I haven’t read anyone else’s yet)

    This is completely person dependant, everyone reacts differently to steroids. For example, one person could inject 500mg of test and their levels are just 2x normal range, someone else could inject 500mg test and their levels could be 5x the normal range.

    Some people are at higher risk of blood pressure, stroke, heart disease than others, so their limit will be different to someone who isn’t at risk of these things... Again, all genetics.

    Your goal shouldn’t be I am going to run 10 grams of gear and become a monster, firstly that won’t happen there’s only so much muscle your body can obtain at one time. Your goal should be what’s the least amount of gear I can use to get the maximum results, there will come a time when you will need to add more gear to get more results as your body adapts to the drugs, and so on and so forth… You need as much as your body needs to grow, and you will eventually need more for your body to grow. You need to grow into the drugs...

    So you can’t really answer this question. Guys that run 10 grams of gear do so, because they need to. And 95% of these guys are professional athletes so their careers depend on it, otherwise taking it to this level is NOT worth it in any way shape or form.

    With regards to over dosing, you cannot over dose like you can overdose on over the counter ibuprofen…. But you can drastically decrease the length of your life and the quality of your life if you abuse these substances, especially without direction/regular testing from your doctor.

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