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Thread: Need help!!!!!!my first steroid selection

  1. #1

    Need help!!!!!!my first steroid selection

    I'm a advanced powerlifter but I decided to cut wieght ,I'm currently at 395 with 29 % bodfat I heard winstrol is pretty good I've done some research and are ok with the affect but I've head they put a strain on the heart and being at my body wieght I don't want to push that kind of strain on my heart so if any one Could help with advise on what steroid I should use to court the body fat or even a S.A.R.M i could you will be helpful thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    You never took steroids?

    In your situation you will lose a LOT of weight just by doing low impact cardio, walking on treadmill at slight angle for example, for 45 minutes, and dieting.

    Would leave the drugs for when you reach a standstill point on the scale.

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