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Thread: Classic physique. Need stack suggestions / feedback

  1. #1
    ClassicJoe is offline New Member
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    Classic physique. Need stack suggestions / feedback

    Hello All,

    I'm new to these forums, but have been competing for the past 3 years. Won 4 of my last 5 shows, one overall, however only placed first callouts for nationals. Currently in offseason preparing to compete 2019.

    About me
    age: 30 years old
    height: 5'8 1/2" inches
    current offseason weight: 198 lbs
    last competition weight: 178lbs
    new class division weight cap (for me): 188lbs (absolutely peeled goal 2019)

    Been training my whole life, always active
    18 years old I weighed 100lbs
    22 years old I weighed 135 lbs
    24 years old I weighed 155lbs
    27 years old I wieghed 185
    28 years old (STARTED FIRST CYCLE)

    Been on 4-5 cycles since, however my last cycle lasted 8months of test e (600mg/wk) & EQ (600mq/wk) cycling on and off anadol / dbol

    carb cycling (4 day cycle)
    day 1: 300g protein, 100g carbs, 0 fat, 45 min cardio
    day 2: 300g protein, 200g carbs, 0 fat, 30 min cardio
    day 3: repeat day 2
    day 4: 300g protein, 600g carbs, 0 fat, no cardio

    diet sources (chicken, egg whites, 96% grnd beef, jasmin rice) occasional cheat poke meal
    other supplements: liver support, multi vitamin, vitamin c, glucosamine

    sunday: hamstrings calves
    Monday: chest tricep
    tuesday: back bicep
    wednesday: quads / hamstrings
    thursday: shoulders
    friday: lats / arms / light chest
    saturday: off

    blood work near end of cycle:
    testost tot, LC/MS/MS: 2063
    Testosterone , free: 751.3
    Testosterone, bioavail: 1479.7
    SHBG: 14
    ALBUMIN: 4.3

    hdl: 15
    lol: 107
    VLDL 28
    CAD risk factor: 10.0

    sodium: 141
    Potassium: 4.4
    chloride: 103
    urea nitrogen / bun: 20
    calcium: 9.4


    All Natural now- been off 12 wks. Now im about to get blood work to see where im at. Libido is good, energy is good, mood is good. dropped from 205 to 196 (mainly because eating less training less) . Taken a little break from it all as i have a career which keeps me pretty busy.

    Would love suggestions for next cycle, doses, diet, whatever. Considering just jumping back on test e and eq with an oral. go back on the carb-cycling as the results were good. Need to get quite a bit of size, maybe 220lbs as i will need to cut down to my new weight cap 188 lbs.

  2. #2
    hollowedzeus is offline Productive Member
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    Whats your reasoning for eating no fat if you dont mind me asking?

  3. #3
    ClassicJoe is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by hollowedzeus View Post
    Whats your reasoning for eating no fat if you dont mind me asking?
    Fats are rarely introduced. If they are it’s on low carb day - never mixed with carbs. Fats slow metabolism of carbohydrates. Closer to show I might take 25-50g if fat on low carb days to help fill out a little. Might introduce more fats on next prep. Down for recommendations if anyone has experience carb cycling with fats

  4. #4
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    If you are only going to compete in 2019, now I would only do test and oral cycle, heavier stuff have always chances of problems in recovery which take time to fix.

    Favorite prep IMO is to start 8 weeks NPP, or some nandrolone mix, then finish with 8 weeks tren /mast combo, last 4 week add winstrol . Testosterone dosage as needed, but I like to give the higher anabolics rating compounds the center stage. This is definitely not a novice prep so use the info wisely.

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    About fats, personally agree with low fats but diets need to be very individualized, but dont say its zero fat cause 96% grd beef has 4% of fat, if you translate it to calories that is over 25% calories coming from the fat

  6. #6
    ClassicJoe is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    If you are only going to compete in 2019, now I would only do test and oral cycle, heavier stuff have always chances of problems in recovery which take time to fix.

    Favorite prep IMO is to start 8 weeks NPP, or some nandrolone mix, then finish with 8 weeks tren/mast combo, last 4 week add winstrol. Testosterone dosage as needed, but I like to give the higher anabolics rating compounds the center stage. This is definitely not a novice prep so use the info wisely.
    Well I've got a solid 8 months before i even start a 20 week prep. So heavier might be an option.

    Whats the advantage of NPP over durabolin ?

    also, considering i was around 900mg test e and 900mg eq / week, what doses would be sufficient?

  7. #7
    ClassicJoe is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    About fats, personally agree with low fats but diets need to be very individualized, but dont say its zero fat cause 96% grd beef has 4% of fat, if you translate it to calories that is over 25% calories coming from the fat
    this is true, however red meat was only in peak weak, or refeed meals very occasionally. but yet, almost 0 fat.

    most of my other athletes who did not have the conditioning was becuase they were eating fats when they shouldnt have.
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  8. #8
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ClassicJoe View Post
    Well I've got a solid 8 months before i even start a 20 week prep. So heavier might be an option.

    Whats the advantage of NPP over durabolin ?

    also, considering i was around 900mg test e and 900mg eq / week, what doses would be sufficient?
    NPP is much faster than deca . I love deca but I dont recommended to ppl not on TRT, or to guys competing as the deca will stay in your body for months after last shot. With deca you needed to do 16 weeks instead of 8.
    At your weight that amount of oil is really not needed IMHO. 900mg of test will give a lot of aromatization. About eq is not really a compound I recommend, will it make you veiny? yeah, its best ability its to increase RBCs. Will your muscles grow on eq? No.

  9. #9
    AlphaMindz's Avatar
    AlphaMindz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Well first off, good job on your accomplishments so far man. Sounds like you're putting the work in and clearly the judges see that! I'm on the road to competing myself so I'm always glad to come across someone else with similar aspirations. What you've done so far isn't easy!

    So essentially you'd like to put on 10 lbs of muscle by 2019 is that correct?

    Once I'm finished down regulating my coach is going to put me on a bulker and although I don't have exact dosages yet, I do have an idea and also know what compounds I'll be running. He's going to have me on gram of test/eq 200mg/800mg week cause although we want a wet cycle we also want to minimize estrogen conversion and NPP prob around 600mg week and my oral will be anadrol .

    I should put on some serious weight during this cycle if my diet supports it...which it will.

    After that I'll down regulate for a month or so and then blast a nice cutter with Tren as my secondary compound to Test... I'll prob add Winny and T3 to that one..but who knows maybe my coach has different plans so I'll have to see.

    If you're trying to bulk then I would highly recommend adding fats into your diet. Healthy fats are vital to cardiovascular health and are also a great source of calories so I'm not sure why you're short changing yourself on those.

    Also, are you currently taking hgh and insulin ?

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by ClassicJoe View Post
    Well I've got a solid 8 months before i even start a 20 week prep. So heavier might be an option.

    Whats the advantage of NPP over durabolin ? NPP holds less water and gives faster results. You can get in/out of a cycle faster.

    also, considering i was around 900mg test e and 900mg eq / week, what doses would be sufficient?
    I'm not a big fan of get huge off season and cut like crazy to make weight. It's hard on the body and on your psyche. I'm 5'11 and the NPC weight limit is 205 for me. I walk around at about 10% to 11% body fat off season and 210lbs or so. It so much easier to lose 10lbs than 35lbs like I used to do when I was younger. My favorite cocktail is Test/Mast/Primo. I don't run Tren too much anymore. I can't handle the sides. I run Tren at 100mg/wk if I want to add a little bulk but since I'm so close to my competition weight I don't worry about gaining a few more pounds.

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