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Thread: Quick question regarding TRT

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Quick question regarding TRT

    This might be a dumb question, but would like to know. 32 years old, I am currently on 200mg/week of Testosterone Cypionate, roughly 2-3 months in. Will there come to a point where my body comes accustomed to it and I stop making gains? If so, when? If yes, will I need to up the dosage or start cycling in order to make new gains? Thank you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Gold01 View Post
    This might be a dumb question, but would like to know. 32 years old, I am currently on 200mg/week of Testosterone Cypionate, roughly 2-3 months in. Will there come to a point where my body comes accustomed to it and I stop making gains? If so, when? If yes, will I need to up the dosage or start cycling in order to make new gains? Thank you.
    Do you have a doctor prescribing you that much a week or is this your own TRT program ?
    At the age of 32 , 200 a week is the high end of the spectrum. With 200, you should make some pretty decent gains on it especially if you are eating clean and good and your training is consistent.
    To continue to make gains is more so on your nutrition and your training ( volume / intensity) unless you are stacking you aren’t going to be putting on lbs of muscle weeks at a time. Just train and eat right and you should be fine with this amount of Mg.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Destination Peaksville
    What Chrisp said is accurate.^^

    I'll just add that trt doses of Test are def enough to make some gains if you're still fairly new to it. Your body will become accustomed to that dosage and then your gains will plateau which is when you'll want to look into blasting a real cycle, and when you're done with the cycle all you have to do is discontinue the other compounds and lower your Test back down to trt levels and cruise on that until your next cycle.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Whats your current height and weight? If you are really light then you might gain for years on that dose. If you already have a solid heavy platform then you will gain slow and will want to do blasts every few months.

  5. #5
    im about to begin trt with a doctors guidence,im 43 been training for years,never tried gear of any kind,really looking forward to feling good AS WELL as MAKING NICE GAINS AGAIN. hopefully this will also help with me being constantly sore and tried all the time.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Frankdtank View Post
    im about to begin trt with a doctors guidence,im 43 been training for years,never tried gear of any kind,really looking forward to feling good AS WELL as MAKING NICE GAINS AGAIN. hopefully this will also help with me being constantly sore and tried all the time.
    Hell yeah man! Write down all your current stats and p/r’s so you can compare them to how your doing in a few months. Let us know in the lounge how youve progressed!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    Thanks for your reply. 2 doctors said NO, before 1 said YES to TRT, 150mg/per week. I am accounting for the additional 50mg on my own.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMindz View Post
    What Chrisp said is accurate.^^

    I'll just add that trt doses of Test are def enough to make some gains if you're still fairly new to it. Your body will become accustomed to that dosage and then your gains will plateau which is when you'll want to look into blasting a real cycle, and when you're done with the cycle all you have to do is discontinue the other compounds and lower your Test back down to trt levels and cruise on that until your next cycle.
    Thank you for your input, it is very much appreciated.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Gold01 View Post
    This might be a dumb question, but would like to know. 32 years old, I am currently on 200mg/week of Testosterone Cypionate, roughly 2-3 months in. Will there come to a point where my body comes accustomed to it and I stop making gains? If so, when? If yes, will I need to up the dosage or start cycling in order to make new gains? Thank you.
    You're effectively running a 200mg/wk cycle. If you are not on TRT, then run a PCT at the end of 12 weeks and rest. If you are on TRT, drop your dose to your TRT dose and cruise for 6 months. Then run a blast with 500mg/wk of Test only for 12 weeks. No need to do PCT.

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