06-17-2018, 06:45 PM #1
Hernia surgery
I've got two inguinal hernias. Is there any reason I should get arthroscopic v non-arthroscopic surgery?
I just got an umbiblical hernia fixed the “old fashioned” way. Still wasnt a huge incision and it feels like the surgeon was able to really stitch the hernia together tight.
My buddy just did the laproscopic method for an ingeuinal hernia. Tiny little incision below his belly button and he said it wasnt so bad. Only thing is they inflate you with gas to make room for the robot which kind of freaks me out. It really depends on the surgeon. The non laproscopic method for inguinals requires a pretty big incision. Common sense would tell me that the old fashioned way is better because the surgeon is actually gettin his hands in there. But laproscopic seems to be the way to go these days. Hernias suck dude! I’ll keep subscribed to the thread and see how you do.
06-17-2018, 07:16 PM #3
The open surgery seems to offer more opportunity for the doc to fix things.
The laproscopic costs more and recovery is easier. I wonder if they do less damage to the muscles with laproscopic?
06-17-2018, 07:23 PM #4
I had the laparoscopic. There were three small incisions. One for a camera, and one for each “arm” and a mesh was inserted. I was trimming a tree afterwards ( no climbing). Dr would not have approved, but it’s an example of the minimum damage.
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06-17-2018, 09:58 PM #5
06-17-2018, 11:42 PM #6
No brainer. Laparoscopic.
06-24-2018, 08:56 AM #7
Maybe this will help someone in the future:
The best option for inguinal hernia surgery I could find is in Maryland-$1900 for one or $3400 for two, total (covers doc, facility and anesthesia).
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