Hey all,
31 yo, 186 lbs, 5’ 9”
So I’ve started my second cycle:
500 mg/wk test E
400mg/wk mast
.5mg ED of Arimidex (liquid)
5 iu HGH/ED
I’m only 4 days into the cycle and already I am experiencing some weird sides - painful, swollen feet and hands, especially at night time (they fall asleep constantly), lots of urination at night time, and I’m very bloated and am retaining a ton of water/fluids.
It’s crazy that I would already be experiencing these sides as it’s only been a few days. I thought maybe it was the arimidex dehydrating me, but was also wondering if it could be high Estro, so, not enough Arimidex?
Does anyone have any advice??? Please help!