I just change the avatar , hope you like my jawline.
hahaaha you kill me with that man , no problem at all with this hahaha im not a srs person and you ''funny'' comment are welcome.
I have the pleasure to meet other fitness models like harrison twins and talk with lewis ...
These guys probably are the most iconic fitness models in the uk , and start jucing so young 17-18.
I hit my first cycle at 21. And know very well the consequences of my lifestyle bro , i know how to do the things , and i train natty since 16 years old till last year .
here a vid of harrison twins at age of 20-26
impressive pshyques for sure
You guys need to understand the different points of this.
I dont agree to start juicing at 16 just for be a dickhead and have all chicks looking you.I train natty for 4 years with diet and compete 2 times natty , and an natural prep is the death. Focus on other young guys who cant diet and train proprely before me please , jus a waste of time.
Last edited by Dazhy; 06-24-2018 at 01:17 PM.
Are these mental sides solely from running Tren, or do you get them from all 19 nors?
I had a little spell where I kept thinking I heard random people call me names under their breath. Then I was at a bar and grill getting take away and I heard "faggot" mumbled behind me and I was ready to take someones head off and turned around and it was a guy I know that would never call anyone a name, standing behind me.
I decided I was totally cracking the fug up so I dropped the nolva and the name calling went away 8l
It was a stressful month though. One day in particular before that I had scared the shit out of a cable guy for teasing my dogs, chased some piss pants that yelled something at me while driving, called out a fat bastard strutting so dramatically he should have been in a taritino movie, and made a walmart employee squirm for cursing in front of my gf's kids.
^^^That was one day^^^
I decided most of the shit was my fault for overreacting. Ceptin the cable guy. That fucker was a chester the molester looking pos teasing dogs because he didnt think I was home. That guy needed shot.
The lack of energy and drive after the cycle is what really convinced me to be more cautious with Tren
New member here,
I’m on Tren now, and mentally I feel like I’m looking at people differently. I either want to rage on them, or I can only deal with their voice for a few mins. I’m a complete asshole, but I don’t mind. I feel like I’m more truthful on tren, but it’s also got me into some sticky situations. Trens super powers are amazing, but that damn demon that comes with it will whisper those evil thoughts right into you. I definitely have a love/hate relationship with tren.
Aggression is great in the gym but to mitigate the sides of Tren I have found Proviron, Taurine along with GW to be fantastic. I am on on my 4th Tren cycle now and by far it is the best after adding Proviron, Clen, Taurine and GW. My first cycle was very short due to the pain from some bad tren, my send and third cycles were cut short due to my asthma (that is why I added clen to my cycle but you may not need it).
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