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Thread: gyno??hellllllllp

  1. #1

    Angry gyno??hellllllllp

    for some reason my left nipple is darker then my right one. and its kinda sensitve and puffy. im taking sus 250 500mg per week and i was taking 10mg of nolva every 12 hours ever since i started. should i bump it to 20 mg every 12 hours??? is this gyno?? my right nipple seems fine man but i dont get the left one. its kinda purpulsh colour.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    bud you should bump your nolv up and up until the lumps and puffyness goes away. I had to up mine to 80mg per day just to get it under control when I first did sustanon. Sus is bad for giving folks gyno, because of the test prop. Up it as much as you need until the gyno goes away then take 20-40 mg per day for preventive maintenance. Good luck. Armidex/liquidex/femara would help too.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Not sure - move a lot.
    Sorry bro, doesn't sound like any type of gyno I've ever heard of nor experienced. The only type I had was the norm, when you nipple HUUUUUUUURTTTSSS really bad and gets a little lump under it...that's when ya hit the nolva hard.

    As far as taking nolva throughout your cycle, I would probably opt for taking liquidex instead... stops the test from aromatizing rather than stopping it from binding after it's already in your system (like nolva does). But just my opinion.

  4. #4
    k bro... ill up it by 40 tommorow see how it works.. i uped by 30 today.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    Quote Originally Posted by Slypknot
    Sorry bro, doesn't sound like any type of gyno I've ever heard of nor experienced. The only type I had was the norm, when you nipple HUUUUUUUURTTTSSS really bad and gets a little lump under it...that's when ya hit the nolva hard.
    Umm Slypknot he did say he had a knot under his nip. Read again amigo. If he has a lump he most likely is seeing gyno symptoms. Sustanon is famous for this, trust me I know. I have been to several doctors about gyno. I have had lumps and even had a doctor prescribe me tamafen to stop my nips from burning/itching. I do agree that armidex and liquidex are great anti e's. However with some test products such as test enthan, to get the maxium effects some test has to convert to estrogen. Remember your body does need estrogen to help lubricate joints, and sexual stimulation.
    I took to much of armidex (was thinking I was doing some good) my hands, arms and shoulders hurt so bad that I couldnt' work out for a few days. I had robbed my body of estrogen, and my joints dried out. All I am saying is be careful do research and ask questions. Take it from someone who has made mistakes.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Not sure - move a lot.
    DOH! Sorry bro, I missed the lump comment!

    Personally, when I experienced gyno on a Sust/Deca cycle I hit nolva pretty hard running 120mg Day1-2, 80mg Day 3-7, 20mg Day 8-14. I then added in liquidex (had never used it before) to stop the estrogen rebound effect some users see when you stop the nolva....and I was home free!

    Sorry again bro for missing it on the first round - it's late....

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