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Thread: Mid Cycle Bloods

  1. #1
    Vialli is offline New Member
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    Mid Cycle Bloods

    Hi all

    First off just a little bit about me I have been on TRT for the past two years 250mg every second week and have been weight training for the past 30 years on and off

    I did a 12 week blast of 500mg of Test E a week at the end of 2017 and that is the first lot of blood results on my form at the end of my blast 10/11/2017

    The results on the 08/03/2018 were done a couple of weeks before I started my current cycle of 400mg of Test E and 600mg of EQ
    and the results on 22/06/2018 are my mid cycle results

    Would just like some input to my recent mid cycle blood Results?

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Mid Cycle Bloods-1bloods.jpg  

  2. #2
    Mr.BB's Avatar
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  3. #3
    HoldMyBeer is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    I thought it's half life was ~10 days. If it peaks at 10, at 10 days shouldnt it be 5 instead of 0? (kind of confusing because of the 10 peak on the y axis, and 10 days on the x)

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    Mr.BB's Avatar
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by HoldMyBeer View Post
    I thought it's half life was ~10 days. If it peaks at 10, at 10 days shouldnt it be 5 instead of 0? (kind of confusing because of the 10 peak on the y axis, and 10 days on the x)
    Based on my research, I would say that the half life of Test Cyp is 8 days. The study below does not specifically call out the Test Cyp half life to be 8 days. However, the mean half life of DHT is 7 days and most of the half life of the Cyp ester is the reduction to DHT which binds to the Cytosol protein. This binding takes another day and thus my conclusion of 8 days half life for Cyp. It does say that the Enth half life id 5 days.

    Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of testosterone enanthate and dihydrotestosterone enanthate in non-human primates.

    The pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of testosterone enanthate and dihydrotestosterone-enanthate were compared in orchidectomized cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) and in intact GnRH agonist-suppressed rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta). Following a single im injection of 32.8 mg testosterone enanthate or 32.7 mg dihydrotestosterone-enanthate, i.e. 23.6 mg of pure steroid , in the orchidectomized cynomolgus monkeys, serum testosterone and dihydrotestosterone levels rose to 400 and 800% of baseline, respectively, within 24 h. Androgen levels remained in that range for 3-5 days followed by a continuous decline until baseline values were attained after 4-5 weeks. The areas under the testosterone- and dihydrotestosterone-curves did not differ significantly 2290 +/- 340 (dihydrotestosterone-enanthate) vs 2920 +/- 485 (testosterone-enanthate) suggesting that similar amounts of steroid had been released from the respective ester preparation. Mean half-life estimates of the terminal elimination phase were 4 and 7 days for testosterone-enanthate and dihydrotestosterone-enanthate, respectively. In a second experiment rhesus monkeys received, at 4-weekly intervals, sc implantation of a biodegradable polylacticolyglycolide rod loaded with the GnRH agonist buserelin. The last injection was given during week 20. GnRH agonist treatment suppressed serum bioactive LH, testosterone and dihydrotestosterone levels, testicular size, sperm production, and seminal carnitine content. The ejaculatory response to electrostimulation and the masturbatory behaviour were abolished. Testosterone or dihydrotestosterone injections at the same doses as above were given in week 10, 14, 17 and 20 of GnRH agonist treatment. Serum testosterone and dihydrotestosterone levels were stimulated 9- and 4-fold, respectively. Mean half-life estimates for testosterone-enanthate and dihydrotestosterone were 5 and 7 days, respectively. Both ester preparations completely restored the ejaculatory response, ejaculate size, masturbatory behaviour, and seminal carnitine levels. In conclusion, androgen substitution with dihydrotestosterone-enanthate, in equivalent doses, is as effective as testosterone-enanthate in restoring reproductive functions in hypogonadal monkeys.

  6. #6
    HoldMyBeer is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    Based on my research, I would say that the half life of Test Cyp is 8 days. The study below does not specifically call out the Test Cyp half life to be 8 days. However, the mean half life of DHT is 7 days and most of the half life of the Cyp ester is the reduction to DHT which binds to the Cytosol protein. This binding takes another day and thus my conclusion of 8 days half life for Cyp. It does say that the Enth half life id 5 days.

    Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of testosterone enanthate and dihydrotestosterone enanthate in non-human primates.

    The pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of testosterone enanthate and dihydrotestosterone-enanthate were compared in orchidectomized cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) and in intact GnRH agonist-suppressed rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta). Following a single im injection of 32.8 mg testosterone enanthate or 32.7 mg dihydrotestosterone-enanthate, i.e. 23.6 mg of pure steroid , in the orchidectomized cynomolgus monkeys, serum testosterone and dihydrotestosterone levels rose to 400 and 800% of baseline, respectively, within 24 h. Androgen levels remained in that range for 3-5 days followed by a continuous decline until baseline values were attained after 4-5 weeks. The areas under the testosterone- and dihydrotestosterone-curves did not differ significantly 2290 +/- 340 (dihydrotestosterone-enanthate) vs 2920 +/- 485 (testosterone-enanthate) suggesting that similar amounts of steroid had been released from the respective ester preparation. Mean half-life estimates of the terminal elimination phase were 4 and 7 days for testosterone-enanthate and dihydrotestosterone-enanthate, respectively. In a second experiment rhesus monkeys received, at 4-weekly intervals, sc implantation of a biodegradable polylacticolyglycolide rod loaded with the GnRH agonist buserelin. The last injection was given during week 20. GnRH agonist treatment suppressed serum bioactive LH, testosterone and dihydrotestosterone levels, testicular size, sperm production, and seminal carnitine content. The ejaculatory response to electrostimulation and the masturbatory behaviour were abolished. Testosterone or dihydrotestosterone injections at the same doses as above were given in week 10, 14, 17 and 20 of GnRH agonist treatment. Serum testosterone and dihydrotestosterone levels were stimulated 9- and 4-fold, respectively. Mean half-life estimates for testosterone-enanthate and dihydrotestosterone were 5 and 7 days, respectively. Both ester preparations completely restored the ejaculatory response, ejaculate size, masturbatory behaviour, and seminal carnitine levels. In conclusion, androgen substitution with dihydrotestosterone-enanthate, in equivalent doses, is as effective as testosterone-enanthate in restoring reproductive functions in hypogonadal monkeys.
    Makes sense. Thank you

  7. #7
    Mr.BB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HoldMyBeer View Post
    Makes sense. Thank you
    Guess my human primate graphs dont make sense

  8. #8
    cousinmuscles's Avatar
    cousinmuscles is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Guess my human primate graphs dont make sense
    IMO it is best to look at the graphs you posted and realize what half life means... Half life is one thing but the interval length between each half life is not the same, not everyone had a good enough math teacher/were awake during class but looking at the graphs you see why it is important to know when the peak is and how long it lasts etc...

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