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  1. #1
    punjabdaputter is offline New Member
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    Jul 2018

    Need third cycle suggestions

    Hi all

    I am new to the forums so forgive incase of rules I might be mistakenly breaking. I am planning to start my third cycle soon and wanted your inputs and suggestions on the same.

    Age-29, weight - 188 pounds, bf-16%, height - 182 cms

    Cycle 1 (done 2 years ago) - test e 500 mg , winstrol (6 weeks)
    Gained about 8-9 pounds, but ended up way leaner and dropping bf by around 3%. After pct was completely shredded at around 13-14% bf. Next to no side effects.

    Cycle 2 (last june)- Tren a 350 mg, test e 350 mg (4 weeks)
    Gained about 11-12 pounds but also gained some fat. Diet was probably not completely on the mark. Hated the way the Tren a effected my cardiovascular ability and stamina. Would never do Tren again . Some insomnia and late night sweats. But minimal.

    Since then I have learned out again and have taken up boxing. I wanted to do a cycle which would completely lean me out and get me closer to 11-12% while trying to retain most of the muscle and increase my stamina aswell. I am not trying to gain a lot of muscle. I've planned the following cycle. Let me know your thoughts or suggestions on this one.

    16 week
    Test e- 400 mg per week
    Equipoise - 400 mg per week
    Masteron -300 mg per week
    Winstrol - 50 mg Ed for first 6 weeks and then last 6 weeks.
    Was planning to add superdrol but unable to source it.

    Winstrol generally worked great on me in my first cycle with minimum sides. No lethargy and I love the compound.

    Was planning to have arimidex on hand just in case of any gyno. And hairloss is not a concern for me as my dad still has a full head.

    PCT I was planning to do with nolva, clomid.
    HCG in the 15th and 16th week.

    What are your thoughts on this cycle.

  2. #2
    punjabdaputter is offline New Member
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    Jul 2018
    Just a quick update on the cycle.

    Just completed my week 3 on the cycle. Slightly adjusted the cycle. Pinning test, mast, bold alternatively every day which amounts to
    Weekly test- 580, bold - 580, mast- 230, winny- 280

    Have also been using AI sparingly - 0.25 mg E3D.

    There were a few issues in the beginning with week joints because of winny-. I was running winny at 50-60 per day. Have since decreased this to 40 per day.

    Also, I was feeling slightly out breath and low stamina in the beginning. Have since upped the intake of Omega 3. Also, think the bolde has also kicked in since. Am feeling a sudden increase in stamina since then. No longer have side effects of high blood pressure.

    Masteron does give me painful pumps sometimes since I am already quite lean, but I've noticed taking a pill of taurine before and after the workout eases the situation.

    This is by far the best I've ever felt on a cycle. Drastically better than the Tren e and test cycle that I did in the past.

    In terms of results, have gained about 3-4 pounds of muscle so far and lost about 1-2 pounds of fat. Got my body fat check done recently and it was 14.8!! Which is the leanest I've been in a long time. Plan is to cut for the next 4 weeks. Bulk for the next 6 weeks. And then cut again for the last 3 weeks.

    Overall, the cycle is going definitely better than expected and it feels as if side effects are quite minimal. Think I'll still have to wait a bit, till the bolde completely kicks in.

  3. #3
    10nispro's Avatar
    10nispro is offline Productive Member
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    IMHO, I don't think you need all the *cutting* compounds, you are using, with this cycle.

    You mentioned you are boxing now. The sport itself is very cardiovascular without AAS. I realize you are trying to add or at least not lose any muscle, while trying to lean out. I would bump up the test, and use it for gains, stamina, and it can also lean you up because of your diet and the boxing. Pick one maybe two of the other compounds, and leave it at that.

    I just feel you are going to have joint pain and tendon problems late in the cycle. Reasons being, each of those compounds dehydrate the muscles and with boxing, you are losing even more water.

    The best cycle I ran as a competing tennis pro, was test, tren , and turanibol. The turanibol was incredible with stamina and cardio. I ran the tren at a low dose, for strength and aggressiveness, and the test was the dominant compound.

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