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  1. #1
    Nobility is offline New Member
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    Jul 2018

    Dbol and Test E Cycle

    Hello everyone,

    So this is my first cycle. At my age, many of you most likely would tell me that this is a bad idea, however I've already chosen this path and well... The only option is to make the best of it.

    So first of all, here are my natural stats:

    Age: 18
    Height: 5'8
    Bench: 215
    Squat: 150 (My squat sucks). *Going to be training this more frequently during the cycle.
    Deadlift: 265 (My deadlift also sucks). *Going to be training this more frequently during the cycle.

    My bodyweight was about 152 lbs.

    BF % is unknown (yet).

    Attachment 173400

    So my current cycle is as follows.

    30 MG Dbol / day week 1-4
    500 MG Test E / week 2-11
    20 MG of Tamoxifen Citrate / day week 13-15

    My Dbol cycle started on July 4th of 2018, and my Test E cycle started today July 10th.

    For the past week I've been eating on a caloric deficit for most of the days consisting of relatively low-carb meals and for about two days of the week I am eating at a caloric surplus (mainly because they're my *high carb* days).

    For breakfast I typically have:

    1.5 scoops of BPI Sports Whey Protein so about 36g protein.
    2 cups of Spinach.
    1 whole banana (most days half of a banana).
    Some days 1 tablespoon of peanut butter.
    1 scoop of Creatine.

    Post Workout (before workout).

    I then go onto meal two with 2 baby back ribs (home cooked), 2-4 chicken wings (home cooked), and some chicken breast.

    I am looking to lose bodyfat during this cycle while maintaining my current muscle if not gaining more. Obviously the chances of this happening are high, and I don't mind the little bloat.

    Typically the bloat is not in my stomach rather in my arms so I'd say I'm fine with that.

    At night I typically have some more chicken breast, or simply some salad with mushrooms, feta cheese, tomatoes, cucumbers, and some balsamic vinegar and olive oil.

    Let me hear your criticism.
    Last edited by Nobility; 07-10-2018 at 01:22 PM.

  2. #2
    Couchlockd's Avatar
    Couchlockd is offline Senior Member
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    aka m.hornbuckle
    Misread first post. Thought he said he went from 152 to 215 then trying to cut.

    Post a pic from neck down

    Also, if your high body fat that Dbol is going to fucking ruin you
    Last edited by Couchlockd; 07-10-2018 at 02:36 PM.

  3. #3
    AlphaMindz's Avatar
    AlphaMindz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    How tall are you? You put your weight but without your height it doesn't tell us much.

  4. #4
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMindz View Post
    How tall are you? You put your weight but without your height it doesn't tell us much.
    Its another one going into an ethiopian look cycle.

    Cutting from 150lbs lol

    Kid, your dick is going to fall off if you do this stupid cycle.

  5. #5
    Nobility is offline New Member
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    I am 5'8 my bad.

  6. #6
    Nobility is offline New Member
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    My bench is there.

  7. #7
    charger69's Avatar
    charger69 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Let’s put aside the fact that your 18. You are about to make a silly decision. But let’s say that you do go on cycle.... you will immediately lose any gains. You need to get your diet situated first.
    I eat better on a deficit than you do trying to build.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  8. #8
    Nobility is offline New Member
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    What should I be eating?

  9. #9
    Arcânn's Avatar
    Arcânn is offline Associate Member
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    There have been some recent posts where people too young (but still older than you) got into this and then realized the error of their ways and said they wished they'd either found this forum first or wish they'd listened to the million people that told them they were too young. At 18, you've still got at least 7 years of development that you'll probably ruin, even if you do EVERYTHING right on your first cycle. But having been your age (10 years ago), I realize that you aren't going to listen to a word we say about that. So since you're most likely going to continue regardless....

    You should REALLY stick with with a test only cycle, especially at your age. You have no idea how this stuff is going to affect you, since it affects everyone differently, and it will probably have unique effects on you due to your age and already super high levels of testosterone (relatively speaking). If you take test and dbol , not only do you risk even worse effects, both long and short term, that are probably going to be more drastic for you than for most, but when shit goes south, you won't know what it is that's giving you sides. You won't know if you should drop the dbol, or drop everything altogether.

    I know you don't know your BF%, but are you lean at all? Do you have any definition? Or do you look more like a powerlifter? Because if you already have a lot of fat, dbol is the absolute worst thing you could possibly take. And if you're trying to cut fat, dbol is the super-worst thing you could've possibly taken. And if you're at a high BF%, even test is going to put you at a very high risk for getting the estro sides like gyno. And if gyno gets out of hand and you don't zap it immediately, it'll require surgery (at least that's my understanding).

    A typical first cycle is 500mg/wk for 10-12 weeks. I personally would start at 350mg/wk since that's about the lowest you can take and expect to make any reasonable gains. That's what I'll be doing. No I haven't started my first cycle yet, but I've been researching this stuff for months, talking to people who have more experience in this area than I do experience on earth, and in 4 years I've managed to put 62 pounds on my frame, mostly muscle, naturally. So I do have an idea of what I'm talking about, but I'm no expert.

    But the experts will tell you to wait. I'd suggest you listen. But again...I've been 18. Sometimes, the only way you'll learn is the hard way. Best of luck to ya.

  10. #10
    Couchlockd's Avatar
    Couchlockd is offline Senior Member
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    aka m.hornbuckle
    Cut on dbol ? Lol.

    215 on bench? How many times? Once?!?! .....SMH.

    Cutting on dbol and test, the teo most wet compounds out there.

  11. #11
    Couchlockd's Avatar
    Couchlockd is offline Senior Member
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    aka m.hornbuckle
    Cut on dbol ? Lol.

    215 on bench? How many times? Once?!?! .....SMH.

    Cutting on dbol and test, the teo most wet compounds out there.

    Seriously though if your holding body fst at 152 and 5'8" your diet sucks.

  12. #12
    Windex is offline Staff ~ HRT Optimization Specialist
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    Surely this is a troll post ? My mom eats more post workout than you do in your entire day.

    If for some reason this isn't a joke thread remove steroids from your vocabulary. You are 7 years away from even considering gear.

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