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Thread: *****Check THis QV cycle******

  1. #1

    *****Check THis QV cycle******

    *****Check THis QV cycle******
    planning on running 500 mg a week of the enanthate
    weeks 1-10 and 600mg of the qv deca weeks 1-10 (one shot monday and one shot thrusday
    [1 cc enan and 1 cc deca]) running the dbols weeks 1-5 @ 30mg ed...(total 200 pills)
    i was wondering if i should be doing so much deca or should i lower it to 300mg a day?
    I am 5'7 @ 130lbs looking to gain 20 - 30lbs and this is my first cycle. I have been working out for 2 yrs on and off... I am working
    out with vinnycuz we are starting at the same time running our cycle together. Can somone also advise a good plan of use for clomid/Nolva, also does the liquid Nolvadex work jsut as good as the pills.
    Thanks alot


    Should I drop the Decca to 400/wk??

    THanks again

    Russian Meth D-Bols @ 5 weeks
    30 MG ed

    QV Deca 300 @ 10 weeks
    600MG a week

    QV Enan 250 @ 10 weeks
    500MG a week


    start 3 weeks after last injection

    Nolvadex - use on hand

  2. #2
    Is that you in your avatar ??

    Is this a typo - 5'7" 130 ??

    You could lower the deca to 400 (that's 2/3 a cc every shot).

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    New York City
    damn cuz u write alot ROFLMMFAO lol, btw not to jack ya post but ill be runnin':

    QV Deca 300 weeks 1-10 (600mg a week shot on mons and thurs)

    QV Enantat 250 weeks 1-10 (500mg a week shot on mons and thurs)

    Akpuxun Meth Russian D-bols 5mg weeks 1-5 (30-40mg ED)

    not my first cycle, not my first time using deca or test, i am 23 5'7 160 looking to be 175 ripped (goal)

  4. #4
    yea KeyMastur that is me in my avatar, sorry about the typo I am
    5'7" @ 130

    thanks Key


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    IMO, don't be running anything unless you've been training consistently for at least 2-3 years and have reached a plateau. Also, I wouldn't touch AS unless you're 23 or older. Make sure your diet is as well planned out as your cycle. If you're gonna run that cycle, you need to drop the deca to 400mgs/wk. Stop the dbol after 4 weeks, not 5. Keep nolvadex on hand and start taking it if your nipples get sensitive, I use 20mgs/ED until the end of the cycle. Take clomid when you said and I'd run it 4 weeks @ 300 1st day, 100mgs next 10 days, 50 mgs next 17 days. I would think liquid tamoxifen (nolv) is as good as the pills but I've only ever taken the pills b4. Good luck

  6. #6
    Thanks Pump seeker, dammm your off the hizzie oh yea BTW sorry forgot to include im 24


  7. #7
    One of my biggest problem is gaining wieght I have a very high Metabolism the max i can gain alone is a few pounds basically at 130 then i just stop...

  8. #8
    Is it just me or does anyone else think this guy doesn't look 130 lbs. in his avatar ??

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    The guy in that avatar is way over 130lbs I'd say. Maybe it was taken before the guy lost some weight?

    I don't know why this thread has been rated either. It's not very interesting or that informative.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2002
    New York City
    KeyMastur, tell me not, he looks like he is like 175 ripped like my goal, but thats exactly how he looks, hes blessed with rippedness but cursed with a very very high metabolism...but in all honesty thats him, i even designed his avatar for him...

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    yeah, if he is 130 lbs in his avatar, that's amazing. I was thinking the same thing.

  12. #12
    Thats on thing, people always ask me how much I weigh and they say like 150 LOL if you think I wiegh less YOUR right Im serious 130lbs

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Boise, Idaho
    I beleive you, when I was 5'7" 130 wrestling in High School, I looked like that.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by pumpseeker
    IMO, don't be running anything unless you've been training consistently for at least 2-3 years and have reached a plateau. Also, I wouldn't touch AS unless you're 23 or older. Make sure your diet is as well planned out as your cycle. If you're gonna run that cycle, you need to drop the deca to 400mgs/wk. Stop the dbol after 4 weeks, not 5. Keep nolvadex on hand and start taking it if your nipples get sensitive, I use 20mgs/ED until the end of the cycle. Take clomid when you said and I'd run it 4 weeks @ 300 1st day, 100mgs next 10 days, 50 mgs next 17 days. I would think liquid tamoxifen (nolv) is as good as the pills but I've only ever taken the pills b4. Good luck

    Hey pumpseeker what is the reason for dropping the dbol to 4 weeks instead of 5 and also does that mean up the dosage or keep the same? thanks for your help bro.


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    not tellin
    he definitely lookds like 130 he is just very low body fat look at his bicep no peak on it.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2003
    not too far from you
    Quote Originally Posted by VINNYCUZ
    damn cuz u write alot ROFLMMFAO lol, btw not to jack ya post but ill be runnin':

    QV Deca 300 weeks 1-10 (600mg a week shot on mons and thurs)

    QV Enantat 250 weeks 1-10 (500mg a week shot on mons and thurs)

    Akpuxun Meth Russian D-bols 5mg weeks 1-5 (30-40mg ED)

    not my first cycle, not my first time using deca or test, i am 23 5'7 160 looking to be 175 ripped (goal)

    IMO, I dont think that cycle will get you ripped at all.

    Dbol will put water and size on ya
    Deca will put water and size
    Test Enan will put water and size

    So where do you planned on getting ripped?

  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2002
    New York City
    sorry i meant goal as in long term goal not just off this cycle i hope to blow up to 180 off this stack!

    when i am off this stack next summer imma do winstrol and clen or t3 to get ripped...

  18. #18
    Join Date
    May 2002
    New York City
    ^ bUmp

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