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Thread: Do steroids affect hiv and std test results?? Please help me ease my mind..

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Do steroids affect hiv and std test results?? Please help me ease my mind..

    3 months ago i had a risky encounter and it ate me up thinking maybe i got hiv and othet stds but i have done all tests and even hiv blood test 12 weeks after encounter and all cam3 negative! I was happy and now my anxiety is thinking maybe i got false negatove because im on juice..

    So do steroids mask these test results or am i good!?! I want this stupid stress to end... everything is negative and now im still tripp8ng out even tho no symptoms fks wrong with me

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    aka m.hornbuckle
    I had the same happen to me a few weeks ago. I went to hospital immediately.

    Got a script for truvada and another PrEP exposure drug.

    Went to fill script, 70 a pill, and 2 we're needed for 28 days.

    So didn't fill script, plus side effects of those drugs are fucked up.

    Any way, no steroids are a completely different thing

    They are testing for viral load, steroids will not effect those results.

    But get tested again in 12cmire weeks then in 6 more months.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    I had the same happen to me a few weeks ago. I went to hospital immediately.

    Got a script for truvada and another PrEP exposure drug.

    Went to fill script, 70 a pill, and 2 we're needed for 28 days.

    So didn't fill script, plus side effects of those drugs are fucked up.

    Any way, no steroids are a completely different thing

    They are testing for viral load, steroids will not effect those results.

    But get tested again in 12cmire weeks then in 6 more months.
    Ok so if steroids dont affect it then thats it i should be good right?? Someone else confirm this

  4. #4
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    Jul 2018
    Well I'm no expert on the subject, but I don't think one interferes with the other. And false negatives for anything are rare, if they happen at all. False positives can happen, depending on what's being tested, but a negative is usually a negative. If you had a disease, a boost in hormones isn't going to magically make the disease undetectable.

    But like couchlockd said, get tested one or two more times in a few months, because something things take a very long time to become detectable in the first place.

    Wrap it up next time bro. Stress over something like this can be just as bad if not worse than some diseases. Always do what you can to keep that inner peace. You're probably g2g but don't take any chances. Get a couple more tests.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arcânn View Post
    Well I'm no expert on the subject, but I don't think one interferes with the other. And false negatives for anything are rare, if they happen at all. False positives can happen, depending on what's being tested, but a negative is usually a negative. If you had a disease, a boost in hormones isn't going to magically make the disease undetectable.

    But like couchlockd said, get tested one or two more times in a few months, because something things take a very long time to become detectable in the first place.

    Wrap it up next time bro. Stress over something like this can be just as bad if not worse than some diseases. Always do what you can to keep that inner peace. You're probably g2g but don't take any chances. Get a couple more tests.
    Yeah man stupid mestake anyways fk it imma just relax and retest a while from now for extra verification but yeah i believe i should be good as test does say 99.6% accurate

  6. #6
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    We all make stupid mistakes, it's part of life, but hopefully the fear of something like this will act as a deterrent from making similar mistakes in the future.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamal123 View Post
    3 months ago i had a risky encounter and it ate me up thinking maybe i got hiv and othet stds but i have done all tests and even hiv blood test 12 weeks after encounter and all cam3 negative! I was happy and now my anxiety is thinking maybe i got false negatove because im on juice..

    So do steroids mask these test results or am i good!?! I want this stupid stress to end... everything is negative and now im still tripp8ng out even tho no symptoms fks wrong with me
    Dude relax, unless you actually know for a fact she/he is HIV positive the chance of contracting are very slim. Even if your partner is HIV positive, its not so easy to catch on a first encounter, unless sharing syringes and anal stuff is involved.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Dude relax, unless you actually know for a fact she/he is HIV positive the chance of contracting are very slim. Even if your partner is HIV positive, its not so easy to catch on a first encounter, unless sharing syringes and anal stuff is involved.
    I know man reasons im tripping is it turns out she does meth (didnt look like she did at all...)Nd when she was giving me head she scraped my dick abit and it bled a lil and i was high washed it off and continued to fk so if she was positve by some chance woudnt that have increased my rate of catching it?

  9. #9
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    May 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by jamal123 View Post
    I know man reasons im tripping is it turns out she does meth (didnt look like she did at all...)Nd when she was giving me head she scraped my dick abit and it bled a lil and i was high washed it off and continued to fk so if she was positve by some chance woudnt that have increased my rate of catching it?
    Isn't meth usually smoked not injected?
    Unless she is turning tricks for meth or sharing needles, I would not worry too much.
    Wrap it up next time . Can't be hitting it raw without feeling confident about her background (even though it's 10 times better)
    But like couch said, make sure you get retested in a few months

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by HoldMyBeer View Post
    Isn't meth usually smoked not injected?
    Unless she is turning tricks for meth or sharing needles, I would not worry too much.
    Wrap it up next time . Can't be hitting it raw without feeling confident about her background (even though it's 10 times better)
    But like couch said, make sure you get retested in a few months
    Yeah i just hate that i shouls go re test in a couple months if roids dont affect it then im good but thats the answer i cant find

  11. #11
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    Southern California
    Quote Originally Posted by jamal123 View Post
    Yeah i just hate that i shouls go re test in a couple months if roids dont affect it then im good but thats the answer i cant find
    Roids don't affect it, as everyone has said.
    Retest bc it can take up to 6 months to seroconvert. What that means is if you were infected on March 1 the test might not detect antibodies until September 1. It might take 6 months for your body to produce detectable amounts of antibodies

  12. #12
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    Southern California
    Also note the fact your sex partner smokes meth does not put you at greater risk. The fact your d!ck was bleeding puts *her* at greater risk. As other members have expressed, HIV isn't easily transmitted via vanilla PIV intercourse, especially female to male.
    Also what are they teaching in sex education these days and how do people become sexually active adults without knowing this stuff?

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by PeanutbutterDC View Post
    Also note the fact your sex partner smokes meth does not put you at greater risk. The fact your d!ck was bleeding puts *her* at greater risk. As other members have expressed, HIV isn't easily transmitted via vanilla PIV intercourse, especially female to male.
    Also what are they teaching in sex education these days and how do people become sexually active adults without knowing this stuff?
    Good info thanks also i just read this on aids help line site quoted;
    The only circumstances in which an individual would need to get retested at 6 months is if: they are undergoing invasive therapy such as chemotherapy or PEP, taking medication for Hepatitis C, or they have an autoimmune disorder. You would know if you were undergoing any of these therapies or if you have an autoimmune disorder because they are diagnosed at a young age. If you do not fall under any of these categories then your result at 3 months is conclusive

    Doesnt mention steroids so i think its safe to say im good and should be at ease

  14. #14
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    Hope everything turns out good for you op
    In the future to protect yourself just get married that will do away with any chance you having sex again.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by diesel101 View Post
    Hope everything turns out good for you op
    In the future to protect yourself just get married that will do away with any chance you having sex again.
    Thanks man and trust me my intentions were to use protection i even fking wore the condom and she randomly asked me if im clean and im like ofcoursr what about you she said she is and my high dumass just took her word and let her take it off. Lesson learned tho never again unless i know the girl and that shes clean for a fact. This was not worth the stress and worry its caused me this past 3 months made my cycle and well being go to shit

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by PeanutbutterDC View Post
    Roids don't affect it, as everyone has said.
    Retest bc it can take up to 6 months to seroconvert. What that means is if you were infected on March 1 the test might not detect antibodies until September 1. It might take 6 months for your body to produce detectable amounts of antibodies

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamal123 View Post
    Thanks man and trust me my intentions were to use protection i even fking wore the condom and she randomly asked me if im clean and im like ofcoursr what about you she said she is and my high dumass just took her word and let her take it off. Lesson learned tho never again unless i know the girl and that shes clean for a fact. This was not worth the stress and worry its caused me this past 3 months made my cycle and well being go to shit
    Just remember God gave us 2 heads but only enough blood to use 1 at a time

  18. #18
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    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by PeanutbutterDC View Post
    Also note the fact your sex partner smokes meth does not put you at greater risk. The fact your d!ck was bleeding puts *her* at greater risk. As other members have expressed, HIV isn't easily transmitted via vanilla PIV intercourse, especially female to male.
    Also what are they teaching in sex education these days and how do people become sexually active adults without knowing this stuff?
    They don't pay attention in classes

  19. #19
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    May 2018
    I posted a reply without finishing reading everyone's response like a neeeeeeeeeeeeerd (someone had already made the point I was going to make)
    and there is no delete button. So now you all have to read this post.
    Last edited by HoldMyBeer; 07-18-2018 at 02:12 PM.

  20. #20
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    Just an update i asked.the nurse if juice can delay results and said to not even worry and that im good. At 3 months it is 99.6% conclusive no matter what and theres absolutely no need for me to retest.

    God is good and this is a lesson learnt and i wont take it for granted!

  21. #21
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    Southern California
    Quote Originally Posted by jamal123 View Post
    Just an update i asked.the nurse if juice can delay results and said to not even worry and that im good. At 3 months it is 99.6% conclusive no matter what and theres absolutely no need for me to retest.

    God is good and this is a lesson learnt and i wont take it for granted!
    I'm glad you spoke with a medical professional and your mind is at ease

  22. #22
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    Apr 2007
    Dbol can show up as aids.
    Anadrol can somtimes come back as rectal cancer.

    If you are on nandrolone dont even bother.
    It will show you have every std in the book.

  23. #23
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    Surrounded by wolves
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    They don't pay attention in classes
    I never got any sex education in school, it was still taboo stuff at the time (10-15 years ago). As teens we were not supposed to have sex and that was it. Catholic morals, you know.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by hammerheart View Post
    I never got any sex education in school, it was still taboo stuff at the time (10-15 years ago). As teens we were not supposed to have sex and that was it. Catholic morals, you know.
    I attended a Catholic school. Protection was never mentioned ever.

    We got taught above unconditional love between a man and woman and all that shite.

    Op hope youre alright. Be smarter next time as im sure you know lol

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