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Thread: Starve myself on Tren Cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Starve myself on Tren Cycle I’m blasting on 300 sus/400 tren with AI/Caber support as well (boners, nipples, and bp all good).

    I get BODPOD tests done every month. My first month on this blast I gained 3.3 pounds of muscle and lost 9.4 pounds of fat.

    I’m meeting up with a really hot chick in 2 weeks and kinda wanna get as lean as possible for her...yeah, 2 weeks is sorta short notice...but I’m wondering what will happen if I pretty much starve myself for this time.

    Stats are 6’3 243 pounds 15% bf

    With my metabolism I could very easily lose 5-7 pounds in 2 weeks....but would it all be fat? Think I could go more aggressive?

    I’m at the bf % where every pound counts a lot since it’s the difference between abs/no abs and veins/no veins.

    What are your thoughts?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Arctic Circle
    7 lbs in 2 weeks is going to be mostly water and probably more muscle than fat. It's a marathon not a race. The steroids don't make you invincible to losing fat instead of muscle, just makes it significantly more likely to save muscle tissue while in a caloric deficit.

    Starvation is equally as bad as gluttony, for different reasons. Starving yourself is one of the worst ways to go about losing weight.

    Moreover, and no offense to be meant, but the average person is not going to notice someone losing 5 lbs, especially at your height.

    You're on a lot of test and tren, don't stress about showing your abs. You got this. Give her the D for 2-3 hours. By the end of it she won't be able to walk properly and she'll tell you it was the best sex she's ever had. Way better of an ego boost then some abs on the frame. If successful, no additional cardio required for that day.
    Last edited by Windex; 07-17-2018 at 09:45 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    Myself I have a hard time maintaining calories on tren..i eat extremely lean on it chicken and tuna works well for me run a defecit and increase cardio I would say..jmo

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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Destination Peaksville
    I've actually done this on accident and without going into detail essentially I was forced to limit my food intake for several days while on test, tren, winny and in a SEVERE caloric deficit and I leaned out very quickly. Obviously, most of the weight loss was water but some of it was def fat as my abs were far more visible in just a few days.

    Is this healthy and optimal to do long term, of course not. But to answer your question, IME you won't have noticeable muscle loss and very noticeable fat loss. Your muscles will deflate giving the appearance of having lost size, but once you hit that refeed meal your glycogen will fill your muscles right back out and with the reduction on subcu water and fat you'll see abs and veins that just days before were not visible.

    This is anecdotal from my own personal experience. I'm putting clear disclaimers in this post to avoid the backlash that I'm anticipating lol.

    I'll add this as well.....A gym buddy of mine did a 5 day fast while on gear (don't remember what he was on) and ate nothing for 5 days to try fasting (water and nutrients were consumed) as it's supposed to have many health benefits such as autophagy where your body and brain metabolizes old cells and clears out built up proteins in the brain that contribute to Alzheimer's and dementia. There is extensive research on this and with a simple google search one can find a wealth of info on this topic.

    Point is that he did this 5 day fast and by then end of it you could see every contour in his abs and obliques! He was in good shape to begin with but in only 5 days there was a very noticeable reduction in body fat. Keep in mind that within a few days of going back to his normal diet those contours filled out again.

    I'm not recommending this as a way to cut lol, but for this particular situation I think it's going to produce the short term results you're after. And you have the added bonus of the health benefits from fasting.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Windex View Post
    7 lbs in 2 weeks is going to be mostly water and probably more muscle than fat. It's a marathon not a race. The steroids don't make you invincible to losing fat instead of muscle, just makes it significantly more likely to save muscle tissue while in a caloric deficit.

    Starvation is equally as bad as gluttony, for different reasons. Starving yourself is one of the worst ways to go about losing weight.

    Moreover, and no offense to be meant, but the average person is not going to notice someone losing 5 lbs, especially at your height.

    You're on a lot of test and tren, don't stress about showing your abs. You got this. Give her the D for 2-3 hours. By the end of it she won't be able to walk properly and she'll tell you it was the best sex she's ever had. Way better of an ego boost then some abs on the frame. If successful, no additional cardio required for that day.
    I agree. If anything, I would dehydrate myself the last couple of days, and lose the water that way

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    The Gym or Eating
    If you want to look great the date, then do these two things........

    HIIT daily and Carb cycling. This will MAXIMIZE your fat loss and maintain your muscle which will make u leaner and look bigger because you will be more cut. You could make a huge difference inside of 2 weeks while on Tren and following this protocol.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMindz View Post
    I'll add this as well.....A gym buddy of mine did a 5 day fast while on gear (don't remember what he was on) and ate nothing for 5 days to try fasting (water and nutrients were consumed) as it's supposed to have many health benefits such as autophagy where your body and brain metabolizes old cells and clears out built up proteins in the brain that contribute to Alzheimer's and dementia. There is extensive research on this and with a simple google search one can find a wealth of info on this topic.

    Can you post actual medical studies, done with scientific methods, where healthy individuals benefited from fasting? Also, cant find credible information on fasting promoting molecular autophagy.

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