I mean over your lifetime. I know you should have equal time on and equal time off, but how much is too much? When does gear begin to really fuck you up?
Just wondering, cause I have a few cycles under my belt?.. well more than a few.
I mean over your lifetime. I know you should have equal time on and equal time off, but how much is too much? When does gear begin to really fuck you up?
Just wondering, cause I have a few cycles under my belt?.. well more than a few.
I think it's like that whole, "if you have to ask you can't afford it" philosophy. Maybe once you start to ask if you've done too many that's how you know you've done too many.
I think everyone is so different that it is impossible to say. Just like some people can smoke their whole lives and never get cancer or eat horribly and never have a heart attack it is the same with AAS. Some maybe affected early on and others may never have a problem. I think dosages are also important in an equation like this one.
Agreed. And to add to this, you have to pay close attn to your own body. Do this by monitoring such things as your lipid profile, blood pressure, test levels when on/off, cholesterol-good and bad, etc. These things are very important and everyone who uses AAS should be aware of how their body is functioning....Originally Posted by Rickson
Good points guys. Some things to think about
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