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Thread: 2nd steriod cycle recommendations

  1. #1

    2nd steriod cycle recommendations

    My first cycle was 4 months test started at 300 bumped to 500 then 600 last 2 weeks and 300 decca mid cycle i took aromosin and hcg and on cycle support for the cycle and pct used nova and clomid and a arim rx and a natural T booster asking for any recommendations for my 2nd cycle i was thinkin maybe test and EQ but just wanted to see what everyones thoughts would be

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    Last edited by williambass18; 07-18-2018 at 10:10 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Arctic Circle
    If you plan to compete post a picture of your current physique.

    EQ is a waste of space in the syringe.

    Test boosters are a waste of money, pseudo snake oil.

    Deca on first cycle was a mistake.
    Last edited by Windex; 07-18-2018 at 07:50 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by williambass18 View Post
    My first cycle was 4 months test started at 300 bumped to 500 then 600 last 2 weeks and 300 decca mid cycle i took aromosin and hcg and on cycle support for the cycle and pct used nova and clomid and a arim rx and a natural T booster asking for any recommendations for my 2nd cycle i was thinkin maybe test and EQ but just wanted to see what everyones thoughts would be also im planning to compete at 20 years old im 18 currently

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    Whew, 18? You asking for trouble. Your body is not done developing, you can cause permanent damage

  4. #4
    Well my goal is to be in the ifbb so i gotta do what ever it takes my first cycle i bulked bw 200 to 252 for powerlifting lifts went to squat 335 to 615 bench 265 to 405 hang clean 265 to 360 if i want proff Instagram williambass111399 and now im cutting im at 225 right now the 3rd photo is me few weeks ago

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  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Night City
    Eh, You're 18.

    Were you on a cycle for 4 months total or was it 4 months ago? You threw in Deca mid cycle... guessing week 8, it took atleast 5 weeks for the Deca to build up in the blood so week 13 is when you could effectively make the best use of it. Then came off week 16. Did you stop the Deca 2 weeks before the test, then stop the Test 2 weeks before starting PCT for all the Esters to clear? Have you had post cycle bloods to see if you've recovered?

    I'm guessing prior to the cycle you had a little weight training experience, with the lifts and progression, I'd say 2 years. Looks like your lifting more for powerlifting than Bodybuilding. You need to decide which one you want to pursue and adjust your workout around that. It's good to be strong on lifts but if you are powerlifting you are benching, deadlifting, squating for strength at least 2 times a week with lower rep ranges. With bodybuilding you might get into one lift where you are low on the reps but most exercises you are pushing for volume and higher reps on atleast one day per muscle group. I think you need a few years natty to establish what you want to do. You've yet to compete in amateur shows to get a feel for the competition, prepare yourself if you even need to use AAS at that level.

    Looked at your instagram, you weren't quite parallel on you 600lb squat. Your knees buckled and turned inward. Be careful or you are going to hurt yourself. Then you went up to 615lbs. On the bench, I wasn't sure if you got 405 or how much your boy helped you. Didn't have a bad arch like I see alot of young guys do. I hate the ass off the bench shit you guys do, in competition, the buttocks needs to make contact with the bench at all times. With that in mind, you have good strength but you didn't need gear to get there. You could've gotten there natty with time, nutrition and training.
    Last edited by fit_deskjocky; 07-19-2018 at 10:48 AM.

  6. #6***.html

    Read these two posts. If you still want to cycle, then work up a cycle and post it. You'll get some heat thrown at your because of your age. The guys on this forum is thinking safety first.

    If you know all this and still want to cycle, it's better you do it "correctly" versus listening to bro-science in the gym.

  7. #7
    I know you think im all stupid i know but this is what i wanna do for example look a chis bumstead 22 years old was in the game since 19 i didn't just look at bro science this is what i used for research tony huge info dylan gemelli many sites i reserched evey chemical i used and i also asked people on here for help also read books i did this for around 2 to 3 years i knew i wanted to do this i didnt expect so soon sadley i was gonna start at 21 but see you guys see my lifts being basic and i didn't have alot of training i have been since at 8 with my father ive allways been big i stopped Growing at 15 i kept getting injured thats why my lifts started at 335 and how they went up so fast its because muscle memory i broke 16 bones i got injured from football for past 3 years they where over 405 freshamn year for squat soph 475 junior 525 and senior 615 i worked out 4 days a week dieted at 6000 cals i did everything to get strong as possible i wanted to make a difference see people made fun of me because of my injures and i couldn't help it and on football people would pick favs and all this and that even when i was better so my last injury i stopped playing i wanted to prove to people that no matter what you can do something be happy and make a difference on people helping and showing them if i can do it you can to make a differnce who cares what people say just work hard stay safe and try your hardest no matter what
    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post***.html

    Read these two posts. If you still want to cycle, then work up a cycle and post it. You'll get some heat thrown at your because of your age. The guys on this forum is thinking safety first.

    If you know all this and still want to cycle, it's better you do it "correctly" versus listening to bro-science in the gym.
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  8. #8
    You can't squat 615 and you can't bench 405.
    Enter a sanctioned powerlifting meet and then talk.

    You also don't appear gifted in the bodybuilding sense.

    Please consider training naturally for years and not messing up your health.

  9. #9
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    Sorry, poor genetics for bodybuilding, maybe for powerlifting, do what DLDog says above.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Sorry, poor genetics for bodybuilding, maybe for powerlifting, do what DLDog says above.
    I was going to say the exact same thing.

  11. #11
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    Last edited by williambass18; 07-20-2018 at 02:07 PM.

  12. #12
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Bill you have to be able to accept criticism as well as compliments. Many of the guys above have decades more experience in this game and it would be prudent to let some of their advice sink in.

    So, ease up on the language, work hard and prove people wrong. Just consider your health as well. Way to many young guys seriously mess their long term health up by being overly aggressive with AAS while so young. Think Dallas McCarver, etc. Always keep your health and safety in mind. Very few people make a good living via bodybuilding.

    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  13. #13
    Sorry for my language i got upset because all your doing is telling somone there gonna be a failure in life i just wanted some help anyways back to what i waa saying if u guys are so right let me see a pro card and a 900ib squat

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  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by williambass18 View Post
    U know what i came here for help not for bull shit and saying i cant do this and that if im so poor genetics why arnt you all pros so go fuck yourselfs i dont care anymore you guys just wanna fuck with me screw u all

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    You should always be open for criticism (good or bad) when you post pictures of yourself online .
    Also the dudes in here are just saying what they see , they dont know you , you probably started juicing before building a solid base , that doesnt mean you cant go into bodybuilding , but it will take more than what you already doing.

  15. #15
    Sorry for my language i got upset because all your doing is telling somone there gonna be a failure in life i just wanted some help anyways back to what i waa saying if u guys are so right let me see a pro card and a 900ib squat
    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Bill you have to be able to accept criticism as well as compliments. Many of the guys above have decades more experience in this game and it would be prudent to let some of their advice sink in.

    So, ease up on the language, work hard and prove people wrong. Just consider your health as well. Way to many young guys seriously mess their long term health up by being overly aggressive with AAS while so young. Think Dallas McCarver, etc. Always keep your health and safety in mind. Very few people make a good living via bodybuilding.

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  16. #16
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    Above what's already been said here, sending a PM of nasty messages just further proves the point you don't have the maturity to be using steroids.

  17. #17
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    LOL this is a tren wreck, oops I mean train wreck.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by williambass18 View Post
    Sorry for my language i got upset because all your doing is telling somone there gonna be a failure in life i just wanted some help anyways back to what i waa saying if u guys are so right let me see a pro card and a 900ib squat
    Sincerely hope you reach all you dreams, nobody is saying you are going to be a failure in life. Not having Kevin Levrone genetics is not being a failure in life.

    Are you saying all of us are a failure? Bodybuilding is not about the reaching "pro", bodybuilding is spending 10, 20, 30 years lifting iron as hard as you can always trying to get better! Sure, there are some that are gifted, AND work hard, so they reach the main stages, but that does not mean all the others cheering for them in the crowd are failures!

    In my view, bodybuilding is a competition not with others, but with yourself, and the sooner you understand that, the sooner you will set yourself for success.

    Doing steroids is many times a lifetime commitment, and you are far too young to slave the rest of your life to steroids. There is still a lot you need to go through in life, plenty of decisions, happiness and disappointments, and committing to be sticking needles in your ass for the rest of your life is not a good start.

    I understand you probably will not even read this, but well I tried. Being honest and blunt is not being negative, being realistic is not calling you a failure...
    It is trying to help you.

  19. #19
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Well said ^^^.
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