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Thread: New cycle advice. Again... help

  1. #1

    New cycle advice. Again... help

    Hey guys, posted a while ago got some great advice.

    Took that on board and spent the last 6 months getting my training and diet in check before commencing my 4th cycle.

    32yrs old 108kg at 12.5% bf.
    Done 3 cycles before including test p tren a and coped fine other than some bacne.

    Love some advice on my new cycle and very open to ideas as have access to every compound or oral possible.

    I am thinking 1ml of each twice per week which would be 800mg test and 400mg decca

    Test blend 400mg
    Prop 25mg
    Cyp 187mg
    Enanthate 188mg

    Nandrolone decanate 200mg

    Also debating to throw in anavr, dbol, tbol or a blend of 25mg anavar an stanazol at 12.5mg each, what do you reccomend and what does?

    Apprechaite help guys, thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Arctic Circle
    - Don't use blends they suck, pick a single ester test

    - Deca is the hardest to recover from and is detectable for up to a year. If you use deca prepare to accept the possibility of TRT for the rest of your life.

    - you are Overcomplicated in the gear. You don't need an oral with test + deca., let alone 2

    Post your diet including complete meal breakdown. If your diet isn't dialed in there's no purpose to using a gram of gear.

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