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Thread: PCT and Cycling Breaks for Folks Who Can't Produce T

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2018

    PCT and Cycling Breaks for Folks Who Can't Produce T

    Hello All,

    My body does not produce enough testosterone naturally, and more than a year ago a doctor prescribed me 100 mg of Test Cypionate a week. She later increased it to 200 mg which put my Test levels around 800 or so (I can't remember the specifics), and we were happy with that dosage. I have always lifted weights with very little progress, and I immediately saw massive progress. This got me experimenting with steroids, and I'm ending my second cycle ever. The first cycle I just bumped up the Testosterone to 400mg. The second cycle was a cutting cycle with Winstrol and Anavar included, as well.

    My question is around PCT and breaks between cycles. It seems PCT is to let your body naturally balance hormonally and produce testosterone naturally. But my body never will apparently, possibly due to my age or some undiagnosed condition. So, I will always use TRT. My question is whether PCT is even necessary. If not, should I take some break between cycles just so I'm not juiced up 100% of the time and damaging myself? What kind of break would you recommend?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    New England
    You don't need to PCT if you're on TRT. Just go back to your normal weekly TRT dosage. Did you run any AI on cycle? Drop that back to TRT levels if you did. No need for anything else. You're on exogenous Test permanently so you are "juiced" so to speak 100% of the time. You work with your doctor and get blood work to confirm all your levels are normal and you won't damage yourself. No "break". You'd feel like shit.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by HDThunder View Post
    You don't need to PCT if you're on TRT. Just go back to your normal weekly TRT dosage. Did you run any AI on cycle? Drop that back to TRT levels if you did. No need for anything else. You're on exogenous Test permanently so you are "juiced" so to speak 100% of the time. You work with your doctor and get blood work to confirm all your levels are normal and you won't damage yourself. No "break". You'd feel like shit.
    Thanks for the quick reply! I appreciate it. I had Nolvadex for the cycle I did 400 mg of Test, but I did not seem to need it. No gyno or anything else strange happened, so I didn't take any. For example, if I plan and do an 8 week cycle, you would recommend I get blood work, and if everything looks safe (I will do some research on what "safe" and "normal" is), I can go straight into my next cycle? Or would you recommend a break for some duration on my normal TRT dosage first?


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    Hi, yes any breaks in between cycles you would just drop back down to your trt dose...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    New England
    Quote Originally Posted by carvv View Post
    Thanks for the quick reply! I appreciate it. I had Nolvadex for the cycle I did 400 mg of Test, but I did not seem to need it. No gyno or anything else strange happened, so I didn't take any. For example, if I plan and do an 8 week cycle, you would recommend I get blood work, and if everything looks safe (I will do some research on what "safe" and "normal" is), I can go straight into my next cycle? Or would you recommend a break for some duration on my normal TRT dosage first?

    Cycling and going back to TRT levels is generally referred to as "Blast and Cruise". FYI - Test cycles are usually 12 weeks. 8 is short. If you do an AAS cycle (above TRT levels) you drop back to TRT for a period of time. How long? Depends on you. Probably minimum 8 weeks. Could be months. Depends on your goals and how risk averse you are when it comes to your body. Get blood work before you begin another cycle to make sure all levels are within normal range.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Arctic Circle
    We have a TRT section that will be beneficial for you. Are you currently taking HCG ? Additionally, are you injecting twice per week or only once?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by HDThunder View Post
    Cycling and going back to TRT levels is generally referred to as "Blast and Cruise". FYI - Test cycles are usually 12 weeks. 8 is short. If you do an AAS cycle (above TRT levels) you drop back to TRT for a period of time. How long? Depends on you. Probably minimum 8 weeks. Could be months. Depends on your goals and how risk averse you are when it comes to your body. Get blood work before you begin another cycle to make sure all levels are within normal range.
    Thanks. That's exactly the kind of info I was looking for. When I end my current cycle in about a week, I'll get my blood checked and take it from there.

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