Alright, here goes:
What exactly is "Test Eth." ? Is that the same as testosterone-enanthate? Would it be sufficient to take 375 mg of test eth. weekly for my cycle? Should I stack any other steroids on that or would the test eth. be sufficient for my first cycle? What does the "QV" in "QV Ethanate" mean?
How much clomid and/or nolvadex should I have on hand before I start my first cycle? When should I begin taking the clomid and/or nolvadex and in what quantity? And for how long? Should I take only clomid, only nolvadex, or both? Has anyone successfully used clomid/nolvadex from
How long after my first cycle (planning on ten weeks) will it take before my body resumes natural testosterone production? Is there any significant risk of gyno or testicular atrophy after only one cycle if I take the anti-estrogen drugs (clomid and/or nolvadex)?
Are there any other precautions I need to take before I start?
Any and all help is appreciated,
p.s., i'll get some before/after pics setup so everybody can see my results after I do this