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  1. #1
    Gymtherapy's Avatar
    Gymtherapy is offline New Member
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    Low dosage test between cycles to save my marriage.

    I'm 31 years old and have been training since I was 14

    Recently I thought I'd try my first cycle and I loved it. Apart from the obvious strength and size gains, my libido and energy to play with my kids was through the roof. Both of these attributes I had noticed had been lower than when my wife and I first met and when our kids were first born.

    Coming off and finishing my pct, obviously my libido and energy are back to how they originally were.

    If I was to run 1ml of test Enanthate (250mg) a week while I was "off" would this be detrimental to my health in the short and long run, giving the fact I would get bloods to monitor levels etc.

    I really feel it would benefit my marriage to the point it would be hard to say no to.
    Last edited by Gymtherapy; 08-06-2018 at 03:06 AM.

  2. #2
    cousinmuscles's Avatar
    cousinmuscles is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    1ml of what? 250mg? That's 2.5 times what your natural test production was in your late teens/early 20s. If you keep your test levels beyond what your body is made for you will always have issues, be it lipids, thickening of the blood, blood pressure, prostate enlargement, needing to take ancillaries to keep other hormones in check et.c. Also, the longer you are on cycle, the harder it is to recover from it. You are risking being permanently reliant on exogenous testosterone just to function as a human being.

    Try other options like cialis, improve your diet for energy, sleep quality et.c. Only after you have had bloods done and confirmed with a doctor that you have low testosterone , then get it scripted and have a doctor monitor your TRT protocol...

  3. #3
    theBrewmeister is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gymtherapy View Post
    I'm 31 years old and have been training since I was 14

    Recently I thought I'd try my first cycle and I loved it. Apart from the obvious strength and size gains, my libido and energy to play with my kids was through the roof. Both of these attributes I had noticed had been lower than when my wife and I first met and when our kids were first born.

    Coming off and finishing my pct, obviously my libido and energy are back to how they originally were.

    If I was to run 1ml of test Enanthate (250mg) a week while I was "off" would this be detrimental to my health in the short and long run, giving the fact I would get bloods to monitor levels etc.

    I really feel it would benefit my marriage to the point it would be hard to say no to.
    Hey Gym,

    As cousin said, 250mg/week is on the high side for a TRT dose. That being said, there are guys who run 150-250/week without side effects. A lot of the good TRT docs are prescribing based on how the guy feels and less on what his bloods say. Who determined what "normal" test levels are? What were your test levels when you were 18? 22? 25? Not many people can answer that question. It all comes down to you and your body.

    You should get some private bloods done and see where you are sitting. If your below the accepted range, you should be able to get your, or a, dr to write you a script of test. You'd be a very lucky guy to get one to consider a dose like that though. Most would start you at 100mg/week, or even worse, 200mg every 2 weeks. You should head over to the HRT/TRT section, there are a lot of knowledgeable guys there, and there's already LOADS of info there.

    Good luck!

  4. #4
    David LoPan's Avatar
    David LoPan is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Might be hard to stay consistent on TRT at that level where you live. I have been on TRT for almost 15 years and I run 200 mg a week but started nowhere near that. Now I also have to take an AI where I never had to take on before. Your body will bounce back if you do proper PCT.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Gymtherapy View Post
    I'm 31 years old and have been training since I was 14

    Recently I thought I'd try my first cycle and I loved it. Apart from the obvious strength and size gains, my libido and energy to play with my kids was through the roof. Both of these attributes I had noticed had been lower than when my wife and I first met and when our kids were first born.

    Coming off and finishing my pct, obviously my libido and energy are back to how they originally were.

    If I was to run 1ml of test Enanthate (250mg) a week while I was "off" would this be detrimental to my health in the short and long run, giving the fact I would get bloods to monitor levels etc.

    I really feel it would benefit my marriage to the point it would be hard to say no to.
    Libido is a combination of complex variables some hormones, some emotional, and some environmental. Staying on Test perpetually may not maintain your libido. Your body will acclimate to the exogenous Test level by stopping your natural production of Test. Then you're screwed if you get off of Test injections. Finish your PCT and allow your body to recover naturally. Then go see your doctor to see if you are a candidate for TRT. You should be under medical supervision to start. Don't self medicate Test until you know your baseline.

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