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  1. #1
    Until_It_Sleeps's Avatar
    Until_It_Sleeps is offline Female Member
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    What clen dosing schedule do you use?

    I've heard so many different things about how to cycle clen , such as:

    - Two weeks on, two weeks off
    - Two days on, one day off
    - Every day straight for 8 to 12 weeks
    - One week on, one week off
    - Five days on, two days off

    So...what do you all do? I think I've tried them all and not sure which worked the best. Sadly, nothing worked as good as the first time when I used it, so I hope my body hasn't adapted too much.

    I guess that's another many cycles per year do you do that contain clen?

  2. #2
    Metalject's Avatar
    Metalject is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    In my opinion, continuous use with an increase in the dose every 2-3wks as needed makes the most sense. For example, the same dose of Clen will keep the metabolism spiked for approximately 5wks. However, by the 5wk mark while it's still spiked it will be minimal. By increasing the dose slightly every 2-3wks you ensure the metabolism remains spiked the entire time. The two wk on, two wk off is probably the most common way to use it though. Of course, this gives you two wks where the metabolism weakens a little bit. It can still be pretty effective, worked well for me in the past but over the years I've come to prefer the continuous method with slow, moderate increases in clen doses periodically. Normally an increase of only 20mcg seems to be enough to keep things going...sometimes 40mcg but 20mcg seems to work well most of the time.

    As for how many cycles...if absolute safety is going to be maintained I think two courses would be as much as you'd want to use if you're going to protect yourself from things like cardiac hypertrophy with 3-4 months of no Clen use in-between the two periods of use. Obviously this isn't always possible if you're a competitor and doing a number of shows each year. In that case, I'd use it for as long as you need for your first show of the year and then only the last few weeks before leading up to following shows to finish off. Hopefully in-between shows you wouldn't be putting on enough fat to where you'd need numerous weeks/months of use again.

  3. #3
    t-dogg's Avatar
    t-dogg is offline Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    The normal way to run clen is 2wks on/off and repeat. You can run clen as long as you want though as long as you run keto with it each day at the end of week 2. Up to you how you want to run it. I did a 8week cycle before, not sure I would recommend that to anyone though.

  4. #4
    kronik420's Avatar
    kronik420 is offline Anabolic Member
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    2 weeks on 2 weeks off worked best for me, every cycle i increased the dose, got up to 200 mcg with minimal sides. however i wouldnt recommend doses like that too anyone else.

  5. #5
    t-dogg's Avatar
    t-dogg is offline Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Also considering you are a women start low at 20mcg's. Check your body temp before and after so you know its good. I would stop increasing when sides are to much for you and/or body temp increases.

  6. #6
    Until_It_Sleeps's Avatar
    Until_It_Sleeps is offline Female Member
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    I've done up to 200mcg before (overkill; more is not always better) and right now I'm at 100mcg a day. Been on it since mid-July; started at 40mcg. I rarely get sides after the first week. I sweat a lot but I'm on a lot of other stuff too.

  7. #7
    abstetic is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by kronik420
    2 weeks on 2 weeks off worked best for me, every cycle i increased the dose, got up to 200 mcg with minimal sides. however i wouldnt recommend doses like that too anyone else.
    I did 200mcg for 1 week

  8. #8
    Volkomm's Avatar
    Volkomm is offline New Member
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    My first time I started at 20 first day, then 40 second day to make sure I didn't explode. I seem to not get many side effects so I'll be running 2 weeks on 2 weeks off at 60/60/60/80/80/80/100/100/100/120/120/120 and then ramping down from there for the last few days.

  9. #9
    Metalject's Avatar
    Metalject is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Until_It_Sleeps View Post
    I've done up to 200mcg before (overkill; more is not always better) and right now I'm at 100mcg a day. Been on it since mid-July; started at 40mcg. I rarely get sides after the first week. I sweat a lot but I'm on a lot of other stuff too.
    Yeah, the sweating can be a little annoying sometimes. It can get a little ridiculous sometimes, at least for me. And I think a lot of people make the mistake of thinking the Clen is not working anymore if they aren't experiencing stimulating side effects. I think this is what's made the 2wk on, 2wk off protocol so popular but it those effects really have no significant baring on it still working or not.

  10. #10
    Imara Kibibi is offline New Member
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    I'm thinking about running clen with veto after two weeks. Since I will be running it straight through until the end of the 10 weeks, should i continue to go up and down doses or maintain a specific dose for the remaining 8 weeks?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Until_It_Sleeps View Post
    I've done up to 200mcg before (overkill; more is not always better) and right now I'm at 100mcg a day. Been on it since mid-July; started at 40mcg. I rarely get sides after the first week. I sweat a lot but I'm on a lot of other stuff too.
    200mcg? Whoa, you're tough. I've run many clen cycles and tried a number of dosage/timing regiments. On my first clen cycle I started with 40mcg and I didn't sleep for 36 hours. Yeah, I was lying in bed hearing my heart beating in my ear drums, crazy. The 2wks/on 2wks/off theory is to reset your tired receptors. Keto is a strong antihistamine that will reset your receptors if you take it before bed. That regiment works great but Keto is so strong I am groggy all day. Not a good way to go through the day.

    Running 100mcg+ makes my sides unbearable. I can avoid most of the cramps with 3g of Taurine but the sweating, shaking, and insomnia's a beast. I've finally worked up a clen regiment that seems to work well for me. Takes a little longer but I can avoid most of the sides. I take 40mcg in the morning and 1/4 dose of keto at night. I run this low dose of clen and I do cardio. I hate cardio. I am able to get from 12% bf (my normal walking around state) to 7% or 6% over a 5 week period. I don't get the sweats, cramps, shakes, and not too much insomnia. My .02

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