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Thread: Fourth cycle

  1. #1

    Fourth cycle

    First cycle was test cyp 250 only. Second cycle was test cyp 250 and anavar. Third was Turinabol and proviron. All cycles followed with pct of arimidex and clomid. No on to the fourth one...ordered all dragon pharma brand...test cyp 250, oral tren, arimidex, clomid and anavar. Cycle plan-test cyp 250 for 15 weeks at one 2ml shot every two weeks, oral tren for 3 to 4 weeks(starting the day of first test shot) then running my arimidex, clomid and anavar for the pct. my issue is I have no experience with oral tren. Dosage per day recommendation? Is 3 to 4 weeks to long? The tren pills are 250mcg’s per pill by the way. Any and all help will be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Arctic Circle
    Going to give you the benefit of the doubt this is a serious post despite being brand new and it's your first post...

    - Wouldn't call this your fourth cycle because your first and third cycle were pointless - the first cycle being double TRT, and the third being oral only.

    - Test dose is too low

    - Anavar and Arimidex are not for PCT

    - No mention of HCG

    - Oral Tren + More Oral steroids is a really good way to end up with liver failure

    Read these 3 threads

    Everything you've done up until now has been wrong - throw it all out the window. Between those 3 threads it should cover almost any questions you have but feel free to ask some follow up questions if you need clarification.

  3. #3
    Yes this is legitimate. I’ve been misinformed then. I do need help and guidance. I went with trying Turinabol and proviron an oral only because the last time I did test I broke out so dang bad it wasn’t worth it. The whole reason In doing all this is to look good without a shirt on. Amongst other things. If you are willing to help me out I have all kinds of quiestions and stuff

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Arctic Circle
    Quote Originally Posted by Nathanjefferies886 View Post
    Yes this is legitimate. I’ve been misinformed then. I do need help and guidance. I went with trying Turinabol and proviron an oral only because the last time I did test I broke out so dang bad it wasn’t worth it. The whole reason In doing all this is to look good without a shirt on. Amongst other things. If you are willing to help me out I have all kinds of quiestions and stuff
    Start by reading the 3 threads I linked.

  5. #5
    I didn’t have access to hcg when I ordered what I have coming now. What I have is test cyp 250, oral tren, arimidex, clomid and anavar. Can I not do something with what I have?

  6. #6
    I will read them when I get off work. Thank you

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Arctic Circle
    Quote Originally Posted by Nathanjefferies886 View Post
    I didn’t have access to hcg when I ordered what I have coming now. What I have is test cyp 250, oral tren, arimidex, clomid and anavar. Can I not do something with what I have?

    Like I said in my previous posts, you need to start from scratch because you haven't done anything correctly whatsoever up to this point. I don't mean to cause any offense, but what you have done so far has literally been a trainwreck and I am not exaggerating in the slightest. You need to read the "my first cycle" thread and follow that in addition to the other threads I linked.

    You have tons of reading ahead of you and a lot to improve upon, the steroids are not bananas, they aren't going to go rotten in a couple of weeks.

    This is your health and wellbeing, don't be foolish. The tren and anavar have a long shelf life, you don't need it at this point, it will actually make everything worse for you not be beneficial.
    Last edited by Windex; 08-13-2018 at 05:36 PM.

  8. #8
    I’m 32 so I am past the juvenile stage or whatever you want to call that. I’m not completely ignorant as you kind of seem to be hinting towards. And you are wrong as far as what I’ve done has been a complete waist. I used to be a scrawny 132 lbs and have went to 182. Decent size and pretty cut. Now as far as internal damages. I have had blood work done every six months and I am 100% healthy.

  9. #9
    I’ve only read the first link you sent. Lunch break and back to work now.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    NC Highlands
    The threads Windex gave you will provide the knowledge you need. Often, he wasn't being harsh and he gave you some good info. The questions you have (and the ones you don't) indicate you really need the fundamental knowledge. After you have read the threads you can ask questions framed in the context of the new knowledge and you will feel more confident participating in the forum.

  11. #11
    Yeah pretty good read. Thanks for the info.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Arctic Circle
    Quote Originally Posted by Nathanjefferies886 View Post
    I’m 32 so I am past the juvenile stage or whatever you want to call that. I’m not completely ignorant as you kind of seem to be hinting towards. And you are wrong as far as what I’ve done has been a complete waist. I used to be a scrawny 132 lbs and have went to 182. Decent size and pretty cut. Now as far as internal damages. I have had blood work done every six months and I am 100% healthy.
    I never said it was a waste, I said it was done incorrectly. Eating in a caloric surplus will lead to an increase in weight. Dont mistake your increase in size as validation that you cycled correctly.

    Results-based thinking is extremely dangerous.

    List the blood work tests you've done, majority of the time people leave out important tests.

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