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Thread: Thinking of Winny/ fina cycle. Need some help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    Thinking of Winny/ fina cycle. Need some help

    Im thinking of not running test this cycle. ive been clean for 4 months and will be starting my 5th cycle. Looking for quality maintainable gains instead of gaining 25 then losing 17. Ive always used test around 750mgs a week for 8 weeks before and just havent felt much pop from it the last couple times. So i wanted to give it a break. I know its the base of every cycle. Very interested in winny. Thinkin about 100mgs eod, 300mgs per week. Fina 75 mgs ed. Maybe jumping things off with dbol. Is this going to kill my liver and shut me down hard though. Im open to all suggestions. I could even run test at 500 a week just to keep things in check if thats a good idea. How would you guys cycle these? Would it be beneficial to cycle in eq instead of winny. I usually dont tlike to run cycles to long due to added sides and price. I like 8 weeks. Therefore eq is less desirable. What do you guys think. Thanks guys......deez

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    I'd only run the winny for a max of six weeks and I would definetly run test prop with that and fina. If you're on your 5th ccyle then you might just need to take more to get the desired effect of your first few cycles, but I would def leave the test in. try the prop or go for the cyp if you used enanth previously.

    try this:

    wks 1-4 dbol 35-50 mg ed
    wks 1-8 prop 100 mg ed
    wks 1-8 fina 78-100 mg ed
    wks 3-9 winny 50 mg ed

    clomid post cycle

    this works for most and since you're on your fifth you can curtail your dosages as you see fit.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    You need test in this cycle. There's no way around it.
    Week 1-8 Test Prop 100mgs ed
    Week 1-8 Fina 75mgs ed
    Week 2-8 Winny 50mgs ed
    Clomid 3 days out.

    BTW i just got off this same cycle and I had great gains.

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