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Thread: Gyno issues

  1. #1
    DDOGG is offline New Member
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    Gyno issues

    Hello. Long time member and knowledge seeker but this is actually my first thread i believe so hello all! Anyway, not new to cycling and have never really had any issues. Always very careful with PCT etc..
    I’ve been off cycle for almost a year now and recently have been experiencing some Gyno issues. Can feel a small lump with a little tenderness. Had it checked out just to be sure and yup...the doc tells me it’s gyno.
    Has anybody else experienced this and what’s the fix? Is it just a matter of taking some clomid and hopping it goes away or is there any other suggestions??? 42 yrs young 6’2” 208lbs.
    Thanks in advance. Always look forward to the great advice and experience on this site.

  2. #2
    Charlie67's Avatar
    Charlie67 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Welcome. You'll get more traction on your question if you post it in the open forum.

    Best of luck!

  3. #3
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    If you've been off cycle for a year, there isn't a large amount of exogenous Test for estrogen conversion. Since you're not taking 19nor's I'll assume your gyno is due to estrogen. You must be amortizing your natural Test to estrogen at a high rate. Before you start self medicating with clomid or running a power pct protocol, you need to get blood work done and look at your numbers. Let's take a look at the root of the problem instead of just treating the symptoms. You may have "normal" total Test and low free Test while a large amount of your Test is being amortized to estrogen.

  4. #4
    AlphaMindz's Avatar
    AlphaMindz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    You can try attacking it with Letrozole which is a very powerful aromatase inhibitor as I have seen people reverse newly formed lumps that way. However, it's a tricky process and your timing and tapering off has to be on point as well as utilizing a secondary SUICIDE inhibitor like Exemestane (can't think of the trade name atm) but if you're interested I can lay out a protocol for you (to the best of my knowledge but everyone is different so it may need to be adjusted).

    Aside from that, the only way to get rid of gyno, unfortunately, is surgery.

    Even if you decide not to try reversing it with a letro/ aromasin (remembered it lol) protocol then I would still get on an AI because your estrogen is clearly elevated for this to be happening. Furthermore, your testes cannot tell the difference between test and estrogen so it's very possible that the elevated estrogen is sending a signal to your testes saying "we're all set no need to produce more testosterone " which wil hinder your natty test production.

    The best way to move forward is by getting blood work done to determine exactly what your levels are. Once you have a baseline it's much easier to know what to take and at what dosages.

  5. #5
    hammerheart's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DDOGG View Post
    Hello. Long time member and knowledge seeker but this is actually my first thread i believe so hello all! Anyway, not new to cycling and have never really had any issues. Always very careful with PCT etc..
    I’ve been off cycle for almost a year now and recently have been experiencing some Gyno issues. Can feel a small lump with a little tenderness. Had it checked out just to be sure and yup...the doc tells me it’s gyno.
    Has anybody else experienced this and what’s the fix? Is it just a matter of taking some clomid and hopping it goes away or is there any other suggestions??? 42 yrs young 6’2” 208lbs.
    Thanks in advance. Always look forward to the great advice and experience on this site.
    Raloxifene or nolvadex are most effective drug solution, one month at 60mg die ralo greatly reduced mine which was bilateral and much more developed than just a small lump.

  6. #6
    hammerheart's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    If you've been off cycle for a year, there isn't a large amount of exogenous Test for estrogen conversion. Since you're not taking 19nor's I'll assume your gyno is due to estrogen. You must be amortizing your natural Test to estrogen at a high rate. Before you start self medicating with clomid or running a power pct protocol, you need to get blood work done and look at your numbers. Let's take a look at the root of the problem instead of just treating the symptoms. You may have "normal" total Test and low free Test while a large amount of your Test is being amortized to estrogen.
    The issue with gyno is once it develops it doesn't (usually) shrink back even if estrogen or prolactin/progesterone normalize.

    Sometimes, it just takes low Test alone. I agree in that pulling a full hormone panel is a good idea.

  7. #7
    cousinmuscles's Avatar
    cousinmuscles is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Don't use an AI to try and get rid of gyno when you aren't on a cycle. You'll get other serious side effects doing that.

    What you need is a selective estrogen receptor modulator (a SERM) like nolvadex or evista (raloxifene). They block estrogen receptors in breast tissue specifically so that estrogen can't bind to it and stimulate breast tissue growth. They are both used for prevention and treatment of gyno and produce little side effects. Read:

    What is your bodyfat level? Have you done any blood work to see your estrogen level (with the sensitive estradiol test)?
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  8. #8
    AlphaMindz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cousinmuscles View Post
    Don't use an AI to try and get rid of gyno when you aren't on a cycle. You'll get other serious side effects doing that.

    What you need is a selective estrogen receptor modulator (a SERM) like nolvadex or evista (raloxifene). They block estrogen receptors in breast tissue specifically so that estrogen can't bind to it and stimulate breast tissue growth. They are both used for prevention and treatment of gyno and produce little side effects. Read:

    What is your bodyfat level? Have you done any blood work to see your estrogen level (with the sensitive estradiol test)?
    Some great reads thanks for posting those. I wasn't aware of the efficacy of ralox for this purpose, but it's very interesting just how well it worked in those studies.

    My suggestion was based on anecdotal evidence that I've personally seen work for people. A friend of mine was getting gyno (had two painful lumps) and was able to completely get rid of it by using letro which even surprised me at the time. The problem with letro is that it's harsh and many people get noticeable sides like dry joints and loss of libido, but my buddy was willing to deal with potential sides to get rid of those lumps.

    I should mention that in his case it was in the early stages of developing which is key if trying to reverse it. I wouldn't suggest someone to try that approach with pubertal gyno. I've personally used letro when I was younger to try and reverse pubertal gyno and I got very dry and hard but unfortunately it didn't noticeably reduce the lumps. To my knowledge, the only sure fire way to get rid of it is to have it removed.

  9. #9
    cousinmuscles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMindz View Post
    Some great reads thanks for posting those. I wasn't aware of the efficacy of ralox for this purpose, but it's very interesting just how well it worked in those studies.

    My suggestion was based on anecdotal evidence that I've personally seen work for people. A friend of mine was getting gyno (had two painful lumps) and was able to completely get rid of it by using letro which even surprised me at the time. The problem with letro is that it's harsh and many people get noticeable sides like dry joints and loss of libido, but my buddy was willing to deal with potential sides to get rid of those lumps.

    I should mention that in his case it was in the early stages of developing which is key if trying to reverse it. I wouldn't suggest someone to try that approach with pubertal gyno. I've personally used letro when I was younger to try and reverse pubertal gyno and I got very dry and hard but unfortunately it didn't noticeably reduce the lumps. To my knowledge, the only sure fire way to get rid of it is to have it removed.
    Yep if the gland is removed there is no tissue to grow back at all. Letro for gyno is an old method among bbers and in the educational threads subsection it's still there in some early 2000s stickies, but of course SERMs will do a better job and without eliminating all estrogen in the body.
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  10. #10
    AlphaMindz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cousinmuscles View Post
    Yep if the gland is removed there is no tissue to grow back at all. Letro for gyno is an old method among bbers and in the educational threads subsection it's still there in some early 2000s stickies, but of course SERMs will do a better job and without eliminating all estrogen in the body.
    Yup I agree. I'm gonna have to get mine removed eventually but just dreading the down time post surgery. Mine isn't very noticeable but I'll lose points for it on stage so unfortunately I'm going to have to go that route.

    **For anyone reading this, I have literally tried everything to get rid of my pubertal gyno (if it's newly forming it's possible to reverse it with raloxifene as Cousin mentioned) but if you've had it for an extended period of time please don't waste your time and money and potentially causing more probs for yourself by crashing your estrogen and taking weird drugs to try to get rid of it. It sucks but surgery is the only way to get rid of gyno (unless it's brand new).

  11. #11
    Ashop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DDOGG View Post
    Hello. Long time member and knowledge seeker but this is actually my first thread i believe so hello all! Anyway, not new to cycling and have never really had any issues. Always very careful with PCT etc..
    I’ve been off cycle for almost a year now and recently have been experiencing some Gyno issues. Can feel a small lump with a little tenderness. Had it checked out just to be sure and yup...the doc tells me it’s gyno.
    Has anybody else experienced this and what’s the fix? Is it just a matter of taking some clomid and hopping it goes away or is there any other suggestions??? 42 yrs young 6’2” 208lbs.
    Thanks in advance. Always look forward to the great advice and experience on this site.
    Get some blood work to see if anything is out of line like estradiol, prolactin, progesterone, ETC..
    Then you can try treating it from there.

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