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Thread: Cycle advice.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2018

    Cycle advice.

    Hello this will be my 3rd cycle first was just test 500 a week for 5 weeks. Second was test plus eq 500 for 12 weeks. (Stopped eq early due to anxiety). Looking to do test 600 with masteron, did some research was thinking 500mg masteron 600 test? I’m not sure about dosing for masteron

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Destination Peaksville
    100mg Mast eod or 50mg ed is more than enough. If I had those compounds I'd run em something like this:

    Test E front load 2cc's for the first two shots, then 1cc e3d.

    Mast 50mg eod.

    I would run my AI lower than usual due to Masteron's anti-estrogenic, adex @ .25mg e3d (with test shots to keep it simple).

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Ttfors View Post
    Hello this will be my 3rd cycle first was just test 500 a week for 5 weeks. Second was test plus eq 500 for 12 weeks. (Stopped eq early due to anxiety). Looking to do test 600 with masteron, did some research was thinking 500mg masteron 600 test? I’m not sure about dosing for masteron
    The dosage of Mast is dependent on your goals. If you're show prepping I would run 500mg/wk Test (600mg/wk if good too) and 500mg/wk of Mast. If you just want a lean beach body without a lot of sides, 500mg/wk Test with 200mg/wk or 300mg/wk of Mast will be good. The one negative Mast sides that I noticed was that my hair began to thin. I've been cycle AAS for a long time with no hair loss issues. It wasn't until I ran Tren or Mast (19nor's) that I noticed thinning in my hair line.

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