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Thread: Fina

  1. #1
    tead09 is offline New Member
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    Jul 2003


    hey fellas,

    i have some questions about fina. i have been looking around here and i read that fina is no longer being produced and has not been for quite some time unless you get the pellets and make your own. but i have a close froend of mine that i had been arguing with about it he says that you can get fiaplix gold still but i thought it was most likely counterfit. can some mods or other people with more knowledge than this newbie help me out?

  2. #2
    djdjdjddjon's Avatar
    djdjdjddjon is offline Anabolic Member
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    finaplex gold and the original "Finaplix /finajec" are two different things completely, the finaplix/finaject have a hexocarbonate or some weird ass ester like that on em, whereas the finagold your buddy speaks of is same as the pellets, trenbolone acetate, and he is indeed right, it is being produced by QV, valopharm, i think even tt was making for a while, mexipharm, spectro, just to name a few...imo is a waste of money, make your own, know the exact mg/ml, know the sterility, and enjoy...

  3. #3
    Buschlightcan's Avatar
    Buschlightcan is offline Associate Member
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    There are plenty of underground companies that make fina in all sorts.

  4. #4
    tead09 is offline New Member
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    Jul 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by djdjdjddjon
    finaplex gold and the original "Finaplix/finajec" are two different things completely, the finaplix/finaject have a hexocarbonate or some weird ass ester like that on em, whereas the finagold your buddy speaks of is same as the pellets, trenbolone acetate, and he is indeed right, it is being produced by QV, valopharm, i think even tt was making for a while, mexipharm, spectro, just to name a few...imo is a waste of money, make your own, know the exact mg/ml, know the sterility, and enjoy...
    so i am assuming that these companys are not very reputable for you to recomend me to just make my own?

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by tead09
    so i am assuming that these companys are not very reputable for you to recomend me to just make my own?
    I don't think he is saying that at all. What he is saying is exactly what he said. Why buy something when you can make the exact same thing yourself for less. All that "finaplex gold" stuff is pellets and "magic solution". If you could make some kick ass test would you buy it from someone else for more money?

    I have heard that valopharm products aren't that good at all. I would stay away from them.

  6. #6
    tead09 is offline New Member
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    Jul 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Vibrantred94gt
    I don't think he is saying that at all. What he is saying is exactly what he said. Why buy something when you can make the exact same thing yourself for less. All that "finaplex gold" stuff is pellets and "magic solution". If you could make some kick ass test would you buy it from someone else for more money?

    I have heard that valopharm products aren't that good at all. I would stay away from them.
    thanks alot fellas i appreciatethe info! now is it illegal to go up to a feed store and ask for fina pellets and if not what would be the best way to go about doin it.

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