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Thread: Gyno only in one pec?

  1. #1

    Gyno only in one pec?

    Whats up ya'll. I've been reading allot about gyno in the last couple of months and was wondering if it is possible to get it in only one half of your chest. I've never hit the juice, but my left nipple always seems puffy. I always used to think it was just because I was fat but i've lost allot of weight and its still there. If it is gyno is there anytihng i can do about. I dont have boobs or anything. The main reason I was asking is because i'm thinking of doing a test cycle closer to the end of the year and was wondering if this might put me at an increased risk for it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Galveston Texas
    It's quite common to get gyno on one side only first, and it is usually the left side. I've never seen an explanation of why that happens though.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Take a look at Jonnie O Jackson in his MuscleTech ads, gyno in the left side. Myself, gyno in the left side. My training partner, gyno in the left side. It's an odd phenomenon, but it's one that seems to rear it's ugly head quite often.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    So Cal
    Is it a hard lump? It is very common for men who were fat as a youth to carry excess fat in there chest. I do myself also. As you drop you Bf even further it will get better if it is fat. Do you know what you body fat % is now. As I get down to 12% it gets much less noticeable. I've been told that somewhere between 8 and 10 it will go away completely. Also nolva helps if you can get some of that.

    If its not fat and its a hard lump then its gyno and the only way to remove it is surgery

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2002
    I posted on some other threads but I did a 4 week treatment of .05mg of dopergin 4 times a day and to begin with 60mg of nolva for two weeks then down to 40mg for the next two. my quarter size lump was reduced to a pea size in that time... I dont know if I can get it any smaller and until surgery I must live with it.

    I cycle my treatment during my low dose periods... I will be experimenting with dostinex for the next treatment though...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Also I believe using an anti-aromotizer would make results even more satisfactory. I ran out of proviron before I sarted my treatment so I can't speak of the results with, only without.
    Others feel aromasin more benifical than armidex and or liquidex... I dont know the cost of aromasin but I dont get liquidex very cheap in my book either...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    So Cal
    Mmaximus25 did you make a post about your gyno treatment. I would be very interested in checking it out if so. Post a link if you can (I'm a lazy bastard). I agree about the aromasin vs ldex. Nolva has done wonders for me in removing stubborn fat in my chest but I have no lump.

  8. #8
    No real lump or anything underneath. Its just the actual nipple thats puffy. I had read somewhere that this was a symptom. Maybe i just have a weird nip? I think my BF% is somewhere around 16. I'm hoping it is just fat. Thing is i went from 240 to 190 but I've been at 190 for about the last 4 months.
    Last edited by someday; 07-16-2003 at 09:03 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by RON
    Mmaximus25 did you make a post about your gyno treatment. I would be very interested in checking it out if so. Post a link if you can (I'm a lazy bastard). I agree about the aromasin vs ldex. Nolva has done wonders for me in removing stubborn fat in my chest but I have no lump.
    I hadn't posted the full trial and error of my ordeal only single post here and there... I just posted this hopefully to get input from other’s and their experiences

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