edit: It's my first cycle, 27 years old, I am now cycling dianabol with test, using an AI, and have a PCT. it's my first cycle. I am also going to cut down dbol amount to 20mg a day while on test. any advice and tips are appreciated.
edit: It's my first cycle, 27 years old, I am now cycling dianabol with test, using an AI, and have a PCT. it's my first cycle. I am also going to cut down dbol amount to 20mg a day while on test. any advice and tips are appreciated.
Last edited by dudem91; 08-31-2018 at 04:26 AM.
Thanks for saying so, I may get testosterone if I have the funds then. Nonetheless, is pregnenolone a good idea on steroids/dianabol?
thanks man. why should i be on test with dianabol? i've heard being only on dianabol isn't necessarily all that bad. i have already noticed boosts and i'm only 3 days in
Well it's going to take a while for you to feel the shut down.
In about 12 more days, that boosts going to feel like it took something from you
Any exogenous aas is enough to signal the hpta to stop producing test, but nothing but test is bioidentical enough to replace it
should i wait till the cycle is over before taking aromatase inhibitor?
25 days of 40mg/day dbol alone should be just enough to really screw you up. Report back with how you feel when your "cycle" is done. It might help others to not make the same mistake.
No, dbol aromatises like 10x more than test does.
Dbol is basically test on steroids in that respect
All AAS is based off testosterone with added molecules here or there to structurely alter then and make them different.
Though nothing will be used in place of test by your body, other than test.
You should have been on AI since day 2 of the dbol. You should have been on test from day one.
Any strength increase yet? And more noticeable definition or muscle separation?
Or did you just get over all slightly bigger?
i'm slightly bigger. felt stronger on day 1, though it may have been because i wasn't fasting. started my inhibitor, feel a lot more emotionally stable. test comes tommorow. only been on for 4/5 days or so hopefully the negative effects are relatively negligible.
is it normal/expected that i felt better once i started the AI? after a couple of days of dbol alone, i started feeling kind of depressed and emotionally volatile. but i started AI and now that's subsided.
should i expect to feel any different once i add testosterone?
You will feel like super man, given e2 is in check
I'm more on the lines these days of lower dosed test if other compounds are in the cycle.
I'm running dbol for the first time in September, although mine is injectable dbol.
I just really like pinning, as odd as that sounds
Maybe it's mental, or whatever but once that needle leaves my body I feel on top of the world. Like "moohoohehehaha, just took my jeckle juice, time to go monster some weights"
Are there any foods to lower estrogen also?
If you have come here to only want answers that suit you , then just go on with your “cycle”
Too many people come here not seeking advice but more so wanting to hear what they want to hear.
First off ...
It’s your FIRST cycle, which means you should and only be using a testosterone base.
If you have done the research and are aware of dbol then add it in at 20-30mg a day the most. 40mg is a lot for a beginner.
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Don’t exceed 4-5 weeks max
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Dbol is suppressive to your natural production of Test. Right now, you have natural Test in your body + Dbol. It's a great combo, right? You feel good, you're getting stronger, you're putting on size, etc. In a week or two, you're level of Test will drop since Dbol is suppressive. Now you just have Dbol in your system. There's not Test to maintain your HPTA and to interact with your liver to produce the hormones necessary for building muscle and regulating other essential hormones like estrogen. Your body chemicals can go out of whack and you may start to feel some negative sides. Some may be emotional like depression and other maybe physical like hard acne.
Anyways, you always want to run exogenous Test with an oral since you need to regulate the hormones in your body. Even Test/Dbol isn't enough. You need an aromatize inhibitor, HCG, and a good PCT. You're not getting a good start on your cycle. I would just stop right now. Plan a good cycle, collect all your gear, and then start.
You're partially mistaken - I have been on dbol for 6 days, and test is coming tommorow.. I already have an aromatase inhibitor, and a PCT. I've been on the aromatase inhibitor a few days and it's been keeping me fairly emotionally stable. So given that I'm getting test tommorow, already got hormone support, I think the cycle should work out okay, maybe not as good as if I'd prepared 100% properly, but I'll salvage most of it. Thank you guys for keeping me in check though, otherwise I probably would have screwed myself over. Respect.
As advised earlier stop the dbol strait away. By all means run the test when you get it but only run one compound - test.
okay, i'll run test and try it on it's own. hopefully that goes good. i read the FAQ btw
will the AI help prevent shutdown or is shutdown just guaranteed anyway?
Attachment 174039
No AI just keeps estrogen in check, if dosed proper. Too much you will crash estrogen and be shitty feeling. And achy joints.
All, i repeat ALL steroids will have you shut down. Done more instantly than others. But 2 weeks on any compounds will shut you down.
I really want you to read about the negative feed back loop.
I'm from the school of thought that I want to know why the advice I'm being told is the way it is, instead of just blindly following advice.
Also what do you have for PCT?
if it's not 1575mg clomid (clomiphene) and 700mg Nolvadex (tamoxifen) you need these drugs and those amounts.
It doesn’t matter if your test is coming tomorrow or Monday or Tuesday ...
The point everyone is making is you are running dbol without test.
EVERYONE is saying to stop now and start all over once you have everything in place. You are truly not taking what experienced people are suggesting and just continually just doing what you want
Dbol is a pretty harsh oral especially running it at 40mg a days ESPECIALLY WITHOUT TEST.
Test and dbol should be started together.
And this is your first cycle; why would you want to have a first shitty cycle. Do things to a standard to see how your body reacts and then experiment with other compounds later to see how you respond to each ..
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The only advice I'm going to add... is before you started introducing hormones into your buddy and following your buddies advice to take Dbol on its own... You should have educated yourself
You're obviously not listening to what anyone here is saying.. So when you're hip deep in shit... because you will do something else stupid in the future with these substances.. Don't come here complaining or asking for others to help fix what you could of avoided.
Relax, I've been paying attention, reading the FAQs and making adjustments. Don't need a bunch of people flexing their advanced experience on me and insinuating disaster snarkily when I've already made several attempts to rectify my noob starting point. I'm on test now.
Dude just krrp running the dbol.
You went what, 7 days on dbol then added test
That's not even remotely close to "disasterous".
Some cycled are even purposely planned out that way.
Run your test and dbol how you planned.
A dbol front load is one of the most common cycle plans there is.
I'm going to run this:
Test 400 per week with a prop front load daily at 25mg fir the first week with the test 400 and 30mg dbol. Daily.
You'll be fine. In fact I'd be surprised if you even felt any different if you run test from day 1 with Dbol.
I'd just double up on test this week.
Also fellas, you've been up this dude's ass hardcore. He's Been chill the whole time.
No Neef to rub his face in shit daily untill he snaps back, then you'll call him a troll or tell him to GTFO
Courtesy is rare these days, huh....?
Thumbs up to you Couchlockd. No hostility to these dudes but to be fair a lot of their replies were based off the initial first post without scrolling down and it got redundant.
Joking aside. He has taken what has been said and made adjustments so there is some hope. I would like to ask what his diet and training looks like.
Dude... Its not about flexing anything, if you check the steroid section over the years there have been tons of people who do it and ask questions later. Some have caused permanent harm because they didn't educate themselves. I wouldn't try skydiving solo if I didn't know how to pack a parachute...
So keep reading and reading... Also listen to your body and mental state whilst you're on cycle... If a problem occurs don't just blow through the stop sign.
Also mr. Makaveli you don't have to run off every new guy that comes here with questions and advice like members of this board are what keeps this place afloat do you not want this place to be around by chasing people off?
It's just going to be the same guys talking about hit training in the dungeon in the board generates no traffic because it's stale, mean and standoffish
Why don't you lighten up a little bit man?
The place is the same as it was eight years ago.. People not educating themselves and only wanting answers they wish to hear. I don't have issues with people asking questions, my issue is people only listening to what they want to hear.
I'd personally prefer the board to be busy, devoid of idiots wanting fast bodies and without consequences. But... That's not going to happen is it, so I'll settle for devoid of idiots.
Quality over quantity for me. But perhaps your right, I need to be more patient.
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