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  1. #1


    Hi this is my first cycle. I have 20ml of test and 20ml of stana from alpha pharma. What can i do with it?
    I was thinking:
    Week 1-10 Test p (350mg EOD)
    Week 2-8 Stana (50mg ED)

    PCT 3 Weeks clomid and novladex

    Any info would be appreciated

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    aka m.hornbuckle
    Quote Originally Posted by Stevenh93 View Post
    Hi this is my first cycle. I have 20ml of test and 20ml of stana from alpha pharma. What can i do with it?
    I was thinking:
    Week 1-10 Test p (350mg EOD)
    Week 2-8 Stana (50mg ED)

    PCT 3 Weeks clomid and novladex

    Any info would be appreciated
    You only have enough test to run 350mg per week for 5.5 weeks

    If you run it 350 EOD, that's only enough for 10 days...

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    You only have enough test to run 350mg per week for 5.5 weeks

    If you run it 350 EOD, that's only enough for 10 days...
    Apologies, I have another 2 bottles on the way. Should have mentioned. And 350 test a week not EOD gosh im noob. A lot tell me ditch the stana. I presume it won't do much damage if I only run it for recommended 6 weeks.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Stevenh93 View Post
    Apologies, I have another 2 bottles on the way. Should have mentioned. And 350 test a week not EOD gosh im noob. A lot tell me ditch the stana. I presume it won't do much damage if I only run it for recommended 6 weeks.
    Definitely drop the winny, test only first cycle.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by guitarzan View Post
    Definitely drop the winny, test only first cycle.
    Why do you say that

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Too much AAS, not enough ancillaries or PCT.

    Read this and follow it

  7. #7
    [QUOTE=Back In Black;7406211]Too much AAS, not enough ancillaries or PCT.

    Read this and follow it

    Decided to scratch the stana after reading that link. Dont you think pct Is now enough for just the test. Maybe hgc is necessary?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    Too much AAS, not enough ancillaries or PCT.

    Read this and follow it

    Decided to scratch the stana after reading that link. Dont you think pct Is now enough for just the test. Maybe hgc is necessary?
    Follow the PCT protocol as it is written in that thread. Also add arimidex 0.25 eod.
    HCG is not a necessarity but it does surely help you to recover faster if you use it DURING cycle since it stimulates the testicles to produce testosterone.
    While on cycle your HPTA is shutdown, and HCG, at least, keeps your testicles alive. I highly recommend you to use it.
    Please do not run HCG on PCT, it is known to shut the HPTA down. And you do the PCT to kickstart HPTA. Do you see the contradiction?
    Last edited by The God Himself; 09-08-2018 at 04:00 AM.

  9. #9
    [QUOTE=The God Himself;7407053]
    Quote Originally Posted by Stevenh93 View Post

    Follow the PCT protocol as it is written in that thread. Also add arimidex 0.25 eod.
    HCG is not a necessarity but it does surely help you to recover faster if you use it DURING cycle since it stimulates the testicles to produce testosterone.
    While on cycle your HPTA is shutdown, and HCG, at least, keeps your testicles alive. I highly recommend you to use it.
    Please do not run HCG on PCT, it is known to shut the HPTA down. And you do the PCT to kickstart HPTA. Do you see the contradiction?
    I do see the contradiction. No HCG is being run. Not the riskiest move but sure I'll be fine. PCT will be as thread suggests.

    Today is my 5th day on cycle.
    125mg EOD
    Strength gains are noticeable. Endurance has increased. Motivation definitely. Put on about 1kg in less than a week diet is in check. Look and feel a lot leaner. Standard bloat is gone thinking because of diet. All in all feeling great. Was dreading my first pin and now I can not wait for the next. Shoulders were good. Right one had slight pip no dramas though. Right but cheek yesterday was perfect didn't feel it and no pip.

    Very happy chappy over here. Should be looking and feel 100% for hawaii in December hahahaha

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Arctic Circle
    HCG is necessary, it mimics two important hormones (FSH and LH) which are shut down in the pressence of exogenous testosterone. You aren't psychic so you have no way to know that you would be "fine" without HCG. There is zero logic to thinking I won't need A, B, or C because I think I will be fine. On top of that, HCG also prevents your balls from turning into raisins. At 5 days in and two injections the test prop hasn't even really kicked in yet. The gains are from as you stated, an increase in motivation - which is a common trap people face because then they get into the mindset that they only give 110% when on gear, translating into losing everything when PCT finishes. Whether or not you are on steroids should have zero effect on your motivation if you want to be the best you can. It should be 110% every single day, otherwise you have only yourself to blame for not reaching your goals.

    Putting on 1kg of weight in less than 7 days with only 2 pins of Test Prop means your diet is actually not in check despite what you think. Seems like you were in a rush to start the cycle and have been taking shortcuts, perhaps to get your "hawaii body". You also didn't plan out your cycle properly if you are taking a vacation in December. 10 Weeks of Test Prop + 3-4 days before starting PCT + 4 weeks of PCT means you will be finished at the first week of December. How do you plan to treat any health complications that might arise following your cycle if you are on the beach? How are you going to keep your gains when you won't be in control of your diet and limited to food on a resort / hotel?
    Last edited by Windex; 09-09-2018 at 03:28 PM.

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