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Thread: Steroid Advice for starting First Cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2018
    United States

    Smile Steroid Advice for starting First Cycle

    Hello all,

    I'm new here to the forum. Am a 24 year old male, 205lbs, 6'0" living in the United States. I am fairly active with weekly jogs, and used to wrestle for 4 years. Have always had a bit of flab on my stomach/love handles, despite my sturdy frame/wrestler's build.

    Have decided to begin the journey to starting a testosterone cycle and wanted to get some advice, as I'm not exactly sure how to get started.

    1. I've been to a doctor and they didn't want to prescribe me what I had asked for. Where can I find safe, pharmaceutical grade steroids without a prescription? Or does anyone have any doctor recommendations in South Florida where I'd be able to obtain a prescription?

    2. My goal is to cut the belly flab I have and bulk up (primarily arms and pecs). My lower body would benefit, but I'm satisfied where they are now - calves are very toned, and my thighs are a nice size/have tone. Which steroids would you recommend for cutting fat, building muscle?

    3. A concern of mine is the effect of testicle shrinkage and other issues in that department. Is there anything that I can take in conjunction with the cycle that would help protect my testicle shape, size, and operation? Would like to keep a sperm count where I can have kids sometime in my early 30s. Moreover, is there anything that I can take to help minimize potential hair loss as a result of the cycles? (Hair loss doesn't really run in my family - most male family members died old with a full head of hair).

    4. How long is a cycle? How often should I dose? Should I take breaks? I would like to take steroids/testosterone for about 3-6 months (not really trying to be a bodybuilder or anything like that - just want to improve my overall physical appearance).

    5. Finally, my tools and everything down there is fine, however, I don't have any body hair, save for my groin, legs, and some on my face. Chest and stomach are completely smooth. Underarms have a few strands, as if I didn't complete that part of puberty. My face doesn't grow much facial hair, and my voice isn't as deep as I would like. With testosterone (and any other steroids - please list if you know any), how soon would I be able to see results, like facial/hair body growth, voice deepening, muscle development, etc.?

    Sorry for the novel of a thread, but I'm a beginner, and would like to do this as safely as possible. I truly appreciate all the advice!!

    Thanks so much,
    Last edited by GoldenEye; 09-05-2018 at 12:20 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    You don’t mention that you lift weights. Only jogging. Is that right?

    Steroids won’t really burn fat and build muscle at the same diet. Your diet will dictate your results. If you need help with that please head to our diet section.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    At your age and not an avid weight lifter, I don't see how you will benefit.

    You are young, add weights to your routine and diet for results. After maxing out your natural athletic potential and you still want to take it to the next level (after a couple of years), then? ... maybe ... your still young.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2018
    United States
    I lifted weight more while I wrestled (2009-2012). Mostly cardio now, with 2-3 days of weights each week.

    I’d like to boost my growth potential, but would also like some of the changes in male sex characteristics, as well (I.e. deeper voice, more facial/body hair growth)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by GoldenEye View Post
    I lifted weight more while I wrestled (2009-2012). Mostly cardio now, with 2-3 days of weights each week.

    I’d like to boost my growth potential, but would also like some of the changes in male sex characteristics, as well (I.e. deeper voice, more facial/body hair growth)
    You can boost your growth potential by focusing on lifting and a better diet.

    There is no guarantee that cycling will increase any hair growth (more likely hair loss) or deepen your voice. You are choosing the wrong reasons to use AAS.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    I didn’t read
    Through that huge amount of stuff you spoke on but I have read on some things that people make remarks too.

    My opinion ... just eat clean and lift weights.

    AAS is not for you brother.
    The point of using TRT / AAS is more so a lifestyle and not something you use to deepen a voice or grow some hair.

    Unless you want to make training with weights a lifestyle , I wouldn’t touch anything AAS related. You are still pretty young so think about it before you jump the gun

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2018
    There are stickies on this forum that you really need to read. I don't remember the names of them but there is one that talks about what to do for your first cycle.

    To the best of my knowledge (though I suppose I could be wrong) there is no such thing as bulking or cutting steroids. It is completely dependent on your diet. I think that there are some that just work faster than others with different side effects than others.

    If you aren't lifting weights, you don't need to touch AAS.

    We cannot recommend sources for steroids since that's asking to get scammed. I'd be willing to point you in vaguely the right direction of where you could start looking, but you are FAR too uninformed about steroids for me to have a good conscious about doing that. You need to do A LOT of research on this topic. I personally did months of research (sporadically, when I had time) before ever even posting on the forums, and I've been doing that for a few months and have learned a TON. I'll just be starting my first cycle in the next week or two, and that's only after spending probably 8-9 months researching this topic AND diet. This is not something to jump into lightly.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2018
    United States
    Thank you all for your advice.

    I would be willing to make lifting/AAS a lifestyle and stick to it. Just looking for advice and a few stepping stones to get started.

    If this is what is necessary to have a more optimal physical appearance, I’ll gladly make this a long-term, consistent lifestyle.

    Is anyone here from Florida? Would be cool to meet folks in person to help coach/guidebme through, be workout buddies, etc.

  9. #9
    Goldeneye, I have to say that everyone here thanks you for asking these questions prior to just jumping in. So good job for doing some due diligence.

    This is a fantastic thread that was written by one of the members I have come to respect a lot from his teachings, knowledge and experience.
    Start here would be my advice

    One thing I want to emphasize since you mentioned not lifting since your sports days. ( unless I misunderstood you)

    “I believe that at an absolute minimum, 2 years of consistent training is vital. Preferably 3 years or more.”

    If you really are ready to make lifting and AAS a way of life as you have mentioned than an extra couple years isn’t going to hurt, in fact it absolutely will help you get more out of AAS when you go down that path.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Southern California
    Quote Originally Posted by GoldenEye View Post
    Thank you all for your advice.

    I would be willing to make lifting/AAS a lifestyle and stick to it. Just looking for advice and a few stepping stones to get started.

    If this is what is necessary to have a more optimal physical appearance, I’ll gladly make this a long-term, consistent lifestyle.

    Is anyone here from Florida? Would be cool to meet folks in person to help coach/guidebme through, be workout buddies, etc.
    Get natural gains first, get into a routine and live the lifestyle for a couple years before starting AAS.
    If you want the name of a good coach PM me. My coach is on the east coast (US) but has clients all over. He can guide you in your workout routine, cardio, diet, supplements, and AAS. I couldn't have achieved my physique without him despite 30 years of training experience and 43 years of dieting on my own. I was very knowledgeableand disciplinedbefore hiring him, but having a professional coach made the difference for me. My avatar pic is me at age 50 after 6-7 months of his coaching but before touching steroids.
    Best wishes!

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