Hello all,
I'm new here to the forum. Am a 24 year old male, 205lbs, 6'0" living in the United States. I am fairly active with weekly jogs, and used to wrestle for 4 years. Have always had a bit of flab on my stomach/love handles, despite my sturdy frame/wrestler's build.
Have decided to begin the journey to starting a testosterone cycle and wanted to get some advice, as I'm not exactly sure how to get started.
1. I've been to a doctor and they didn't want to prescribe me what I had asked for. Where can I find safe, pharmaceutical grade steroids without a prescription? Or does anyone have any doctor recommendations in South Florida where I'd be able to obtain a prescription?
2. My goal is to cut the belly flab I have and bulk up (primarily arms and pecs). My lower body would benefit, but I'm satisfied where they are now - calves are very toned, and my thighs are a nice size/have tone. Which steroids would you recommend for cutting fat, building muscle?
3. A concern of mine is the effect of testicle shrinkage and other issues in that department. Is there anything that I can take in conjunction with the cycle that would help protect my testicle shape, size, and operation? Would like to keep a sperm count where I can have kids sometime in my early 30s. Moreover, is there anything that I can take to help minimize potential hair loss as a result of the cycles? (Hair loss doesn't really run in my family - most male family members died old with a full head of hair).
4. How long is a cycle? How often should I dose? Should I take breaks? I would like to take steroids/testosterone for about 3-6 months (not really trying to be a bodybuilder or anything like that - just want to improve my overall physical appearance).
5. Finally, my tools and everything down there is fine, however, I don't have any body hair, save for my groin, legs, and some on my face. Chest and stomach are completely smooth. Underarms have a few strands, as if I didn't complete that part of puberty. My face doesn't grow much facial hair, and my voice isn't as deep as I would like. With testosterone (and any other steroids - please list if you know any), how soon would I be able to see results, like facial/hair body growth, voice deepening, muscle development, etc.?
Sorry for the novel of a thread, but I'm a beginner, and would like to do this as safely as possible. I truly appreciate all the advice!!
Thanks so much,