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  1. #1
    Dirtyleg26 is offline New Member
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    Aug 2017

    Military athlete endurance cycle.

    Hello ladies and gents.
    So trying to shoot for a cycle to increase my endurance. I will be doing alot of running, rucking and lifting. I have a lot of experience training to be in competitive military shape so the training aspect should be no issue. I have some experience with testosterone and I did get leg pumps from it and I felt like I was retaining water even though I was doing 80 miles of week or so.

    My stats
    5’11 215 body fat approx 21 or so.
    Goals are to have lean muscle mass and get lean the lighter the better. I’d like to get down to 190-200lbs. Trying to refine and better dose myself and educate myself.

    Test how much a week and for how long?
    Should I do equipoise ?
    Post cycle nolvadex or clomid?
    And what to take during cycle and when?
    Thanks any help would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    HoldMyBeer is offline Productive Member
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    May 2018
    nolva AND clomid
    PCT and other IMPORTANT details outlined here:
    A lot of people will say you should not run a cycle above 15% body fat for health reasons. Don't you get tested in the military?
    I've never heard anything good about EQ. Winstrol maybe?
    Thank you for your service

  3. #3
    Dirtyleg26 is offline New Member
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    Aug 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by HoldMyBeer View Post
    nolva AND clomid
    PCT and other IMPORTANT details outlined here:
    A lot of people will say you should not run a cycle above 15% body fat for health reasons. Don't you get tested in the military?
    I've never heard anything good about EQ. Winstrol maybe?
    Thank you for your service
    Lol we don’t get tested cost way to much money for them to do that. Unless you are highly suspected. And it’s not really frowned upon. But I’m a health individual that works outs on a regular basis and stays active just trying to get back in the band wagon.

  4. #4
    Arcânn's Avatar
    Arcânn is offline Associate Member
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    I can speak from experience that the military doesn't test for AAS unless they specifically suspect you. And even then, it has to be REALLY obvious. I was in with a few people that everyone, including the higher ups, knew was on AAS and no one ever got tested. I think a general would have to see someone 6'2 at 280 lbs and 8% BF with his shirt off before someone got tested for that.

    That being said, to the best of my understanding, AAS actually hurt your muscular endurance, although they seem to improve general energy levels at the same time. Someone more experienced can chime in on that.

    I suppose relatively low doses could be good for your purposes, but there's a lot on this forum you should read before considering that.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Dirtyleg26 View Post
    Hello ladies and gents.
    So trying to shoot for a cycle to increase my endurance. I will be doing alot of running, rucking and lifting. I have a lot of experience training to be in competitive military shape so the training aspect should be no issue. I have some experience with testosterone and I did get leg pumps from it and I felt like I was retaining water even though I was doing 80 miles of week or so.

    My stats
    5’11 215 body fat approx 21 or so.
    Goals are to have lean muscle mass and get lean the lighter the better. I’d like to get down to 190-200lbs. Trying to refine and better dose myself and educate myself.

    Test how much a week and for how long?
    Should I do equipoise ?
    Post cycle nolvadex or clomid?
    And what to take during cycle and when?
    Thanks any help would be appreciated.
    Just run a Test only cycle. You'll get plenty of strength and the endurance will come from your training.

  6. #6
    The God Himself's Avatar
    The God Himself is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Sep 2017
    Your BF is high, make sure you adjust your AI dose accordingly due to a higher rate of aromatization. This could be reason for the water retention in your cycle history.

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